Chapter Fifteen

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Argh I'm frustrated :/ I feel like since I've started track, I've gone back to my sucky once-a-month, short updates and I can't get motivated >.< Enjoy, lovlies.


  “Promise me you aren’t going to say anything,” I demanded, staring warningly at Brad.

  He rolled his mud brown eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Landon won’t find out from me, I swear. I know how he is when he gets ticked, and I don’t want to listen to him rant about it for an hour.”

  I let my shoulders sag and brought my finger that had been positioned on his chest back down to my side. Good. Now that Brad was cooperating, everything could go smoothly for the Valentine’s Dance. Landon didn’t need to know I was going with Heath, and what he didn’t know wouldn’t kill him…or me.

  “Thanks, Brad.”

  He swallowed me up in a quick hug, “No problem, short stack.”

  I scrunched up my nose and pushed him away, “What have I said about touching?”

  He lifted a shoulder and let it fall again, a mischievous smile on his face as he replied, “I don’t know, what did you say?”

  “Just don’t hug me. Ever.” With that, I turned and walked down the hallway to my locker. To sum my view of Brad up, he was an egotistical jerk who had tried to get in my pants at one point. He was very, very consistent all of freshman year, which is exactly why I didn’t want him to touch me then. What kind of guy tries to hook up with his best friend’s girlfriend, anyway?

   I shoved my way through the hallway, doing my best to swerve past the kids stopped in the middle of the walkway talking to their friends. A few of them sent a wave and a friendly smile my way before returning to their conversations. The bright fluorescent lights beat down on us all, reflecting off the spotless tiled floor. I watched an orb of light dance around my feet with each step I took on the smooth surface. Nerves nagged at the back of my mind about the dance, about going with Heath. I tried my hardest to keep my focus off them and focus on something, anything else. A freshman came in a dead sprint down the hallway, nearly knocking me over with his elephant sized backpack. I stumbled a little before I knocked into someone else.

  “I’m sorry!” I apologized quickly.

  “Candy Cane!” I looked up and found myself facing Heath. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s no big deal, Double C.” His signature smile crept onto his face, making me grin myself. His happiness was infectious.

  “Hey, Heath.”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and started walking down that hall with me, “Why are you in such a hurry?”

    “I’m trying to get to my locker, but it’s like freaking jungle out here,” I huffed.

   “Just yell at ‘em! Like this,” he took a deep breath before yelling, “Upper classman coming through! Move it!” A few of the other kids gave him dirty looks while they shuffled out of our path.

  I giggled and shook my head, “See, I can’t do that. I’m not intimidating enough, so nobody listens.”  

  He puffed out his chest, “Yeah, I am a manly man.”

  I rolled my eyes and gave him a playful shove, “Don’t let your head inflate too much. You might not make through the front doors tomorrow.”

  “Ha-ha,” he laughed sarcastically, coming to a stop with me as I dialed the combination into my locker. I pulled out the books I needed for my last few classes and shut the door again.

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