Chapter 25-So Be It

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 "Is this too formal?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom to join Harry sitting at the edge of my bed. A breeze hits my bare legs as I move, the dress that I wear reaching only mid-thigh. Harry's eyes land on my figure, and he looks as though his eyes will bulge out of their sockets. Raking up and down my frame, his gaze eventually falls upon my face, and an undeniable smirk is plastered smugly on his features.
  "No, it's perfect." He comments, and I turn away from him to hide my obvious blush.
  "Where are we going?" I ask, grabbing my purse, and my much needed jacket. Harry shrugs, standing from his seated position, and opening the door, holding it out for me.
  "You'll see." Is all he says.

 Harry leads me to his car, the evening breeze wisping  around, violently attacking the exposed skin beneath my dress. Before he unlocks the vehicle, I hesitantly step away.
  "Why are we at your car?" I cross my arm over my chest in a pout.
  "Because we need to drive there.." Harry replies slowly, sarcastically. I shake my head, furrowing my eyebrows together.
  "I'm not leaving campus, not again." I protest, horrified that Harry would believe me to do otherwise. Harry sighs, striding towards me, and taking my hands in his. I attempt to pull away to hang onto my dissolving composure, but Harry's too quick for me, intertwining his long digits with my own in a hold too firm to release myself from. Childishly, I drop my gaze down to my feet, stubbornly refusing to meet his eye.
  "Bella, look at me." Harry firmly demands, but I shake my head, instinctively and angrily pouting my bottom lip. He sighs, recognizing that rage will not get him any where.
  "Baby," He pleads calmly, approaching the situation differently. "Listen to me." My eyes eventually dart up to meet his, the captivating green sparkling in the sunset descending behind him.
  "Do you trust me?" He asks.
  "Yeah, but last time-" I begin, but Harry shakes his head before interrupting me.
  "Do you, or do you not trust me?" I sigh.
  "I trust you."
  "Would I do anything to put you in danger, or get you in trouble?" He speaks slowly, as if doing so will help him to get his point across.
  "I don't know, but I got stab-"
  "Bella." He cuts me off again, obviously not wanting to relive the previous occurrences. "Stop thinking about what happened last time. Think about now. Would I get you into trouble now?" I can see him trying his hardest to hang onto his temper that is dangling by a thread. He is losing his patience with me, but I refuse to give into him solely because of his inability to control himself.
  Though he advises me not to, I can't help but think back to what happened the last time that we left campus. I was lost, harassed, and injured. Harry was threatened with expulsion, and I was quick to swoop in and save him, only to have him turn on me. Is it wrong of me to be apprehensive to leave campus yet again? Am I being unreasonable for feeling anxious about the current situation?

  "Bella," Harry interrupts my thoughts. "Stop overthinking it." He stares deeply into my eyes with such intensity that it feels as though he's looking into my innermost thoughts. "I promise you that I won't let anything happen to you. It won't be like last time." Words so sincere, and eyes so purely genuine, I make a decision. Though it may be an irrational, and irresponsible one, I jump to a quick conclusion; I will trust Harry to look after me, I always will.

 "Okay." I finally say.
 "Okay what?"
 "Okay, I'll go with you." I compromise, and an adorable smile molds onto Harry's face, prominent dimples concaving on either side of his cheeks.

Harry's POV

The only sound is that of the dull buzz of the radio wafting throughout my car. Bella sings softly along to whatever song is playing, her eyes intently watching the objects that we zoom past, becoming increasingly smaller as we further our journey.
  I try my hardest to remain focused on the rode, but it's proven difficult when I want nothing more than to stare at her, to take in every beautiful feature that is painted on her face, and kiss every inch of her. Every since I first saw her, I've felt an indescribable yearning to be around her constantly, and though I pushed these emotions away in the beginning, learning to accept them is shown to be easier than I thought.
  It scares the shit out of me to think about all of the ways that I've opened up to her, I've told her things that not even my closest friends know, but in a way, it also feels liberating to release such pent-up emotions. If only she could open up to me the same way. I don't want to pressure her into providing me with personal information, but it's hard to ignore the obvious war inflicting her mind at every second of every day.
  "Will you tell me where we're going now?" She interrupts my thoughts, and I glance over at her, her blue eyes peaking with curiosity, and a hint of excitement. I need to focus on operating this vehicle, but I feel an overwhelming desire to touch her. I gulp, shoving those kinds of thoughts to the back of my mind, I shake my head.
  "It's a surprise." I say, and she pouts a little, but I can tell that she's excited.

We arrive shortly after, and Bella looks understandably hesitant to exit the car.  The harsh exterior of the building is most likely overwhelming to her, broken windows, and threatening people looming by the doorway, but she should know by now that I wouldn't let anything happen to her.
  "Um, what is this place?" She questions, doing her best to keep her voice monotone, and without evidence of fear.
  "Come on, I'll show you." I smile, flinging the door of my car open, and stepping onto the concrete. Apprehensively, Bella mimics my actions, meeting me by my side, and interlocking our fingers.
  The bouncer at the door towers over Bella, even in her heels, but barely stands taller than me. He demands to see our tickets, and I hand them to him, allowing him to scan them, and permit us entrance.
  We walk down the long wooden corridor in silence, and eventually are lead into a large and crowded room. Mounds of people already settle in the space, chattering amongst themselves as they await the excitement of the evening. A sturdy black stage stretches out in the front of the room, empty instruments scattered along its platform.
  "Harry?-" Bella pipes up, but is cut off by a roar of the crowd, jumping up and down, clapping their hands wildly. A group of males walk onto the stage, waving to the audience, and picking up their instruments.
  "How're you guys doin' tonight?!" The lead male bellows into the microphone. The crowd responds to him by screaming loudly. The band wastes no time, immediately creating noise on their instruments, powerful guitar, pounding drums, thumping bass play in sync as the lead singer pours his heart into the microphone. His voice is strong and thunderous, an insistent undertone lies beneath his words, demanding to be listened to.
  Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Bella. She self consciously bobs her head, lightly swaying back and forth to the loud, and upbeat rhythm. I know her discomfort will dissolve if she'll only allow herself to let loose. Luckily, I have just the thing for her. Reaching into the pocket of my jacket, I pull out a small flask that is filled to the brim with whiskey.
  "Here," I call to Bella over the music. "Drink this." She seems hesitant, but eventually plucks the flask from my hand, and takes a large swig, wincing slightly as the burning liquid rolls down her throat. I do the same, taking the object to my lips, and sending the alcohol down into my bloodstream.

  The next song is faster than the previous, roaring guitar, and nearly screaming singer. Feeling blissful, and light, I grab Bella's hand, pulling her towards me.
  "Dance with me!" I yell, and she giggles, nodding vigorously. She closes her eyes, and allows the music to take control of her movements, swaying her hips to the beat of the song. As I watch her, I almost forget that I'm supposed to dance as well, my eyes taking in every inch of her frame. Never in my life have I met a girl like Bella, I am so attracted to her that it's practically painful, and almost every word out of her mouth makes me smile.
  "Harry!" She breaks my thoughts. "You're supposed to dance, too!"

  The final note to the final song blares through the speakers, and suddenly, the room goes black. One last roar of the crowd rings in my ears, before they eventually subside, and the lights flash on. As the clamoring audience all attempt to file out of the narrow doorway, I turn to face Bella.
  "Well, what did you think?" I ask, and an enormous smile breaks out on her face, blue eyes lighting up in contentment. She flings herself onto me, wrapping her arms tightly around me, and burying her face into the crook of my neck. I stumble back slightly, taken aback by her unexpected actions, but quickly compose myself, connecting my hands at the small of her back.
  "That was the most fun that I've ever had!" She gushes, her voice somewhat muffled by my skin. I chuckle at her innocence.
  "I'm glad you had fun." I say, truly meaning it, and she lifts her head, meeting my eye.
  "Thank you for taking me." She smiles, leaning into me. I happily oblige, pressing my lips to hers, our mouths moving in sync with one another's.
  "Hey you two! Go make out some place else! We're closing up!" A man yells from across the room, and Bella and I separate, hungry mouths unwillingly disconnecting. I take her hand, tugging her out the door, and outside.
  Fingers intertwined, we walk silently towards the direction of my car. We've almost arrived, when Bella makes a sudden stop.
  "Oh my God." She gapes, and looks up into the night sky.
  "What is it?" I ask, and take notice of the huge grin on her face. I finally realize what it is she's talking about when a white snowflake dances in the air, falling delicately from the sky and landing on the sleeve of my jacket.
  "It's the first snowfall of the year!" She excitedly announces, and all at once, buckets of snow pour out of the clouds above, sticking to any and every surface. Before we know it, Bella and I are painted in snowflakes, white crystals latching onto our skin, then melting slowly. Bella giggles softly as she tries to catch the falling flakes with her tongue. She resembles that of a child playing in the snow, so full of life, and unaware of any of reality's cruel wonders.
  "Styles!" A sudden voice interrupts my observations, and I turn my head to find the source. A young male, Austin strides towards us. I've only met him a few times, getting high together at concerts, or finding each other girls to take home. I wouldn't exactly consider us friends, and he's certainly not someone that I want Bella to be around. As he catches up to us, I notice that in his arms, he holds a large black helmet, and as I look behind him, I see that it belongs to a bright red motorcycle, with orange and black flames painted on the sides.
  "Good to see ya, Styles!" Austin greets me, as he thumps a hand down on my back. Bella instinctively inches towards me.
  "Austin." I nod once, acknowledging him, but providing no enthusiasm.
  "And who's this?" Austin smirks at Bella, eyes flickering up and down her body, causing my blood to boil within my veins.
  "This is Bella, my girlfriend." I say lowly, wrapping a protective arm around her waist.
  "Girlfriend? Wow, I never thought of you as the type to date." Austin's ever growing smirk is now directed at me, and I finger the tight fabric of Bella's dress to avoid punching him. Before I have the chance to respond, Bella does.
  "Is that your bike?" She points the the motorcycle behind him, her curiosity obviously overcoming all other apprehension that she feels towards Austin. He turns back to the bike as if to confirm, even though it's the only bike there, before meeting Bella's gaze.
  "Yeah it is. Have you ever been on one?" Bella shakes her head.
  "You wanna go for a ride?" He asks, his eyes, once again, flickering down to her chest.
  "No, she doesn't. Bella, you're not going." I interject, my voice coming out as a growl.
  "C'mon Styles, I'll take good care of her." Austin chuckles, which only pisses me off further.
  "I said no, she's not going, and that's final." Bella pulls away from me, my hand losing its position on her waist.
  "Actually," Her voice comes out much louder than necessary, which indicates her obvious nervousness. "I would love to." My jaw locks, and my teeth grind together, anger bubbling inside of me.
  "No Bella, you're not going."
  "You're not the boss of me." She huffs, and she and Austin walk away from me, in the direction of his bike. He hands her his helmet, and she puts it on, it's large size provides no security to her, flopping over to one side of her head. Austin watches her with a smug expression, and she manages a half smile. I can practically see the anxieties swirling throughout her brain, but make no further attempts in enabling her from climbing onto the back of his bike. Due to my stubborn nature, I refuse to beg for her to stand by my side. If she wants to be spiteful, so be it.

Sorry this chapter took so long, I had major writer's block! I promise the next update won't take as long. Please comment and tell me what you thought of this chapter, or the story all together, and I'll update when this chapter gets 10 votes. :) xo

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