01 • Hello Whitechapel

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Early Authors Note:
Before I start, I'd like to mention,
1. I am not Canadian, or American. I'm Australian, so excuse my lack of knowledge.
2. This story starts from Blue Moon: Season 1 Episode 4, and carries on through the series. Just so you know!
3. The Werewolves referred to in this story are heavily based off of those from "Teen Wolf"

 The Werewolves referred to in this story are heavily based off of those from "Teen Wolf"

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Chapter 1 -
Hello Whitechapel

The names Abigail Chase. Recently turned 17, and I've finally returned to my hometown of Whitechapel after being gone for a few years.

As every cliché movie would say, I'm not an average girl, I'm a - well I can't really sugar coat this, now can I? I'm a werewolf, and not a very hairy one or anything, thank God.

My eyes wander around the front yard of Whitechapel's only High School for Erica and Sarah, the two girls I had become friends with back in middle school before I dropped everything and ran.

My eyes lock onto two boys in a headlock with a hairy, clearly fitting the jock stereotype, guy holding them. I raise my eyebrow as I watch from afar, what the hell? Using one great ability werewolves have, super hearing, I listen from afar,

"Ow! Ethan, talk to me, buddy... Are you ok?" The one in the blue shirt asks, struggling,

"Yeah, I'm great!" The other male, Ethan I assume, replies sarcastically,

"Nothing like starting the day in someone's armpit!" He adds, struggling. I can't help but laugh at the situation and ignore the odd sense of familiarity buried deep in my heart.

I decide to focus on trying to find Sarah and Erica, my eyes searching through the courtyard for any sign of the two. From the corner of my eye, I see Ethan and his friend get released.

I enter through the schools front doors, my feet moving a little too fast for it to be seen as causal, and decide to go to the front office for my basic High School information, such as time tables and locker numbers.

Taking what I need with a polite, "Thank you." I continue my search through the halls,

"Why is this so difficult..." I think out loud. The hallways all look the same with their white walls and blue lockers, all teenagers faces melding into a large blob of unfamiliarity.

My eyes land on a young girl, her dark skin blending with her dark hair. I can't help but find her gorgeous, and I stop as I realise:

Holy shit! It's Sarah!

I practically skip over, tripping over my feet a tad, and smile standing in front of Sarah. Sarah's eyes move away from the boy, who faintly resembles Ethan, she was talking with and meet my eyes. She studies my face for a moment before she squeals and wraps her arms around me.

"Abigail!" She screams, rocking us back and forth, refusing to even let me breathe.

"Sarah!" I reply, my breath coming short. She pulls away from me, her smile still shining brighter than several suns, and turns toward the two boys she was talking with,

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now