Chapter 5-History

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   My fatigued form hesitantly climbs into the passenger seat of Harry's black Range Rover, too afraid to disobey his orders of stepping into the vehicle. I strap myself in, and Harry starts the engine. The first five minutes are spent in a painful silence, me too afraid to speak, and Harry to arrogant to make conversation.
    "Uh, thanks...for you know, before." I mumble. Harry nods in acknowledgement. "W-what happened exactly?" I ask, part of me not really wanting to know the answer.
    "Dunno," Harry shrugs. "I followed you outside and just saw him kiss you, and you starting screaming." He says, but closes his mouth quickly, obviously not meaning to say that. I turn to face him, feeling a bit more brave.
    "You followed me?" I question.
    "Yeah, so?" Harry snaps.
      "Well, why?"
      "It's not that big of a deal," He rolls his eyes. "You were off your ass drunk, and I saw him pull you outside. I was just making sure he didn't do anything stupid. The last thing we need at this school is a law suit." I slump in my chair. Why did the thought of Harry following me outside excite me so much? Why am I so disappointed that he didn't stop Dylan for my sake?
    "Oh. Well, thanks." I say.
    "Stop thanking me." He hisses, and I sigh, turning my head to look out the window.
    "You shouldn't be at parties like that." Harry warns me. What?
      "And why not?" I challenge, whipping my head around to face him once again.
      "B-because it's not safe! People do stupid shit at these parties all the time." He raises his voice in impatience, as if its the most obvious concept in the world that I can't seem to grasp.
      "Why do you care so much about my safety?" I ask, a small small playing across my lips. That glimmer of hope is back, shooting throughout my body, only this time, I can't seem to ignore it. I examine his profile, perfect curls pushed away from his face, and plump pink lips part slightly, as Harry's tongue dampens them.
      "I don't." Harry shuts me down, dissolving my hopefulness.
      "Oh." Is all I can manage, turning away from him for the second time.
    We arrive back on campus, and Harry pulls up in front of the girls' building. I hop out. I watch as his car turns around, and disappears out of the parking lot. I wonder if he is going back to the party.
        During my walk back to my dorm, my mind is utterly captivated by Harry. I can't seem to remove the boy from my mind. I blame my alcohol consumption. I throw my pajamas on, brush my teeth, and fall into bed. Within minutes I am asleep, dark memories invading my dreams.

    The next morning, I wake covered in sweat. I am out of breath from frantically tossing and turning in my nightmares. I climb out of bed, careful not to wake Naomi, and pull my t-shirt and jeans on. I stand in front of the dimly lit mirror, and brush out my long dark hair. My blue eyes dull, and lifeless thanks to my traumatizing past, and wild night. I hear Naomi begin to stir, and I grab my backpack, and scurry out the door to avoid confrontation.
    I have an hour before my first class, so I decide to grab a cup of coffee from the shop on campus. The door chimes as I walk through it, and order my drink. I sit in the far corner of the quaint café, sipping slowly on the caffeinated beverage. I stare out the window, reality slipping away from me as I daydream of a time before I was as broken as I am.
      "Excuse me?" A high pitched voice snaps me back to my senses. I turn and see a small redhead, fiery curls bouncing as she cocks her head to the side. "Are you Bella?" She asks.
I nod.
    "Do you mind if I sit?" The girl asks, motioning to the empty seat in front of me.
    "Not at all." I smile.
    "I'm Abby." She tells me, as she takes  a seat. "I noticed you sitting here, and since you didn't look familiar, I realized that you must be the new girl." Abby explains. I offer her a small smile, unsure of how to continue the conversation.
      "So, um what's your first class?" She asks. I search my backpack for the crumpled schedule that I'd received, pulling it out, I examine it.
    "History." I tell her.
    "With Mr. Brown?"
      "Oh, my class is right by there! I'll show you how to get there!" Abby exclaims. Even though I'm sure I could find it, I accept Abby's offer. She seems nice, and who knows, maybe we can be friends. She walks me to my class, and continues down the long hallway, while I turn into Mr. Brown's classroom.
    "Um, excuse me?" I say to an older man with circular glasses. He looks up from his seated position behind his desk.
      "Oh, you must be Isabella!" He says cheerily, arising from his chair. I smile politely and nod my head. Other students file into the classroom, taking their assigned seats. Mr. Brown stands in front of them.
      "Attention students," He grabs their notice, and gestures to me. My cheeks immediately flush. "We have a new student joining us today. This is Isabella McCarrie." All gazes fall on me, and I keep my eyes on the floor. My mission of remaining invisible not turning out as planned.
    "Isabella, you can take that seat in the back." Mr. Brown points to an empty seat in the far corner of the classroom. I nod, and shuffle to my chair. Mr. Brown begins a lecture, and as hard as I try, I can't bring myself to focus. My mind wanders else where, and I cross my arms, resting my head upon them. A few minutes later, the door opens, and shuts, indicating the arrival of someone.
    "Ah, Mr. Styles, nice of you to join us." Mr. Brown states sarcastically. My head immediately shoots up from its rested position. Harry runs a hair through his messy curls as he makes his way over to where I sit. He grabs am empty seat next to me, and my heart pounds in my chest. I can feel his eyes burning a hole in my skin, but I don't turn to face him, keeping my eyes glued to what Mr. Brown writes on the board. A few moments pass and Harry eventually looks away. I let out a breath I didn't realize that I was holding in.
    "Hi." I hear Harry's raspy voice whisper. I give in, turning to face him. His green eyes sparkle under his long lashes.
  "Hi?" I speak cautiously.
    "How are you feeling?" Harry asks, keeping our eyes locked. I search his face for a hint of an emotion, as I wait for him to laugh, or roll his eyes. When I realize he isn't going to do either, I respond.
    "Fine." I say.
      "Were you okay after I left?" Why does he care? And why is he being so....considerate?
      "Yeah," I tell him, thinking of the events that occurred the previous night. "I thought about you a lot." As soon as it slips out, I smack my hand over my mouth. Why did I just say that? I probably just inflamed his already huge ego, I dare to look over at him, a pleased expression plastered on his face.
    "I-I didn't mean to say that." I try to dig myself out of the hole I've seemed to have buried. Harry cocks an eyebrow.
      "Oh, really?" He asks smugly. I shake my head vigorously.
      "I didn't mean it like that. It's not like I have a crush on you or anything." I blurt. This is coming out all wrong. Why does Harry make me so flustered? Harry's facial expression hardens.
      "It would be stupid for you to have a crush on me." He snaps, turning to face the front of the classroom. "I would never go for you."
    I feel my heart sink a little lower in my chest. It feels as though Harry just punched me in the stomach.
    "Yeah, of course." I whisper, barely audibly.

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