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     “Happy one year anniversary!” Heath shouted as soon as he stepped into my house. He picked me up and spun me around as I let out a string of giggles. Once my feet were back on the floor, he leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. “I love you,” He murmured.

    I looked up into his caramel eyes, “I love you, too.”

    It had been a full year since Heath and I had started dating, and full year since I’d spoken to Landon. He apparently had a new girlfriend and moved to New York with her after graduation. I sincerely hoped he treated her better than he treated me. I, on the other hand, was starting college in the fall. Heath and I would be attending Princeton together. My parents loved him almost as much as I did, and were dropping hints about him proposing. I didn’t see that happening for a little while though.  After all, we were only nineteen.

    “You want to see what I got you?” Heath asked, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the couch.

    “I have a feeling I’m going to be mad at you for spending too much,” I sighed as he pulled a jewelry box from his jacket pocket.

    He flashed me his perfect grin. “I have a feeling you will be too. But you’ll love it, I know you will.” He pulled it open, revealing one of the most beautiful necklaces I’ve ever seen. It was a teardrop diamond set in white gold, with shimmering ivy climbing around to fit its shape. It couldn’t have been cheap.

     “Heath, I’m going to beat you. You spent too much again!” I scolded him. But I still lifted my hair so he could clasp it around my neck.

    “Do you like it?” He asked, completely ignoring me.

    “I love it,” I admitted. “You want to see what I got you?” I asked, an excited smile making its way onto my lips.

    “Yay, presents!” He cheered like a little kid. I grinned at him and pulled it out from behind the couch cushion. “Ooh a box! It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

   I rolled my eyes, “Open the box!”

    He winked at me and pulled the lid off, his mouth immediately dropping when he saw what was inside. “A watch?! Candice Marie! You yell at me for spending too much, yet you go and get this!” It’s true. I always yelled at him for spending too much money on me, and yet I’d do the same thing. I couldn’t help myself. “But, I love it. Thank you, babe.” He leaned forward and kissed me quickly, before setting about clasping it around his wrist.

    “Thank you,” I sighed, leaning back into his embrace as we cuddled together on the couch.

   “For what? The necklace?”

    “Not just the necklace, but for saving me from Landon,” I whispered. We never really talked about it, because it brought back such painful memories, but I had to say something. It had been a whole year without speaking a word about it.

    He kissed the top of my head. “I would do it again. The concussion, everything. I’d do anything to save you, Candi.”

    So, it looked like I’d get my happily ever after, after all. Heath may not exactly have been a knight in shining armor, but he was my loser in tinfoil. And I loved him.   

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