Chapter 21-Terrifying Truth

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The next morning, I wake to a heaviness resting upon my chest, making it slightly difficult to breath properly. Opening my eyes, sunlight immediately blinds me, the bright rays streaming in through the window, and reflecting directly into my eyes. As I adjust my vision, Harry comes into view, his head resting on my chest, arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I smile to myself, feeling content with the way that we lie, legs entangled, bodies pressed firmly together, hearts beating in sync to a perfect rhythm. I squirm my arms out from under Harry's strong grip, looping my fingers through his voluminous curls, tugging gently at the unruly hair. He groans encouragingly in his sleep.
  "Harry." I whisper, and his eyes open slowly, emerald meeting blue in a delightfully lazy gaze.
  "Good morning." He smiles up at me.
  "Morning." I chirp. Harry lifts his head from its position on my chest, and climbs out of the tiny hospital bed. He rolls his head around his shoulders in an attempt to release his muscles of any strains.
  "I can't believe I'm saying this," Harry's deep, raspy voice draws my attention. "but I miss our beds on campus." I nod in agreement.
  "I thought those beds were small, but this thing is tiny!" I point to the mattress that I am sprawled out on. Harry walks over to me, planting a sweet kiss to my forehead.
"Let's get back to school, yeah?"

It takes longer than necessary for the employees in the emergency facility to allow my discharge, mostly because they all scold Harry for sleeping in the room with me. Once I'm finally granted freedom, Harry and I bolt out the doors before anyone can change their mind. We ride back to school mostly in silence, and I know we are both worried about what punishment we'll receive from our headmaster. Harry would never admit to being fearful, however, and most likely will blame his quietness due to a lack of sleep. Eventually, we arrive back on the grand campus, and my eyes wander around its vast school grounds, it's size never failing to amaze me. It feels as though it's been weeks since I've last been here, though it's only been about 24 hours. I sigh, and turn to look at the curly haired boy, who I've grown so fond of.
  "Ready?" I ask. He nods, assuring me that we'll be fine, and we walk to the dean's office.

  "Bella, Harry." Dr. Sullivan greets us, as we enter his office. His face holds no emotion, which only raises the levels of anxiety pooling within my stomach. We both sit on the uncomfortable wooden chairs sitting directly in front of our headmaster's desk. He folds his arms out in front of him, peering down at the two of us from his large swivel chair.
  "I understand that the two of you left school grounds yesterday." His voice is calm, but an undertone of anger is extremely prominent through his words. I gulp, dropping my head in shame as I nod.
  "Not only is that against policy, but one of you was injured, and ended up in the hospital!" He raises his voice, a vein in his neck bulging out from beneath the tanned skin.
  "I-I know, I-we're so sorry, Dr. Sullivan. We didn't mean for any of this to happen." I plead. Dr. Sullivan isn't hearing any of it, shaking his head in disapproval.
  "Do you not realize that we are responsible for the two of you? Do you not realize how incredibly stupid you were being?! Bella, what if you had been killed?!" He shouts, pounding his fist onto his cherry wood desk. I jump at his loud, unexpected action.
  "I wouldn't have let that happen." Harry snaps in response. I turn my head to face him, silently begging him not to choose this moment to pick a fight.
  "Oh really?" Our headmaster narrows his eyes at the rebellious boy. "When were you planning on saving the day? After the knife cut her skin?!" My breath hitches in my throat at his words, events of yesterday replaying in my mind like a broken record. Harry jumps to his feet.
  "You little-"
  "Harry!" I bud in, and both heads turn to face me. "Sit down." I desperately plead, praying that he'll actually listen to me. Surprisingly he does, and he slumps back into the wooden frame.
  "Bella, your parents have been going crazy, I've been trying to assure them that you're thankfully ok, but I would like you to call them anyway." Dr. Sullivan's voice is much calmer, much more collected. I nod in compliance, not wanting to anger our dean even more, though I am extremely hesitant to phone my family.
  "And you," Dr. Sullivan points to Harry. "I told you that this was your last strike, didn't I? I said, one more screw up, and you're out of here. I know I was doing your mother a favor by letting you come to this school in the first place, but you're too much. This was the last straw, I have to choice but to send you back to England." My heart stops, and I look back and forth between Dr. Sullivan and Harry. Harry's eyes widen as our headmaster's threat takes its toll on him. Before I can overthink what I am about to do, a string of retractable words tumble from my stuttering lips.
  "Don't expel him! It's my fault! It was my idea to leave campus!" Eyes wide and mouth agape, Harry turns his head to face me. I silently beg him to allow me to take the blame, for I wouldn't be able to handle Harry's expulsion. I'm aware of how pathetic that makes me sound, depending my happiness on Harry, and his being apart of my life, but I don't care. In very little time, Harry has managed to weasel his way into my world, and now that I've acknowledged his presence as permanent, I refuse him to leave me that easily.
  "Is that true, Harry?" Dr. Sullivan asks him. Harry breaks eye contact with me, slumping his head down in defeat.
  "Yes." He mumbles. Dr. Sullivan heaves a sigh, leaning back in his large leather chair.
  "Alright Harry, then you're free to leave." Harry says nothing in protest, scooting his chair back against the hardwood floor, and standing to his feet. I avoid eye contact with him a he removes himself from the office.
  "As for you Bella," Dr. Sullivan begins, and I gulp. "seeing as you have a rather...troubling past, with being in a psychiatric hospital over this summer, and with your mother's detailed explanation," I wince at my mother's inability to keep her mouth shut. She feels the need to make her business (or in this case, my business) everyone else's problem. "I am going to let you off with a warning." I release a breath I hadn't realized that I'd been holding in. The previous anxiety I'd felt rolls off of me in waves, and a sense of relief washes over me.
  "Thank you, Dr. Sullivan! Thank you so much!" I gush, unable to hide the smile growing on my lips.
  "I will request that you do call your mother, however." He adds. I promise him that I will, and scurry out the door.
  I walk into the main office, and am surprised to find it empty. Did Harry leave? I'm sure he didn't. He's probably just waiting outside for me. I exit the building, a light breeze slithering up the sleeves of my jacket, chilling me. I tug the garment closer to my body, and search for Harry. He is nowhere in sight, and this confuses me. Would he really just leave after I saved him from expulsion? In a huff, I begin my descent down the stone steps, making my way back to my dorm.
  Almost to the girls' building, I suddenly spot the mop of curly hair resting upon Harry's head. He stands leaning against a tree, talking to a blonde boy whom I have never seen. I contemplate on whether or not I should bud into their conversation, but as I think back to the favor that I'd just done Harry, I believe it fair to expect a thanks from him. I stroll over to them, tugging a piece of long hair behind my ears self consciously.
  "Hey." I greet Harry, and both heads turn to face me. The blonde boy makes no attempt to hide his eyes raking up and down my petite frame.
  "Hi." Is all Harry says, before turning away from me, resuming his conversation. What the hell?
  "Um," I draw their attention once more. Both eyes glare down at me, and I feel that my presence is unwanted. "Are you...?" I'm not sure how to put my thoughts to words. Why is Harry being so cold towards me? What happened to the Harry that cradled me in his arms, promising to never leave me? I just prevented him from being shipped back to another country, and this is how he repays me?
  "Who's this?" The blonde boy asks Harry, nodding his head in my direction.
  "Bella." Harry replies, his voice monotone. Embarrassment tugs at the strings of my heart, and I couldn't feel more pathetic. I had actually begun to think that Harry liked me, and that we were in the beginning stages of a relationship. How could I have been so stupid?
  "I'm Niall." The boy sticks his hand out for me to shake. Politely I do, gripping his large hand in my own. "So, um how do you two know each other?" Niall asks after a few moments of awkward silence.
  "We don't really." My voice cracks, as I try my hardest to withhold the tears threatening to brim over my eyes. Harry says nothing, which only makes my heart hurt more.
  "We should go." He says to Niall. The blonde boy nods in response and the two begin to walk away from me.
  "Nice meeting you, Bella!" Niall calls to me, as the boys escape from my vision.
  I am barely able to hold in my tears, and by the time I reach my dorm, they spill out in an overwhelming abundance.

  I'm so stupid. Stupid, stupid stupid.

How could I have believed that he actually cared about me?

  I'm thankful that Naomi is absent at the moment, as heavy rain pours out of my eyes, sobs raking in my chest. I hurry into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. Gripping the rim of the sink tightly, I attempt to regulate my rapid pants. Once I've calmed slightly, I perform the only action known to clear my head.
  The razor feels cool against my clammy skin, droplets of crimson blood pooling out of my wrist, as I draw a perfectly straight gash. Thoughts drain from my head like a whirlpool, and I sit on the bathroom floor for what feels like forever. I try to continuously remind myself that I am not alone. I have my family, and friends who all care about me. I attend a good school, with good grades. But here I sit, puddles of blood flourishing at the base of my arm, there is no one here beside me. When light turns to darkness, and I lay in bed, dangerous thoughts envelope me rather than my blankets, and my head rests upon a heavy abundance of sadness, rather than a pillow, I realize the terrifying truth.

  I am indubitably, and utterly alone.

Thanks for reading! I didn't realize that the last chapter would reach so fast, so sorry this is short! I'll update again when this chapter gets 10 votes :) xo

Also, please check out my other Harry fanfic called Teenage Runaway!

Twitter: @slamminstyles

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