Chapter Seventeen

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Sorry this took 258675806250 centuries, my lovlies. I hope you like. Enjoy <3


    Soft sunlight leaked in through my bedroom window as I lounged on my bed, flipping through the worn pages of an old book. Loose strands of hair tumbled from the messy bun I had it piled on top of my head in, but I quickly brushed them away with a quick tuck behind my ear. I found my mind wandering to everything except the adventure laid out before me. An adventure I’d read dozens of times. With a discontent sigh, I shut the hardback cover and rolled onto my back, staring at the pattern on my ceiling.

    I couldn’t stop thinking about Heath and it was driving me absolutely insane. He was just so sweet, and caring, and even cute. What normal teenage girl wouldn’t find herself at least a teensy bit attracted? Well, I’ll tell you one thing, I shouldn’t have been attracted. I had a hot, athletic, smart, and semi-caring boyfriend. Why would I even look at another guy that way? It wasn’t right. It wasn’t…logical. Which is exactly why I invited Landon over to help me get my mind off Heath. The only problem was, he was taking his sweet time and leaving me with too much time of my own.

     The sound of a car engine snapped me from my trance and sent me shooting over to the window. Once I confirmed it was Landon who had shown up, I all but ripped the ponytail holder from my hair and scooped my brush up from the floor to smooth out my raven locks. I smoothed my t-shirt down and made sure there wasn’t anything on my jeans before heading downstairs to meet him. Don’t ask why I was trying so hard to impress him. We were already dating, and he’d seen me at my worst many times; a messy bun and a pair of sweatpants wouldn’t change that. But, still, I felt like looking nice would help clear up some doubt, even if I was the only one with doubts.

     “Hey, babe,” Landon greeted me cheerfully as soon as I opened the front door in response to his short knock. His arms encircled my waist and pulled me in for a quick hug, carefully backing me up as he stepped inside.

     “I missed you,” I told him somewhat truthfully. He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips before releasing his grasp on me altogether.

     “So, what are the plans for this afternoon?” He grabbed my hand, entwining my fingers with his, and leading me towards the living room.

     I raised a shoulder and let it fall again, “I’m not sure. What do you have in mind?”

    He plopped down on the couch, bringing me onto his lap in one fluid movement. “How about a movie day?” He read my mind. A young, in-love couple, spending time together. Normal, necessary. Perfect for getting one of their minds off an insanely cute friend of theirs…

     Stop it, I scolded myself, forcing a bright smile onto my face. “Sounds awesome. I’ll just go grab our DVD binder.” I slipped off his lap and quickly grabbed the giant case from under the TV before stealing the spot next to him on the couch. “So,” I sighed, pulling the zipper down and flipping the top open, “We have-”

       Landon’s hand fell over top of mine, and guided the cover back on. “Actually, I think I have a better idea…” He took the DVD’s from my hand and sat them on the coffee table in front of us.

     I looked up, catching his gaze as a sly smile lifted the corner of his lips. He leaned down, bringing his face closer to mine and hesitating just before my lips.

    “You know what?” He whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.


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