Chapter Thirteen

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I'm lucky I got this out -_- Bah. Enjoy, lovlies <3


Chapter Thirteen

“Candi, give me the freaking knife back!” Tia shouted, stomping her foot and reaching forward to grab the blade from my hand.

“No!” I kept it out of her reach, holding it away from me as we ran in circles around the kitchen table.

“I told you I would kill him, and I will! I’m a woman of my word!”

“You can’t kill my boyfriend!” I yelled, dodging her attempt to dive for my feet. She let out a growl of frustration and charged after me again. That’s what I get for thinking, just this once, she’d believe I fell.

“Watch me!”

I ran straight to the door and spun around, holding the sharp end of the knife out at her. “Stop!” She came to a halt, crossing her arms against her chest. Her bright red hair hung in a loose ponytail that looked extremely ruffled from our chasing game. I sucked in a deep breath, pulling the air into my oxygen starved lungs. I think it’s time I start working out, maybe join the school’s track team.

“You won’t do anything with that,” Tia stated confidently, giving a slight one-shoulder shrug.

I sighed and let my arm slump down to my side. “Yeah, I know.”

She smiled triumphantly and held her hand out, “Excellent. Now, hand it over.”

“No frickin’ way! As soon as you get this you’ll lock me in a closet and kill my boyfriend!” I didn’t point out that there were dozens of other knives in the kitchen she could’ve grabbed.

She rolled her eyes. “I won’t actually kill him, Candi. I’ll just harm him severely…”

“Please, T, just leave it,” I begged, feeling desperate for her to drop the matter and leave well enough alone. Yes, I’ll admit, I was extremely ticked off at Landon for my swollen, bruised cheek, but there wasn’t much I could do except cover it with make-up.

“C, you really don’t understand how serious this is, do you?”

“Yes I do, but what do you expect me to do about it?”

“Um, hello! Break up with him!”

I shook my head and shuffled over to the counter where I carefully laid the knife down. I’d heard Tia say that more times than I could count, but she still didn’t get it. I couldn’t just break up with Landon. It wasn’t that simple. Nothing ever was with him. He’d find a way to make my life miserable if I did that. Or even worse, he wouldn’t let me out.

“I can’t,” I finally said, looking up at her big brown eyes.

“You can, though. I’ll help you. Me and Heath will go with you when you do it.”

“I can’t just leave Landon, Tia. I love him. I know it’s hard to understand why; heck, I don’t even understand it, but I still love him.”

“You’re right, I don’t understand. I’ll never understand why you want to be with a psychotic jerk!”

Instead of answering, I just found my way into one of the chairs. My situation was complicated, and anyone who knew about it just wouldn’t get it. I hate that I love him. I hate that he means so much to me, and I hate how much I need him, but it’s impossible to let go. Letting go of us is like turning my back on something with the potential of The Ugly Duckling story. Right now, it’s bad, it’s ugly; but Landon and I have the potential to turn into something beautiful. What kind of person would I be if I just gave up on that? Especially when he’s going to therapy to fix everything.

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