Chapter 17-"Please stay."

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*Harry's POV*


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I frantically follow Bella, the long hair sprawling out behind her helps me to keep her in my line of vision.  

"Bella!" I call out. She doesn't turn around, either ignoring me, or unable to hear me over the pounding music pulsing throughout the entirety of the large house. I pump my legs faster, shoving every and any person out of my way in order to dash after the small girl. I need to find her. I need to explain to her what happened. Shelby had asked me to rekindle the fire we'd once shared. After I refused her, she crashed her lips onto mine in an attempt to win me back. At that moment, Bella caught us. The hurt on her face was indescribable, I could see the breaking within her chest, as she turned and sped away from me. Now here I am, chasing after her to salvage whatever it is that is going on between us.  

So lost in thought, I lose sight of Bella, her long hair no longer visible to me. My eyes worriedly dart around, desperate to find the helpless female. She's beyond intoxicated, lacking judgement. Who knows what kind of trouble she can get herself into?  

After searching the entirety of the downstairs, I stomp up the stairs. I burst through every room, not caring who occupies them, to continue my hopeless search. The last door that I come across is tightly shut. My fist connects with the wooden frame in a bellowing knock.  

"Open the door." I growl. I hear the unlocking of the door, and it soon swings open. A blonde girl, Eve stands in the way, her eyes bloodshot and heavy. I pay no mind to her, looking behind her in search of Bella.  

"What the fuck do you want?" I hear a voice say. Eve moves out of the way, and Naomi takes her previous position. Naomi looks worse than Eve, belligerently drunk, and high. I take a deep breath to stop myself from snapping at her. I don't have time to fight right now. I need to find Bella.  

"Is Bella here?" I urge. Naomi scoffs, deeming my question ridiculous.  

"Obviously not!" She slurs. She is such trash.  

"Whatever." I grunt, turning away from turning away from the intoxicated female.  

"Wait!" Naomi calls, grabbing onto my shoulder.  


"You better stay away from Bella." She warns me, poking her ridiculous fake fingernail into my chest.  

"And what happens if I don't?" I challenge her. She narrows her eyes at me, an intense stare that I refuse to break. She has no power over me.  

"You'll be sorry." She threatens. I laugh, disregarding her ultimatum. I turn away from her once more, heading down the hallway to continue my never ending search.  

After my descent down the staircase, I have no other choice but to look outside. I desperately hope that Bella hasn't left the house, her safety in jeopardy if she has. I open the door, and am greeted by a chilling October breeze. I tug my jacket further up onto my shoulders, wrapping it tightly around me for further protection from the cold.  

"Bella?" I call for her, looking all around the front lawn. When I receive no answer, I start to panic. Where could she be? I groan, and speedily walk to my car, stepping into the vehicle. Bella has given me no choice but to search the streets for her.  

I drive for twenty minutes. Relentlessly looking for her, I circle the block numerous times. I refuse to allow the panic to rise within me, suppressing it for as long as possible. I need to remain calm if I'm going to find her. God, I hope she's okay. Where could she have wandered off to? After driving around the street once more, I take a chance, making a sharp left. I slowly inch the vehicle down the pavement, keeping a sharp eye out of Bella. The blackness of the night makes it difficult to see, all movements shadowed, obscuring themselves from my sight. I squint my eyes, hoping this narrowed vision will help me to identify Bella more quickly. That's when I see it. Small bushes are illuminated by my vehicle's headlights. The shrubs rustle slightly, swaying as if something, or someone, is shaking them. I pull the car over swiftly, and hop out. As soon as I step out of the vehicle, I identify her. Bella's long hair spills over her shoulders as she crouches down, huddled into the green bushes. 

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