Chapter 24-"I Knew It."

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Dark and light, strong and gentle, fierce and afraid, happy and sad. These are all that makes up Harry Styles. He is a contradiction within himself, yet these characteristics somehow manage to piece together, creating the perfect storm. I lie propped up on my shoulder, watching as sleep encompasses Harry, my eyes tracing his creamy flesh, long eyelashes, pink lips slightly parted. It's quite incredible to me how one person can have such a great affect on you in such a short period of time, but to reasons unknown, this mysterious boy has managed to become an increasingly prominent part of my existence. 

It's unbelievable how your perspective on someone can shift so drastically once you've fallen for them. To you, their eyes shine a little brighter, their laugh a little louder, and their overall prescence more comforting. Their imperfections don't seem to be flaws at all, and you begin to notice insignificant details about them, that only make your heart grow fonder. 

I can't tell Harry that I've fallen for him. I've fallen so hard, and so fast without warning, and his affects on me are irreversible, but I can't let him know. Sure he likes me, that I am sure of, but does he love me? No, he does not, and my proclamation of adoration would only scare him away. So I will keep quiet, admiring his little quirks in silence and dreaming about the way 'I love you' would sound rolling off of his plump lips in absolute confidence. 

As if on queue, Harry's eyes flutter open, a sleepy groan escaping his lips, as he shifts beneath me. 

"Were you watching me sleep?" His sleep-induced voice rasps. 

"I-I," I stutter, attempting to asses his mood before answering. He chuckles lightly, wrapping his strong arms around me, pulling me closer to his barely clothed frame. 

"It's ok, I do the same to you sometimes." He admits, and heat rises to my cheeks immediately. To divert his intense stare away from me, I lean over Harry's svelte frame, my hand feeling around my bedside table in search of my cellphone. Once I've retrieved the item, I check the time. 

"We need to get up." I pout, and Harry groans. 


"Because we need to get to class in an hour." Harry rolls his eyes, sitting up in bed, and leaning into me. His hot breath fans over my face, as he closes the gap between us, our close proximity increasing by the second. He plants wet kisses along my jawline, and up to my ear, nibbling on the sensitive flesh. 

"Or we could spend the day in bed." He purrs in my ear, and I flush. I would give anything to spend the entire day in bed with Harry, but knowing that that is impossible, I giggle before shrugging him off playfully. 

"Come on," I smile, standing up onto the hard mattress that we both occupy, so I am looking down at Harry, each foot on either side of his body. I tug lightly on his arm. Harry's too quick for me, however, releasing himself from my hold, and wrapping his long digits around my thighs. In one swift movement, I am pulled down, collapsing onto Harry's toned chest, as laughter escapes both of our lips. Harry leans down to peck a small kiss onto my lips, and once we break apart, smiles down at me with his emerald eyes. 

"Come on," I finally say, climbing out of bed, and grabbing my clothes for the day. Harry groans, but eventually does the same. He has more confidence than I do, standing in nothing but boxers, as he pulls his jeans up his legs. I silently stalk into the bathroom, tightly shutting the door behind me, and stripping down. 

Once I exit the bathroom, fully clothed, I find Harry waiting patiently on my bed. 

"You ready?" He asks, and I nod. He grabs my backpack for me, and offers his hand out for me to hold. I cannot hide a stupid grin forming on my face as my heart swells within my chest. I oblige, intertwining his long fingers with my own, and we walk out the door.

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