Chapter 16-Crashing Down

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There is a knock on the door at exactly six o'clock.
  "It's open!" I call, scurrying into the bathroom to finish my makeup. I hear the door hinges creak as Harry walks into my room, sitting down on my bed as he patiently waits for me. I stroll out of the bathroom a few minutes later, and Harry shoots up from his seated position. His eyes widen slightly, drinking in my appearance. His gaze raking down my body, I suddenly feel vulnerable, and exposed. I smooth out my top, and look up at Harry.
  "Um, are you ready?" I ask. He clears his throat, collecting himself, as he nods.

  Harry drives us to the party, anxieties pooling in my stomach as the car pulls up in front of the large house.
  "You ok?" Harry questions me. I offer him a weak smile.
  "Mhm." Harry looks unconvinced, skeptically eyeing me, as I shift uncomfortably in my seat. "We should, uh, go inside." I break his gaze, worriedly twiddling my thumbs. If it were up to me, I would turn the car around, and drive back onto the school campus. I would dive under the comfort of my blankets, and block  the world out, allowing self pity, and flash backs of him to devour me entirely. But, this was Harry's idea of a good evening, and something deep within me feels an overwhelming desire to please him. Maybe it's because of how at ease I feel whenever in his presence, or the security that he brings me. Either way, I'm desperate to keep him around. Harry makes no attempt at moving, so I do. I pull the metal handle of the car door, swinging it open, as I hop out. A chilly October breeze hits my exposed neck, and I shiver. Harry joins me in the front lawn, his hand finding the small of my back as he guides me inside.

  As soon as we step into the crowded space, Harry is greeted by dozens of intoxicated teenagers.
  "Hey Harry!"
  "Harry, you made it!"
  "Good to see ya, Harry!"
  "Harry, my man!"
He makes no attempt to converse with our classmates, simply nodding at them, whilst continuing to motion me in the direction of his friends. We reach the small group, and Harry draws their attention.
  "Guys, this is Bella." He introduces me. A blush creeps onto my cheeks as they all focus on me. They don't look as I would have pictures them to be. They look..normal. Ever since Naomi warned me to stay away from Harry, I'd assumed his friend group would be equally as intimidating as he was, but they all seem friendly. A brunette sticks his hand out to me.
  "Nice to meet you, Bella. I'm Louis." I shake his hand, his tight grip squeezing my small one.
  "Bella, I'm going to get a drink. I'll be right back." Harry tells me, and I nod. I watch as he maneuvers through the mounds of people, disappearing into the crowd towards the direction of the kitchen.
  "So, you and Harry are...friends?" Louis tests me. I am about to correct him, when I realize that I am not sure of our relationship status. Are we friends? We've kissed twice, and we slept in the same bed last night, but what does that mean? Are we dating? No. We can't be.
  "Yeah, we're friends." I conclude. He nods in understanding, his brown fringe shaking with each movement.
  "I'm impressed. Harry doesn't usually warm up to people as easily as he's warmed up to you." I'm informed. A heat rises to my face, and a smile creeps onto my lips. Something about that statement shines an inexplainable warmth to my body, soaring through every inch of me. What does that mean? Am I special to Harry? Do I provoke the same feelings of security and happiness in him as he does in me?
  "What did I miss?" A deep voice speaks loudly over the pumping music. I turn and find Harry behind me, holding two red cups in between his long fingers. He hands one out to me, and I accept it. One drink won't hurt.
  I sit on a leather couch beside Harry and surrounded by his group of friends. We all talk, and laugh, and joke. Harry repeatedly goes into the kitchen to supply us all with more alcohol. His friends are all such great company, telling me embarrassing stories of Harry, much to his dismay. Each time I take a sip of the beverage provided, I feel lighter. The alcohol pumping throughout my bloodstream temporarily providing me with an inability to think of anything besides this moment. No flashbacks, no dangerous thoughts, no darkness. I have not been greeted with such contentedness since before I'd met him.
  Hours pass, and after countless drinks, my adrenaline is at an all time high. I jump from the leather couch, and pull Harry with me.
  "Where are we going?" He chuckles, obviously just as intoxicated as I am. My whole body feels electric, and an unfathomable energy surges through me. I need to release it. Without an explanation, I drag Harry to the middle of the room, sweating bodies surround us, grinding together to the throbbing music pulsing throughout the house.
  "Dance with me!" I laugh. He complies, holding my hands as I childishly jump around. He isn't doing much dancing, just swaying back and forth, as I bounce around, and spin in continuous circles. I know I must look like a complete fool, but I couldn't care less, in this moment, I am happy. Girls in tight dresses eye Harry up and down hungrily, but he pays no mind to them. Instead, he smiles down on me, as I joyously sway my hips, laughing at my ridiculous excuses for dance moves. My entire brain feels fuzzy, but I can't say that I'm not enjoying it. It makes me feel looser, more free. After what feels like hours of dancing, Harry grabs my waist gently.
  "Alright, I think you're all worn out." He teases, as my actions begin to become slower. I am completely out of breath, and worn out. I nod in agreement, and Harry grabs my waist gently. "Can we talk outside?" He whispers into my ear.
  "Yeah." I slur, and then begin to giggle at how funny my voice sounds. Harry guides me outside onto the patio. I chill runs through me, as I picture the last time I was here. Dylan has kissed me, and I had had an intense flashback. I wipe the memory from my mind in an attempt to keep the feeling of lightness to overpower all other emotions. Harry sits me down on a wooden chair, and it's only then when I realize how dizzy I am. I should not have had such a large intake of alcohol.
  "Are you ok?" He looks concerned, as well as utterly intoxicated. I nod.
  "I'm fine." I assure him. "What did you wanna talk about?" He takes a deep breath.
  "Ok, so I-"
  "Harry?!" A high pitched shrill rings throughout my ears. Both of our heads snap in the direction of the interjecting screech. Harry rolls his eyes, and under his breath he mutters,
"Here we go." A gangling blonde saunters towards us. Skankily clad in a tight blue dress, and large heels, she envelops Harry in a tight hug. Maybe it's the alcohol rushing through the entirety of my body, but jealous bursts inside of me, and I am suddenly feeling very intimidated by this girl. Her face is weighed down by pounds of makeup, but she definitely isn't ugly.
  "How is it that I haven't seen you once since school started?" She squeals into Harry's ear. He winces a bit before shrugging.
  "I dunno." He responds simply. The girl's eyes meet mine, and they glance down to my outfit, obviously judging me. I feel insignificant.
  "Who's this?" She asks flatly.
  "I'm Bella." I smile.
  "Shelby." She responds before turning her attention back to Harry, who seems uninterested.
  "We have so much to catch up on!" Shelby sings, completely ignoring my presence.
  "Not really." I stifle a giggle at Harry's lack of enthusiasm. Shelby cocks an eyebrow at the curly haired boy in front of her.
  "Actually we do." She snaps, her friendly demeanor drastically shifting. "Have you forgotten about what happened?" Harry's eyes widen at her words, his jaw clenching.
  "Can we talk about this later?" He urges her, his eyes darting back and forth between Shelby and me. Shelby smirks.
  "No lets talk about it now." She whines.
  "I can't talk now. I was in the middle of talking to Bella about something." Harry spits. She crosses her arms over her chest.
  "Come inside with me? Just for five minutes?" She pouts.
  "Please?" She sticks out her bottom lip.
  "We're talking about this now. So, we can either talk about it here, or inside." Looking defeated, Harry reluctantly agrees, promising me a speedy return. He follows Shelby inside of the house, and I am left alone in the darkness. A million thoughts race throughout my mind. Should I be worried? What was Shelby talking about? What happened between them?
  "Hey." A voice says, interrupting my thoughts. I look over to see Louis standing beside me. I smile.
  "Did Harry send you out here to babysit me?" I scoff, and Louis laughs.
  "Yes, actually."
  "Who was that girl that he was talking to?" Louis raises an eyebrow at my apparent jealousy, but says nothing.
  "Who, Shelby? She's no one to worry about. She and Harry had a fling last year, but he ended it because, well, she's annoying as fuck." I giggle at his word choice. "It's not like they snuggled in bed because she was afraid of lightning, or anything." Louis adds, and my face immediately heats up.
  "He told you?" I gush. Louis nods, a grin spreading on his face. I bury my hands in my face, absolutely mortified.
  "I'm so embarrassed!" I groan. Louis chuckles at my misfortune.
  "Don't be, Harry thought it was cute." I lift my head, hope gleaming inside of me.
  "He did?" I ask enthusiastically. He nods.
  "You mean a lot to him." My heart flutters in my chest. Does Harry feel the same way I do? I'm not exactly sure what it is that I feel, but whenever I'm with him, everything feels right. I hop up from the chair, and dash into the house. I have to find out for myself what it is that Harry feels. I have to hear it from him. I search for him in the crowd of people, maneuvering through the sweaty bodies. Excitement builds up inside of me, as I continue my endeavor, and I can't hide the smile gleaming on my face. I turn a sharp corner, and spot his recognizable curls. But as his whole image comes into view, my heart stops. Shelby's fingers loop through his curls, as their lips crash together. All of the happiness that I'd previous felt comes crashing down around me, crumbling beneath my feet. I urge myself to move, but I am unable to. I stand there with my mouth agape, incapable of tearing my eyes away from the scene unraveling in front of me. Harry's eyes open slightly, and his gaze locks with mine. He disconnects their bodies, pulling away from the girl, as he takes a step towards me. I turn away from him, running as fast as my feet will take me. I will myself not to cry until I'm outside. Harry follows me, but my small size poses an advantage, as I squeeze through tiny gaps, making my way towards the front door.
  The cold air hits me as soon as I fling the door open, but I pay no mind. I have no way of getting back to campus, and I have no idea where I am. I take off once more, running down the block in an attempt to get as far away as possible. Only after a few moments of running, the tears come, and once one droplet falls from my eye, I am unable to stop the rest from pouring out.

Thanks for reading!! I'll update again when this chapter gets 5 votes! xo

Twitter: @slamminstyles

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