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       Burn and Scarlet led the way into the palace while the five dragonets were surrounded by SkyWing guards. Glow wished at least one of their guard friends were here. She wanted to chat with sweet Flashover and his sister, or Kite's aunt, Charcoal, and Combustion. She just wanted to see one of them again so that she knew they were alright. Yet, all the while they were trudging along, she didn't ever take her blazing amber eyes off of the cruel SandWing princess in front of them. 

       By the time her face was starting to hurt from scowling so much, she was interrupted by Corona nudging her with her wing. Glow looked over to glimpse the concern in the SandWing's black eyes. "Hey, I'm really glad to see you again. I was really worried." She whispered.

       Glow smiled and wrapped her large wing around her companion. "I'm glad to see you, too." She remembered the sickening crunch of Corona's tail snapping and looked over at it. The cover was closed, but it was hanging at a weird angle. "Are you alright? Is your tail in pain?" She asked.

       Corona shrugged. "Yeah, it kind of hurts. But it's not injured, I don't think. I'm sure it'll crack back into place." She answered.

       Glow sighed. "That's a relief." She muttered.

       She felt Clay brush up beside her. "I'm glad you're okay, too. Being stuck in a cell with Kestrel can't be fun." He joked.

       Glow chuckled. "Yeah. But, you know," She paused, looking back at the disgruntled SeaWing and the nervous NightWing behind them. "As much as it pains me to say this, she could be worse." She almost accidentally bit her tongue at the thought of Cinnabar.

       Clay shrugged and followed. Glow felt apprehension grip her. I hope Peril's alright. I can't imagine that Scarlet let her off easy after earlier. As they walked along the halls, Glow caught a glimpse of the dining hall on their way past. She even saw Sunny in her cage like a bird, talking with some of the soldiers. Even though she seemed to be enjoying herself, her forest-green eyes still held a loneliness and sadness. Glow felt her heart breaking at the treatment of the small golden SandWing. I'll find a way to get you out of here, Sunny. I promise.

       Glow didn't notice when they stopped at Peril's cave. Peril was resting her head on one of the narrow window's ledges. She was staring out into the night sky when she turned and gave a relieved look to Glow and Corona, and a cold glare at Scarlet. There was an empty space on the wall, and a pile of smoldering ashes just beneath it. Considering she had never seen Peril's room, she had wondered what exactly used to be up there. The SkyWing queen's eyes darted toward the empty wall and smoke seethed out of her snout.

       "Out." She demanded to Peril.

       "This is my room!" Peril snapped.

       "I'm the queen here," Scarlet reminded. "You do as I say. Go sleep in the arena. If anyone else tries to sing, fly up and burn out his tongue."

       Peril lashed her tail, contempt blazing in her eerie blue eyes. A moment passed before she stomped towards the door. The two monsters hilariously scurried out of her path as she stormed by. Glow found it difficult to hide her amusement, although it seemed the SkyWing guards were amused too. Although by what, she wasn't certain, because Corona threatened them with her tail silently and they stopped. Peril's heat rushed over them as she hurried by, but she paused to look Glow in the eye. Her eyes seemed to say I'm sorry and thank you at the same time. It was rather perplexing and Glow seemed to be getting lost in them before Peril hurried away down the hall.

       Her thoughts were interrupted by the cruel SkyWing's voice interjecting her trance. "In here," Queen Scarlet said. Corona went first before anyone else could do anything. Glow followed, not wanting to be separated from her best friend. Glow turned over to see Scarlet shove Starflight into the cave. He stumbled trying to get over the pool of water. Tsunami shoved her guards away and hopped over the pool, joining them. Clay then followed, and all five dragonets were in the cave.

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