Chapter Three

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Well, hope you enjoy this chapter my lovelys(:


Chapter Three

I woke up to my phone buzzing beside me. Groaning I pulled the blankets over my head and tried to ignore my ringtone that was starting to get louder by the second.  Beside me, Tia was mumbling in her sleep and kicking my back. Great way to start off the morning. Raising my head up I realized it was still dark outside.

“Seriously?” I grumbled, snatching my phone off the floor and checking the caller I.D. Surprise-surprise, it was Landon.

“Hey, babe!” He greeted me cheerily as soon as I pressed the accept button.

“Hi.” I yawned, shoving the blankets back and pulling myself off the make-shift bed on the living room floor. “Why are you calling me so early?” I headed into the kitchen for a glass of water, tip-toeing silently so I didn’t wake my best friend up.

“The guys just left and I’m bored. Wanna come over?”

I looked up at the clock on the microwave. “Landon, it’s four in the morning and Tia is still here. I can’t come over.”

“Tia’s a big girl she can take care of herself.”

“I’m not going to leave her all alone in my house.” I reached up on my tip-toes to get a glass out of the cabinet.

“Aw, come on, Candi. Please?” He begged.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pitcher of water from our Maytag. “My parents would freak if they found out I snuck out of the house.”

“Who says they have to know?”

“Can’t I just come over later? Like, when it’s actually daylight outside.”

He sighed loudly on the other end. “Fine.” He mumbled before the line went dead.

I was probably going to be in big trouble for saying no to him when I got his house, but he was being unreasonable. He was insane if he thought I would seriously come over at four in the morning. I crept back into the living room and settled down on the couch with my glass of water. I grabbed the remote and started flipping through channels, eventually deciding on some Disney movie that was on. Thanks to my boyfriend I was wide awake.

“Come here…I’m gonna getcha…” I looked down and saw Tia reaching her arms out, clenching and unclenching her fists like she was trying to get something. It was always interesting when she spent the night because she talked in her sleep.

I must’ve dozed off after that, because when I woke up water was all over the couch and floor and someone was pounding on the front door. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was only four thirty.

“Who in the world…?” I whispered to myself, slowly walking over to the door and placing my hand on the cool knob. “Landon?!” I exclaimed as I pulled it open and saw him leaning against the frame.

“Hello.” He grinned at me   

“Why are you here?”

He stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. “I wanted to see you and you wouldn’t come over.”

“Because the sun isn’t even out yet!” I glanced down at Tia to make sure she hadn’t woken up. Luckily, she was still sleeping soundly and trying to catch something in her dreams.

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