Chapter 9-"What's your problem?"

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 *Harry's POV*

  "Harry! Wake the fuck up!" I feel a harsh nudge jabbed into my side, and I groan.
    "What time is it?" I groggily yawn, opening my eyes, and squinting at the sunlight pouring in through the window. Niall rolls his eyes.
    "It's almost noon, and my parents are coming home soon. So you gotta leave." He urges me. This is what happens every weekend. Niall throws a huge party, and I end up getting completely trashed, most of the time waking next to a girl who's name I can't even remember. Niall is one of the few kids who go to our school who live off campus, his wealthy parents donated a few pieces of new equipment, bribing their son's entry. He takes advantage of this, his close proximity allowing him to not only attend the school, but to also throw constant parties that spiral out of control all too quickly.
      "Seriously Harry, get out." Niall pushes me, and I shoot him a warning glare. My head pounds from all of the alcohol I'd consumed the previous night. Ignoring Niall's command, I hoist myself up from the couch, and stride into the kitchen to get some water. Niall groans, but follows me, accepting the fact that I'm not ready to leave yet. I lean against the counter, slowly sipping my water, hoping to relieve the throbbing in my temples.
    "That party was great last night, but I wish the new girl had been there." Niall says. I feel a strange pang of anger begin to bubble up inside of me.
    "Which girl?" I ask, already knowing the answer.
    "That girl Isabella," Niall confirms. "She's hot as hell." I clench my jaw.
    "Don't talk about her like that." I warn him through gritted teeth. My anger surprises both myself and the blonde boy in front of me.
      "What's your problem?" He snaps. I don't respond to him, because I'm not quite sure of the answer. What is my problem? Why has my brain been constantly crowed with images of this girl since the first time I'd laid eyes on her? She's so small, and seems so helpless. I can't help but want to protect her from every possible danger that she could encounter. What the fuck is wrong with me? I've never been this hung up on a girl, especially one that I haven't even fucked. I picture Bella in my mind. Her ice blue eyes piercing through long lashes. Long dark hair cascades over her shoulders, dripping down her back. Her pink full lips pulled back into a hesitant smile. I feel a sort of electricity pulse throughout my body whenever I'm around her. However, whenever she tries to actually converse with me, I shut down. It's an instinct that I can't help, it's my way of keeping the walls I've built around myself guarded. I picture her eyes again, so bright, yet so lifeless. Bella's eyes remind me of...hers. They are hiding a dark secret, I'm sure of it, and for some reason, I'm desperate to solve this puzzle.
    "Harry!" Niall practically shouts, and I jump, snapping back to reality. Niall chuckles at my reaction. "Wow." Is all he says.
      "Wow, what?" I grunt. Niall smiles tauntingly.
     "Wow, you like her. I mean really like her. I didn't think it was possible." It takes everything in my power not to reach over, and choke him.
        "I do not!" I bellow, slamming my fist down onto the countertop. Usually this would cause Niall to cower away, as most do, but he knows the power that he possesses over me in this moment. Maybe he's right, maybe, somehow, I do like her. But he sure as hell can know that. If its true, I need to get over it as soon as possible.
    "Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I went to Isabella's dorm room right now? Maybe gave her a good fuck?" He better be joking. I'm surprised at how infuriated I am by the thought, and I lunge toward Niall, pinning him against the wall.
      "Maybe I should give you a few broken bones." I growl. The humor in his eyes has been replaced by sheer terror, and satisfaction sweeps over me, knowing that he no longer holds any power over me. I hate the feeling of inferiority.
        "I was just kidding!" He pleads, and I release him.
        I walk back over to where I'd previously stood, reaching for my water again, my sudden outbreak in no way aiding to my throbbing headache. Niall lingers by the wall where he had been pinned, his hesitant demeanor indicates that he wants to say something, but is too fearful of my reaction. I roll my eyes.
    "What?" He bravely takes a step towards me.
    "Don't fucking pin me to the wall this time," he scowls. "but if you like her, then just talk to her." I take a deep breath, reminding myself to remain calm.
    "I don't fucking like her, ok? Jesus Christ, why are you insisting on it?" I start to shout.
      "Mate, I've known you forever, and I've never once seen you like this.  Don't think I don't notice that you always suggest we hang out near her. And I notice that you can never take your eyes off of her, you're like her watch dog." Niall laughs. Shit. I didn't think anyone had picked up on the fact that I like to keep an eye on her. What's so wrong with it? That damn girl is a walking precaution, and I feel it my job to provide her with security. Why, exactly? I'm not sure.
      "Whatever, Niall." I grunt, stomping out of the kitchen, and out the front door of his house.

     My drive back to campus is spent in complete silence, thoughts buzzing around in my head. I can't stop thinking about what Niall said.
    "If you like her, then just talk to her." I don't like her, do I? No. I don't even know her.
    "You could get to know her." My subconscious pipes up from the back of my brain. I grip the steering wheel tighter. No. I don't want to get to know her. I need to leave her alone from now on. The tiny female has done nothing but captivate my mind for the past week, and I hate how I feel a constant need to be around her, even if its just momentarily. I need to stop checking up on her. Who cares what kind of trouble she gets into? A pang of guilt in my stomach reminds me that I do, I care. And for some reason, I've taken it upon myself to provide her with frequent security.
    I drive into the student parking lot, and pull into my usual spot. To my utmost discontent, I spot Bella walking along the sidewalk, her head down, long hair shadowing her face. I duck my head, to avoid her noticing me. Just as I release the keys from the ignition, I see Bella from the corner of my eye tripping over her shoelaces, and falling onto the concrete, the books she'd held flying from her arms. Without a thought, I jump from my car, and sprint over to her, desperate to aid her.
    "Bella!" I call. Once I reach her, I squat down, so my face levels with hers. Her big blue eyes look up at me, clearly shocked at my unannounced arrival.
   "Are you ok?" I ask worriedly. She nods in response, and I wrap my hands around her arms, gently tugging her to her feet. She gives me a shy smile, as I bend down to retrieve the books that she'd dropped upon her clumsy descent.
    "Thanks." She mumbles as I hand them to her. I suddenly feel extremely awkward at my current position. I'd just come out of no where to rescue her from tripping on the pavement. She must think I'm insane.
      "Where are you going?" I ask, bringing my hand to the nape of my neck, a nervous habit I've developed. She looks a bit apprehensive, taking a few moments to answer, thoroughly thinking of an acceptable response.
        "To get some coffee." She explains. I roll up onto my tip-toes, and back onto the ball of my heels, debating on whether or not I should ask to join her. Why am I debating this? Am I nervous? Fuck. Girls never make me nervous.
      "Don't be a pussy." My subconscious challenges me. "Why are you afraid of this tiny girl?" That snaps me out of my questioning, and I make my decision, mentally congratulating myself for the pep talk.
      "Mind if I join you?" I ask, sounding collected and confident. Bella's mouth opens, but no words come out. She studies my face momentarily, as if she's checking to make sure that I wasn't joking.
    "Yeah, um, ok." She stutters. I can't help but smirk at how adorably nervous she is. She leads the way to the shop, and I repress all anxieties that begin to rise up in my throat. Though for now I may feel myself, I worry that time spent with Bella will have me questioning everything. And for some reason, I think I'm okay with that.

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