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                                                               Six Years Later...

       Glow's eyelids were heavy with slumber. One thing about her master that she appreciated was that she was very lenient about her apprentices waking up early or sleeping in. She was, however, disturbed by a very excitable younger SkyWing.

       "Come on Glow! It's a new daaaaay!" Kite piped up, followed closely by his green-black NightWing companion as he quietly strode in alongside him. Glow slowly dragged her long neck up and accidentally hit her head on the roof of her sleeping cave. She quickly recoiled with a painful hiss and scratched the back of her head with her claws, wincing painfully. Ow! I know that it's not my fault for being so big, but couldn't this cave be a LITTLE bit bigger?!

       The red SkyWing drowsily looked at Kite's innocent and bright hazel eyes with softness. "You promised you'd teach me some of your battle moves! I want to be able to fight real tough and be strong and brave like you!" He excitedly bumbled about.

       Glow let out a few chuckles as she affectionately responded to him. "That's really overselling me, but okay. You're right; I did promise I'd teach you, so I will, kiddo." She dragged herself out of her cave and slumped into the light. She looked down below her to wake up Corona, but didn't find her there. Corona? Wake up early? Oh boy, NOW I'm scared.

       She looked around the room for the mischievous SandWing, but didn't find any sign of her. The NightWing's bright pink eyes looked around nervously too, though his expression was more of expectation rather than apprehension.

       "Well, I mean...he's right. We should get to work today." Evenstar quietly suggested. "It's late enough as is, don't you think?" Glow really liked the mellow and low-energy NightWing, and seeing him and Kite together all the time always gave her a warm feeling inside.

       "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Come on Glow, this is going to be awesome!" Kite shouted, joyfully bounding out the cave. Glow worried for him and stretched her claws out to summon him back, but to no avail.

       "Wait! Don't run off –" But Evenstar's warning was cut off by a pretendroar and a startled screech from Kite. Glow and Evenstar rushed to the noise to see an apologetic Corona and a Kite breathing shakily.

       "I'm so sorry Kite! I thought Glow was going to be the first through the entrance!" The SandWing desperately assured. Kite whipped back at her, disbelief staining his cheer.

       "You're horrible! Why would you do that to me?!" He cried.

       "I'm really really sorry, it was just supposed to be a joke."

       Kite leaped onto Corona in an attempt to "fight" her, though he wasn't very strong. She tried desperately to stop him, her anxiety reflecting onto to him.

       "Woah woah woah woah woah, careful!" She begged. "Do you know what I would do if you accidentally stabbed yourself on my barb? It's a long way to the Kingdom of the Sand and we just ran out of cactus! I don't want to accidentally hurt you!" She warned him.

       Evenstar strode up to Kite and comfortingly whispered to him, wrapping his starry wings around the black-and-white accented orange dragonet. "What's going on here?" Willow stormed in, a disappointed scowl on her face.

       "I was just...playing a joke on Glow, but it kind of accidentally happened to Ki–"

       "Corona, you should know better!" Willow scolded. "You need to be more responsible! Besides, don't you have work to do?"

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