Chapter Eight

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Once again, not really sure if this is that great; or if I even like how it turned out, but I'll let you be the judges of that. Enjoy, lovlies. (: Oh and I'm gonna try to get a slideshow I made to work over there--> 

of the characters. So, yeah :P 

Obviously the pictures aren't exact, cause Tia & Landon don't have lip rings and stuff, but that was the best I could find on Google. And the banner at the beginning is from a fan on Quizilla, goodgirl1211 (:


Chapter Eight: Happy, Happy Birthday

"Wake up!" A foggy voice demanded cheerfully above me.

"Go away," I mumbled into my soft, comfy pillow.

The bed started bouncing under me, followed by someone singing Happy Birthday off-pitch. I pulled the covers over my head only to have them ripped back off. My eyes snapped open and I found Brian hovering over me, flanked by Tia and Landon. I turned my best glare on the three of them, irritated that they pulled me from my precious sleep.

"What do you want?" I grumbled, my eyes instantly zeroing in on a bobbing blanket in Tia's arms. "And what's that?"

"Happy birthday!" She squealed, leaning in to give me an awkward hug while cradling the small lump in her left arm.

"Yeah, yeah. Seriously, what's under that blanket?"

She beamed happily at me and sat the red material on my stomach. A soft purr emitted from under it, peaking my interest. A cat? I pulled the blanket back and found the most adorable kitten staring back at me. It was really fuzzy, with all white fur except for a little patch of gray on its head.. I let out a small "aww" as it meowed and rubbed against my hand.

"Do you like him?" Brian asked, running his hand down the kitten's back.

"I love him! What's his name?"

He shrugged, "That's up to you, it's your cat."

I scratched the little patch on his head as I pondered over the different names I could give him. There was Cracker, or Snowball, or... "Patch!" I gasped, pleased with the choice. It made perfect sense. He had that gray patch on his head, so why not?

"How original." Brian commented dryly.

"Oh, shut up, it's cute!" Tia scolded, shoving him playfully to the side.

I shook my head at the two of them and turned to smile at my boyfriend who was standing idly to the side. His scowl melted into a huge grin as he looked away from Tia and focused on me.

"Happy birthday, babe!" He leaned down and kissed me quickly. "I'm glad you like the cat." He motioned lazily towards Patch with his finger, "Brian said you would, but I wasn't too sure."

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