Chapter 3-"I Don't Drink."

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     "Bella! Are you ready to go?" Naomi calls from the small bathroom.
    "Yeah." I yell back. Naomi exits the bathroom, oozing with confidence. Her dyed blonde hair is slightly curled, and her eye makeup is dark, and dramatic. Bold red lipstick  colors her pouty lips. Her dress looks suffocatingly tight, stopping mid thigh.
    "That's what your wearing?" Naomi scoffs at me. I didn't think that I looked that terrible, but apparently, I was wrong. I inspect my blue jeans and baggy top, suddenly feeling even more insecure than usual.
    "You can't be seen with me like that." Naomi snaps, strolling over to my chest of clothes, and pulling out what she thinks appropriate attire for this occasion. I am too nervous to speak. This party is a bad idea, and I desperately think of an excuse to get myself out of it.
    "Wear this." She instructs, shoving the clothes that she's picked out into my arms. I reluctantly nod, and stalk into the bathroom. Once I've finished changing, I examine my reflection. Naomi has put me in tight jeans, and an even tighter white tank top. I feel bare. I refuse to allow myself any sex appeal, and once out of the bathroom, quickly grab a purple cardigan. Naomi rolls her eyes at my desperation for being covered, and we head out the door.
      Two girls that look identical to Naomi, named Lily and Eve drive us to the party. My eyes dart nervously back and forth, afraid of being caught leaving campus.
    "Calm down." Naomi rolls her eyes. "Students are allowed off campus during the weekend." She says, reading my thoughts.

    We arrive at the party, and it seems to be in full swing. As soon as the four of us walk through the door, all eyes find us. Boys whistle, and girls shoot envious glares. I feel my heart thump loudly in my chest, overwhelmed and uncomfortable. Naomi guides us over to a small group of about six, including both boys and girls.
    "Heyy guys!" Naomi sings. They all happily greet her.
    "Who's this?" A blonde guy asks, nodding his head at me. I feel the heat rush to my face, and I flash a weak smile.
    "This is Bella." Naomi introduces me, slinging an arm around my shoulder as if we're old friends. I watch as the boy's eyes rake up and down my body, and I want to puke. He stands, and offers me a slight smirk.
    "So Bella, can I get you a drink?" He asks.
    "Oh no, I-" I begin to protest, but am cut off by him grabbing my wrist and pulling me into a large kitchen. I watch as he opens me a beer, pours it into a plastic red cup, and hands it to me.
    "I don't drink." I say, and he laughs in response, deeming my protest more humorous than serious.
    "I'm Dylan, by the way." He smiles genuinely. I nod my head, looking around the room, and without thinking, put the red cup to my lips and take a small sip. As soon as the alcohol slips down my throat I want to gag at the memories that come flooding into my mind. I feel tears welling up in my eyes, drop the cup, and rush back over to Naomi. I blink the tears away as I approach the group of people, a confused Dylan following.
    "Come on, Naomi! Let's go!" Eve tugs at Naomi's arm.
    "Where are you going?" I ask, earning a giggle from Eve.
    "To really get this party started." Naomi says, cocking an eyebrow. "You wanna come?" She asks. No. I don't want to go, I want to go back into my dorm room, and stare at the ceiling. I want to count the cracks in the cement wall, and name one bad thing in my life for each one. But what choice do I have? I only know Naomi here. I reluctantly agree, following their group up a staircase and into a small room.
    "Close the door, Kyle." Lily says, and a short brunette guy does as told. Kyle pulls a joint from his pocket, and lights it up, each group member taking a hit. Once it reaches me, I politely decline, and pass it to the next person. As the joint makes its journey throughout the room, Naomi pulls a small packet from her pocket, and my stomach drops. She flicks the minuscule bag, white powder dancing in the contained space.
    "Bella, you wanna line?" She smirks at me. My head spins, and all I can think about is leaving. I back away, finding the door handle behind me. I swing the door open, and run out without once looking back. I run down the hallway, on the verge of tears. I approach the first door that I see, and burst through it. I stand in a small bedroom. I close the door, and my breathes become shaky and uneven. I need to compose myself. Suddenly I hear the sound of running water, coming from behind a closed door. A few moments later, the door swings open.
    "What are you doing in here?" A deep voice asks, I turn to face whoever it is that has questioned me. It's Harry Styles.

Twitter: @slamminstyles :)

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