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       Glow sat there patiently waiting for Vermilion to return. Her chest still felt heavy, and she felt even sicker when she remembered Peril and their meeting later. She pondered not even showing up at all and just leaving Peril to sort it out herself. But...she deserves better than that. I know I want to find someone to blame, but it isn't Peril. Given how Scarlet behaved and having raised Peril, Glow deemed it unfair to blame Peril for what happened. Her brows furrowed inward at the thought of the cruel queen. She probably doesn't even know any better. She felt even sadder when she remembered that night in the tavern with her. That's why someone needs to tell her better. That night, the lonely champion enjoyed a drink and an outing with a new friend and was actually happy, probably for the first time in years.

       It was difficult to imagine any kind of happy life under Scarlet's heinous yellow eyes.

       Before she could sink any deeper into her misery, Vermilion interrupted her thoughts. Glow raised her head at his return, but was surprised to see Corona accompanying him. Vermilion looked a little bit uncomfortable when he directly addressed Glow. "I told her I'd make sure nothing happened to you, but your SandWing friend insisted she come along." He said flatly.

       Corona raised her head accented with black in annoyance. "Well of course I had to, you dumb camel!" She exclaimed. As much as she found Corona a little bit intrusive, she had to admit; she did feel a lot better to be in her company.

       The fact that it was snarky, sassy, and sly Corona made her feel a lot more comfortable. Vermilion rolled his eyes and took the lead. "I'm going to bring you to someone who can teach you far more than I can. She'll be glad to see you."  He explained.

       Glow raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Why is that?" She said, aware of Corona's suspicious gaze.

       Vermilion merely smiled back, his eyes swimming with pride. "She has a talent for intuition and she'd be happy to see someone else interested in our true history." He responded. Glow smiled weakly in anticipation. The prospect of new knowledge, and a special privilege of sorts being given to her, made her feel giddy. She was aware of Corona padding protectively beside her and folded a wing around her small body. She wasn't nearly as small as Evenstar or Kite, but she was still pretty small.

       Corona leaned into Glow's shoulder instinctively and Glow leaned over to whisper to her. "I'm actually really happy you're coming along. I feel a lot better now that you're here." Glow smiled a big genuine smile for Corona. "And besides, the history is already pretty interesting as is– that I've learned, anyway!" She splurged.

       Corona's eyes widened with interest. "Really? Like what?" She asked.

       Glow jittered excitedly and began to explain what she'd been taught. She was then interrupted by Vermilion before she could explain. "Don't spoil the story for her, Glow." He said, his typical joking tone returning to him. Glow frowned in response and groaned in disappointment.

       "Awwwwwww, but I was so excited to tell her!" Glow whined. She glanced at Corona snickering with a talon over her snout trying not to laugh. Glow tried her best not to laugh, but couldn't help it and snickered along with her.

       Vermilion sighed and then responded. "Fine, you can tell her about the general ancient history, but leave the SkyWing history to our host." He said calmly.

       Glow bounced up and down joyously and turned to Corona, beaming. Her black eyes were inquisitively focused on Glow's snout, expectations forming in her mind of what the red SkyWing was going to tell her. Glow tilted her snout up and began her "lesson." "Well, thousands upon thousands of years ago, there were three tribes: The ancient SeaWings, SandWings, and SkyWings. The SeaWings would eventually become the SeaWings and MudWings. The SkyWings would eventually become the SkyWings and RainWings. And the SandWings would become the SandWings, IceWings, and NightWings."

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