Chapter 29-An Abnormal Day

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Charlie shoots me a knowing grin, his lip curled up into a viscous smirk, honey colored eyes staring at me with an unreadable expression. My heart pounds erratically in my chest, knocking against my rib cage like that of a hammer hitting cloth. Tears drip down my face, lips trembling in absolute terror.
"I've finally found you," He advances towards me slowly, his pace agonizingly prolonged. I urge myself to run, scream, do something, but I can't; my body unwilling and unresponsive. My breath hitches in my throat as his hand brushes my cheek, callused fingers sending frightened shivers down my spine.
  "What are you doing here? H-how did you find me?" I feebly question, tears continuing to spill profusely from my blue eyes. He offers me a smile, non-threatening, and conciliating.
  "I came back for you." He smiles, ignoring my second question. He seems calm, tranquil, but I am in no way serene by his demeanor, his placid manner unnerving me. "I've missed you so much, Bella." He brushes a piece of fallen dark hair away from my eyes, an action meant for comfort, but I recoil from his touch, my skin unpleasantly burning from the sensation. I shake my head, backing away from him, creating a reasonable distance between us.
  "Y-you need to leave," I attempt to demand, but my voice comes out in merely a whisper.
  "Why?" He challenges me, confusion underlying his odd tone. I blink up at him, mouth agape at his ridiculous query. Had he forgotten our history, the past details of our relationship; starting out as a fairy tale, but slowly manifesting into something darker, the ending turning out to be the opposite of a happily ever after.
  "Y-you hurt me." I gulp, salty droplets leaking down my cheeks, and splashing onto the ground.
  "I know, I'll never leave you again, Bella. I promise." He attempts to comfort me, but seems to be missing the point entirely. I wasn't hurt emotionally by his leaving, I was hurt physically by him, and his alcohol abuse; I am scarred mentally, tortured by flashbacks and panicked frenzies, but not as a result of his fleeing.
  Charlie takes me by surprise by enveloping me in a tight hug, my body tensing as soon as his skin makes contact with my own. Involuntarily, my figure begins to tremble, the sensation of his flesh against my own enough to evoke an abundance of traumatizing memories to come flooding back. I struggle against his hold, wriggling out of his grip, and backing away from him.
  "Charlie, y-you need to go, you n-need to leave." My voice is shaky and unclear, a tornado of emotion overwhelming me, arising a havoc within my mind. He shakes his head, eyebrows furrowed together as if to explain that there's something that I'm not understanding.
  "Bella, I'm not just leaving. I don't think you understand how much effort was put into getting here." He explains, inching towards me.
  "Then what do you want from me?" I whisper, unable to speak properly, for I am weighed down by my emotion, my past fortifying in front of my very eyes.
  "Run away with me." His tone matches mine, coming out in just above a whisper.
  Oh god, oh god. A series of possibilities run amuck in my mind, an abundance of scenarios spinning wildly within my brain; images of Charlie yelling, screaming, his palm connecting with my cheek, leaving a red mark in its place. A shiver rakes through my frame, sheer terror building up inside of me, clouding any and every other thought. I shake my head rapidly, a new round of tears spilling from my eyes in response to his words. Backing away from him, a sob erupts from the back of my throat, and my hand flies up to cover my mouth and conceal the pathetic noise. No, no no! My mind shouts at me, begging me, urging me to run away, to turn around and sprint into the woods, where I can safely hide.
  "Bella, babe, just hear me out, okay? We don't have to make any definite plans right now. Just let me buy you lunch and we can talk things through, alright?" Something about his authoritative tone calms me, my heavy breathing steadying, and my sobs ceasing. The last of my tears slip from my blue eyes, silently falling down my face.
  If it had been any normal day, I would have ran, I would have fled the area, and called the police. If it had been a normal day, I would have gone to Harry for comfort, crying into his chest as I watched Charlie be dragged away in handcuffs, but today is not like any other. Days like today are a rare occurrence; a day where nothing feels right, every thought in your head, every breath you take, and every word you say seem to be all wrong. Instead of moving forward, today is the kind of day in which I dwell on the past, in some sick and twisted way, I actually miss it, miss him. So, instead of running, I simply nod my head, losing the internal battle with myself, and allowing the small part of me that, no matter what he's said or done, will always be in love with Charlie, to take control.
  He takes my hand in his, leading my tiny figure to his familiar car; the thoughts in my head seem to have cleared, most likely because of the utter shock that I'm in from seeing Charlie, but nonetheless, an emptiness creeps up inside of me, burrowing into my spine, and resting in my vertebrae.
  Unconcerned with the consequences, I allow Charlie to drive me off campus, taking me to an unknown location. A sense of panic should most likely be arising within me, but I feel nothing; empty, and alone, misunderstood, and broken, I am both physically and mentally worn out.


*Harry's POV*

"Harry!" A pounding on the door jolts me awake, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead as I am broken from my nightmare. A fist comes down on the wooden frame so harshly, it seems that it may splinter under the force. I groan, rolling my eyes as I slowly climb from my bed, in no mood for company.
  I swing the door open to be greeted by a smiling Louis.
"What?" I snap, my foul mood apparent and evident. Louis is slightly taken aback by my anger, brows furrowing together in confusion.
  "Woah, what's your deal?" He questions, striding past me, entering my dorm without permission.
  "I didn't say you could come in," I growl at him, hoping to scare him off, and waste the remainder of the afternoon away by myself.
  "I didn't ask." He retaliates, seemingly pleased with himself for thinking of such a "witty" response. It wasn't witty, however, it was fucking obnoxious, and I don't have the patience to deal with him, or anyone else for that matter.
  "What do you want, Louis?" I clench my jaw, eyes narrowing at him.
  "Where were you today?"
  "That's why you're here?" I almost laugh. "To ask me why I fucking ditched?" My plan seems to be working, for with each passing minute his good mood seems to be diminishing; his irritation with me growing.
  "No," He sits on my bed, which pisses me off further. "I saw Bella a few minutes ago." My fists tighten into balls, nostrils flaring as something in my stomach plummets down to the floor.
  "So?" I snip, trying to ignore the fact that my chest literally hurts just thinking about our previous exchange.
  "So I thought you would want to know that.." He trails off, pulling a random item off of my bedside table and examining it. As much as I wish I didn't care, I do; I care about her, and what she's doing, I worry about her thinking herself into oblivion or dragging a razor across her flawless skin.
  "Know what Louis? What the fuck should I know?" My voice comes out louder, angrier, and Louis' head snaps up in surprise at my abruptness.
"Calm the hell down," He raises his voice to match the tone of mine, and I take a deep breath, tugging at the roots of my hair in frustration. "Did something happen between you guys?"
  "Louis, if you don't tell me what it is I should know, then I swear to fucking god I will-"
  "Harry, calm the fuck down, and I'll tell you!" He shouts at me, and I fight the urge to break his fucking nose.
  I know that he's right, however, and I release a sigh, plopping down on the unoccupied bed directly across the room from where he sits.
  "Ok," I agree calmly, ignoring the protuberant rage threatening to burst inside of me.
  "What I was going to say was that I was walking back to my dorm before, and this really hot girl dropped her homework, and I went to fetch it, but it was blowing away in the wind," I roll my eyes at his excessive details.
  "Get to the point." I snap, glaring at him angrily.
  "Ok, ok. So basically I finally got the paper, and I noticed that there were two people at the bottom of the hill, you know, like right where the woods begin."
  "Two people? Was Bella one of them?"
  "Yeah, she was with some guy I've never seen before." My heart stops, fists clenching as I feel an outburst of fury clouding my thoughts, but I try my hardest to keep it at bay.
  "Where are they now?" I ask through gritted teeth, eyes narrowing into slits. Louis shrugs.
  "Dunno. They got into his car and drove off."
  I jump to my feet, unable to think clearly, for an overwhelming tidal wave of vexation takes over my entirety; thoughts and actions fogged by my sudden irritation; the color red the only sight in my peripheral vision. Sensing my sudden anger, Louis is quick to his feet as well, stopping me before I can reach the door.
  "Woah, Harry! Chill out, mate!" He urges me, hands pressing against my chest to push me away from the wooden frame.
  "Move out of my way," I spit, my voice low and dangerous.
  "It was probably just a friend of hers, stop being so God damn paranoid!" Louis shouts, hoping to break me of my furious trance.
  "I don't care who he is, I'll fucking kill him." I promise, shoving him out of my way, and practically knocking down the door. I head straight to my car, not giving a fuck whether it's against school rules or not, I need to find her, I need to know she's safe.


I know this chapter is short, but I'll be updating again within the next few days! Thanks for reading :) xo

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