Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

What just happened? Did it happen? I hope this is all just a drunk hallucination. It has to be. I slapped myself on the cheek like how people always do to check if it's real. Ow. No, I'm not dreaming - definitely real. I leaned my head back with my eyes closed and inhaled deeply.

I wish I could rewind or travel back to a few weeks ago to fix all this and keep it from happening.

I calmed myself down by breathing deeply a few more times so I could try and think clearly. This was still a hard task to do since my brain was still hazy from that alcohol.


Oh. Wait a second. Dan was drunk! So it was a drunken mistake.

Then why are you making such a big deal out of this?

Uhg! I don't know. At this point I'm praying Dan will have forgotten all about the party and everything. My idea about moving to Canada is more of a plan B, if all else fails... though, I may deeply consider this option.

I shook my head, but wait. I realized I'm avoiding the question. Granted it's my question... but still.

I closed my eyes, remembering; the feel of Dan's lips on mine, and remembering how they moved in sync even if only for a few seconds. I wanted to...

I wanted to get rid of these thoughts! And maybe kiss Dan again.

I hate my subconscious. Ok maybe this kiss wasn't bad. Ugh, I'm not even fooling myself! I really wanted to kiss Dan again, and I'm sure this isn't my drunken mind thinking. I'm not gay though. I'm not even bi. Is it possible to just enjoy kissing someone without liking them? It's like when you see an attractive person, even if they're they same gender; you can't deny that they are aesthetically pleasing to look at just because it's a guy. Kissing Dan... was nice... but that doesn't mean I like him.

Do I fancy Dan?

I believed the answer to that question to be no. You'd think after 4 years of living with someone questions like this would have an obvious answer. What am I going to do?

I decided I can't go home, Dan might be there. He might remember, or worse, he might not remember then start asking why I ran off or where I've been. That would lead to me having to either lie or tell the truth, which I don't think I could do either at this point. Either way I can't face him right now. I pulled out my mobile as I felt a headache coming on.

I don't know when I left the party, or how long I've been out here, but it's nearly 11 o'clock. I started to scroll through my contacts. Let's see, who' house can I invite myself over to spend the night with?

Alex - No the party might still be going on.

Bryce - No haven't seen him since uni...

Carrie - No she was at the party.

Cat - No lives in America.

Charlie - Same as Alex.

Chris - I could see if he's home yet...

I closed out of my contacts seeing that the next name was Dan... as if. I quickly dialed up Chris and waited for him to pick up. He did just that after the second ring.

"Ello?" Chris spoke and I couldn't tell if he was drunk or just his normal self. He did play the game, but only for 1 round. He told everyone he didn't want to be drunk this early on, but he whispered only to me that he didn't like the drink. I thought it was fine.

"Hey Chris!" I said trying to sound cheery.

"Phil? What's up?" He asked. I'm pretty sure he's sober.

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