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        The pair made sure to hang back just enough so that the SeaWing wouldn't notice them. Glow still didn't feel quite right, but she had to admit; it was weird for a SeaWing to be living in SkyWing territory, even with the reason he gave them.

       Corona was leading her, knowing how to sneak and slip by unnoticed. Even though she didn't like to talk about it, her skills from being a thief were incredibly useful. Still, Glow was doubtful that they were even onto something. "Are you sure this is a good idea Corona?" She asked.

       "Just trust me Glow. I know what I'm doing." She responded with a hiss.

       Glow was taken aback, but didn't think too much of her response. Corona has always been determined since she was young, so it didn't really strike Glow as all that odd that she was really intent on following through on this. Even still, why was Corona so intent on this? No matter how Glow thought about it, she couldn't figure it out.

       "Have you met this SeaWing before?" Glow inquired.

       "I've seen him, but never met him. He's always carrying back scrolls and food and other supplies, and a lot of 'em. So, at least one thing's for certain; he's not living alone." Corona responded.

       "Even still, what makes you think he's lying?" Glow asked.

       "Did you see how jittery he was and how much of a hurry he was in? There was something important he really had to get back to." Corona answered.

       "I dunno. Dragonets are kind of a big deal to get back to after all." Glow reasoned.

       "Glow, do you trust me or not?" Corona asked irritatedly.

       "Of course I do! With my life! It's just..." Glow trailed off, not sure how to finish that thought.

       "Look. I get it." Corona huffed. "You have a lot more faith in dragons than I do, and I know you want to believe in the best from them, but I sure don't."

       "Well, not all dragons." Glow corrected. "Burn is a monster that should be drowning in the sea, or burning in a volcano, or eaten by vultures." Glow said with a scowl. In their history classes, all the potential candidates for the SandWing throne had an asset, but a really hindering flaw.

      Blister is incredibly intelligent and clever, but dangerously sinister. She wouldn't just be satisfied with only the SandWing throne; she'd want all of Pyrrhia. There's Blaze, who Frigga used to fight for, and she described her from personally meeting her as "a sweet and generous dragon who'd be great pen-pals with, but horrible at making responsible decisions."

       And then there's Burn. There isn't another word to describe her other than "monster." Glow hated her more than Blister, even though Blister would be more of a threat to Pyrrhia than Burn would. Burn is massive, brutal, savage, and bloodthirsty.

       "I don't understand why you hate Burn so much." Corona said confusedly. "She's just being a typical dragon fighting in the war. Honestly, I relate to her; not really trusting anyone, wanting to murder anyone who threatened her, the like. Not that I like her all that much either."

       "She's not just fighting in war; she enjoys it!" Glow exclaimed. "She loves to kill dragons, the feeling of blood on her talons, their screams of death. She's a savage! A brute! A monster! She doesn't kill for strategy or for survival; she kills for sport. She's a savage buzzard that deserves to die the most horrible and painful death!"

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