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       Glow was staring in disbelief at her master. She knew what was coming when she uttered the words, but actually hearing it felt so much worse. Why...? She thought. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you return me? Why? Why why why why why WHY!?! Over and over again, she asked silently. The whole world felt like it just dropped and it was dragging her wings down with it.

       "Why didn't you tell me, Frigga?" Glow asked, straightforward. Frigga paused and sat down. She motioned with a claw for Glow to take a seat with her master. She sat down and Frigga wrapped a wing around the trembling SkyWing.

       "I was going to tell you when the time was right. It would seem that plans have changed, so I will tell you the story of how I've come to raise you." She responded crestfallen. Glow was hurt and wracked with raw emotion. She didn't really know what she felt. Anger? Sadness? Distrust? It might have been a combination of all of them, or just switching between them. Either way, it was beginning to overwhelm Glow and she couldn't stop shaking.

       "The night before the brightest night, I was returning home from a trip to the Bay of a Thousand Scales. I was carrying cargo, some delicate pots and such. I was flying by when I saw something I wish I could unsee. Whitecap and Willow know, but the others don't." She recounted. "I saw my brother murdered at the talons of Burn and her soldiers." Burn. Glow thought venomously.

       "Hvitur was a Talon of Peace. That's undoubtedly the custody of which those dragonets you observed reside. Had he lived, you would have grown up with them and Hvitur would have raised you along the other minders, I'm sure. There were others, correct?" Glow could only slowly nod.

       "A greenish SeaWing and a SkyWing I didn't recognize." She responded trying not to let her emotion leak through her voice. The burning hatred for the eldest SandWing sister was beginning to grow ever dangerous.

       "I watched his broken body tumble down the cliff...you were so close to shattering. When I caught you, it was already too late for him. Once I had you, I needed to make haste as soon as possible to avert the danger.

       "There was only one thing I knew for certain; he gave his life to protect you, and I had to do what he couldn't." Frigga finished. Her head hung low, her silvery-blue elegant face contorted with shame. "I only wanted what was best for you. I raised you as my own for all this time, waiting for the right moment to tell you the truth; but it never came..." She admitted.

       Glow couldn't tell what she felt for her master at this moment. It was a flurry of emotions wracking her very being, like a howling blizzard or a raging fire. Only one feeling was clear, and it was erupting dangerously quickly. Burn is going to pay for this...She's going to pay for everything. Many images flashed in her head of the ways she'd kill Burn, ranging from strangulation, burning alive, loss of blood, to mutilation. But before she could dwell on her ever growing hatred any longer, she wanted the whole truth out of her master, and she wanted it now.

        "How did he die?" She said, the clarity of her voice surprising even her. Frigga paused, and turned to look at her. "How did Burn kill him?" Something flickered in Frigga's eyes; something unreadable, and something that pierced Glow through her weakening heart. Was it fear? Do you fear me, master? Frigga then returned to her previous expression and tried to answer as calmly as she could.

        "Burn stabbed him through his skull...with her tail barb...and tore his wings apart. She tossed him thoughtlessly off the cliff." She replied with a scowl, her serrated claws scraping at the ground. As visuals of herself ripping off Burn's tail barb bloomed in her mind, Glow had found the perfect revenge – an eye for an eye. Frigga's expression reflected someone who blamed herself for the worst of crimes. Glow immediately felt guilty for her thoughts towards her master earlier and decided to ask a better question.

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