Chapter Twenty

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It's two pages shorter than usual on MS Word, so sorry. It just felt like I should end the chapter where I ended it (writer's block too), so I did. Enjoy.


    I leaned further into Heath, deepening the kiss and running my fingers through his dirty-blonde locks. His grip on my waist tightened, holding me firmly in place as he shifted so I was in his lap. Butterflies danced in my stomach with each movement of his lips against mine, sending excited tingles running up and down my spine with his fingertips.

     “Candi…,” Heath murmured, breaking the kiss and pressing his forehead against mine. The warmth radiating from his body kept me planted in my spot, unwilling to move away from him.

    “Hmm?” I mumbled.

     “Be my girlfriend. End things with Landon, and just be mine.”

    I snapped out of my spell and pulled away from him. What was I doing? “I can’t…” I shook my head, looking down at the ring that tainted my plans of happiness.  

     His eyes stayed trained on my face, traces of sadness swirling around in them. “You can if you want to. You know you can.”

    I shook my head again and held up my ring finger so the diamond was in full view. He glanced down at it, staring at the sparkling piece of jewelry and waiting for me to explain myself.

   “You know I really can’t just break up with him. It’s a lot more complicated than that,” I said, tucking my hand back under my leg.

     “Can you please explain how and when that happened?” He asked, confusion causing a small frown to pull at his perfect lips.

     “Right before he left. And, really, it isn’t what you’re probably thinking.”

    The sadness and confusion were now replaced with hurt. “Then what is it, Candi?”

     “I tried to break up with him, I told you that when you got here. But, he couldn’t let go. He snapped and I’m pretty sure was close to raping me before he proposed. He’s crazy, Heath. And I don’t want to mess with him anymore. I’d rather just make him as happy as I can, even if it means I’m absolutely miserable.”

    “You don’t deserve that, though. You deserve someone-”

    “Who will treat me like royalty,” I finished for him, remembering what he said right before we kissed. “But I can’t get out of this relationship to give myself that. Face it, it’s too late to save me.”

    “You say that, but honestly, you’re worth the effort. I’ll put up with whatever crap Landon is going to put me through, just to keep you away from him. He’s no good.”

     My mind was racing with a thousand different possibilities, but one in particular stood out to me. What if I could be with Heath and Landon? Just until we worked out an actual plan. But there was one major problem with that. It wasn’t really fair to Heath. And I never wanted to be a cheater. I loved Landon, a part of me always would, but I couldn’t put up with the abuse anymore. It was too much, too painful. An eighteen year old girl doesn’t need to deal with something like that when she could have so much better. But how are you supposed to escape something like that? It was hard enough to come to the decision to do it, with him being my first love. It’d be even harder with his bipolar disorder and stifling abandonment issues.

     “What are you thinking about?” Heath asked eventually, breaking into my contemplation.

     I shook the thought off, repulsed I’d even come up with something like that. How stupid could I be? “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

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