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       The sun was sinking below the horizon when Vermilion brought Glow and Corona back to the palace. Glow was wondering who to trust the scrolls to. For some reason, she had a nagging feeling that Scarlet wouldn't want Glow to have them, or even allow them to exist if she had her talons on them– they were too valuable to lose. She could give them to Corona, but it would be far more suspicious if she was found with them. She could let Vermilion keep them until they left the Sky Kingdom, but Glow had a feeling the queen was already getting suspicious of him. She could give it to Frigga, but she's been through enough already. Kite had enough to worry about, and important scrolls shouldn't be on that list. And Evenstar's a NightWing, so he's probably already being sized up by Queen Scarlet.

       Then, as if by chance, she came to a realization. I've got friends in this kingdom now. Maybe they can keep these safe! But whom? Who would be able to keep these scrolls hidden and safe, without being suspected by Queen Scarlet? I could give them to Kite's family friends, but Cinnabar might uncover them and give them to Scarlet and use them against Umbalite's family. Maybe Rojo could take them, but I don't remember the way to the tavern and I doubt he'd want that kind of stress. There was one dragon she didn't consider, and she internally kicked herself for not thinking of it sooner. One-Eye! Of course! He's the highest ranking officer in Scarlet's Army. She wouldn't suspect him of anything, and he'd be able to keep them hidden in a secret bunker somewhere, probably. Not only that, he covered Glow and kept her secret, although Scarlet's still probably suspicious of her.

       A memory then came back to haunt her–a memory from earlier that same day, when she and the cruel queen locked eyes. The look in the queen's eyes digging deep into Glow's very being was the expression of someone who was claiming something, as if she were admiring a statue of herself. It made Glow's scales rattle and she pushed the thought out of her head. She had more important matters to deal with. "Vermilion?" She asked.

       He flipped his head around to face her. "What is it?" He asked.

       Glow held up the scrolls for him to see. "Where are the bunkers for the soldiers?" She asked. Vermilion looked confused, but he answered her genuinely anyway.

       "They're in the bottom of the arena walls. The bunkers surround the bottom of the palace and arena." He explained.

       "And where would be the bunker of the General of the Army?" She asked more directly. Corona flicked her a wow, you've been getting around look.

       Vermilion looked suspicious. "Why?" He asked, a slight scowl on his face.

       Glow flinched slightly at the venomous expression on his face. "I know him. One-Eye, I mean. I want him to take the scrolls and keep them safe until I get them on my way out of the Sky Kingdom."

       Vermilion looked skeptical. "What? You don't trust that I'm going to make sure our secret's safe? Or that I'll keep those scrolls hidden?" He said accusingly. "Do you seriously think I would betray my own family?" He continued angrily.

       Glow took a step back and Corona put herself between them. "Considering that Queen Scarlet is your mother, it's entirely possible." Corona spat. Vermilion scowled at her.

       "What, little SandWing? What will you do?" Corona unsheathed her tail in response with a metallic scrape. "Do you know the trouble you'd be in if you killed the prince of the Sky Kingdom?" Vermilion threatened with a smirk.

       "Nothing. Because you're not the prince of the Sky Kingdom – you're a prince of the Sky Kingdom. There are four of you." Corona threatened with a cruel smile. Vermilion took a step back with an anxious look in his eyes. "You're completely dispensable as far as Scarlet's concerned. I had a nice conversation with Crimson and Dipper when you and Glow were busy." Corona elaborated. "They seem pretty nice. You, on the other claw. If you hurt Glow, I don't really think Scarlet would care other than having to find a new arena announcer."

       Glow pushed Corona out of the way harshly. "Stop it! Both of you!" She scolded the two. Corona glared at Glow defiantly, her obsidian eyes reflecting distrust. Glow returned her sharp look down to her and Corona merely sighed and sheathed her tail in response. Glow raised her head back toward Vermilion. "No. It's not that I don't trust you." She said flatly, although her conscience still questioned whether or not she did. Vermilion looked unconvinced. "I just don't trust Scarlet. She must already suspect you, and if she catches any of us with these scrolls, who knows what she would do?" She explained. Vermilion's gaze softened. "I'm just trying to make sure none of us get in more trouble than it's worth. The last thing I want is for you to suffer for this." Glow finished. She held out the scrolls to him, looking at him expectantly, silently begging him to trust her. "It would be less suspicious if you took the scrolls to One-Eye, rather than me." Glow said.

       Vermilion reluctantly took the scrolls and started to turn around to fly off when he stopped. "You know, you're really lucky." He said simply. Corona and Glow both cocked their heads at him confused. He continued. "You're lucky to have each other constantly looking after the other. And you're lucky to have a whole family like that." He said yearningly. And with a flap of his large powerful wings, he was off, leaving Corona and Glow alone to go upstairs into the palace.

       They trudged upstairs into the main room to find Scarlet seated on her throne admiring the glass statue she bought from Frigga. Her malicious eyes were glazing them from afar, that possessing expression from earlier returning to make Glow shudder. "Well hello, my guests. I hope you had a thrilling day." Something about the way Scarlet directly addressed her made Glow feel contempt eating away at her scales. "I'm terribly sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't know that the SandWing was someone important to you." Scarlet apologized, although her tone sounded as forced and fake as her annoyingly glittery face.

       Glow struggled to keep her composure as she answered. "She'll need time to cope." She said flatly. Scarlet furrowed her brow.

       "Where has my son gone?" She asked suspiciously.

       Glow retained her serious tone. "He said he said some business to take care of before he turned in for the night." Scarlet smiled, looking pleased.

       "Very well– off you go then. You should get some rest for today." The evil queen paused. "I've got a thrilling match planned for tomorrow!" Scarlet cooed deviously.

       Glow and Corona walked down the hall to see Charcoal and Ore posted guard. "Hey guys." Corona greeted. She paused, stopping in front of them. "You two doing alright?" She asked concerned.

       Charcoal nodded drowsily. "Yeah, we're fine. We've just been here all day. Cinnabar wanted the guys with her today." She answered.

       Ore wrapped her wing over Glow's shoulder comfortingly, her eyes laced with sympathy. "I'm sorry about what happened today. It must be rough for your mentor to go through something like that." Ore comforted. Glow hung her head low against her shoulder.

       "I've never seen her like this before. She must have really cared about Horizon." She looked over at the limp pale blue body of the sleeping IceWing. "It must have killed her inside when she left him." And Glass. Ore nodded and ushered her in the room.

       "Well, you'd both better get some rest. I doubt Scarlet's gonna let any of you have a break from the arena matches, except for maybe Frigga." Ore suggested.

       Glow simply nodded and walked slowly inside, Corona following behind her. "Goodnight guys." Corona called back. Glow and Corona curled up next to Frigga and rested their heads near hers. Kite's tail was visible from behind Frigga's head and Evenstar's whistle-snoring was very audible. Glow's eyes were heavy with emotional exhaustion, and she let herself fall asleep almost instantly, curling Corona's warm body closer to hers.

       Before she lost consciousness, she had the niggling feeling she was forgetting something important. But she surrendered herself, too exhausted to even think.

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