Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The rest of Jamaica went by quickly. We didn’t talk about anything regarding the video or that I had almost kissed him. I felt so embarrassed.

I was just being dumb. It was probably the icing on the cake made of all the regrettable things from my past.  But I still wonder what would’ve happened if Phil hadn't coughed.

We filmed the rest of my video, and Phil made a video as well.

Before we knew it, we returned home. The whole journey home was quiet.

When we got back, we silently went to our separate rooms. No words. No talking about fixing things. I’m not sure if I wanted things “fixed” anymore. If Phil did, then he’d tell me and I’d know I was being dumb, but I still held onto that tiny sliver of hope I still had.

We both stayed off Twitter and YouTube. The fans were probably going absolutely mental.

We stayed inside - well I assume he did, I never left my room to be able to know if he were gone - avoiding everything.

We had another radio show the following Sunday, but all the smiles were fake. It was a little awkard, but we managed to get through it without anything horrifying happening.

One day, I think a week after we got back, I went to the shops because I lost my earphones in Jamaica. On my way back I ran into a fan. We don’t usually run into many fans in the streets by random, so I cursed at my bad luck. Not that meeting fans was a bad thing, I usually rather enjoyed it and it brightened my day. I just really didn't want to talk to anyone.

“Dan!” a girl with dirty blonde hair said coming up to me. She looked to be about 15 or 16 if I had to guess. I smiled weakly at her and gave her a hug.

“Hello.” I said really wanting to leave.

“Oh my gosh. It’s actually you!” She exclaimed, but she wasn’t super fangirling at the moment at least, so I was thankful for that.

 “Yep, it’s actually me.” I said.

 “Can I have a picture?” She asked.

I nodded but internally groaned. She got out her mobile and took a selfie style picture with me.

“I have a question!” She asked eagerly. Before I had time to answer she asked it. “Are you and Phil a thing? Like first the video, then the other video, but then those pictures and neither of you have tweeted. I’m sorry if I’m being rude or intruding, I won’t tell anyone, I just want to know.”                                           

I swallowed. I kind of knew this was going to happen in the back of my mind, but tried to ignore it until now.

Were we a thing? Honestly, we weren’t. I was even starting to question if we were even friends anymore. However I think I maybe sort of kind of wished… 

I contemplated how to answer her question a bit before going with, “Umm… I don’t know.” I said honestly.

“Eeeep!” The girl made a tiny squealing sound. “Oh my gosh! I’m sorry if I’m annoying you! And I apologize in advance for saying that you and Phil would make an adorable couple! I'm sorry, I know this is insensitive... are you okay?”

I think I smiled at her saying this for some reason. “Thanks and yeah, I'm okay I guess. I don’t mean to be rude, but I've got to get going.” I said.

“Oh! No, I’m so sorry for keeping you! I hope you and Phil figure out what that 'I don't know' means. Also, I swear I won't tell anyone until you do! Thanks for putting up with me! Bye Dan!” She said and she hugged me one more time before I started walking the other way.

I was walking away when I heard her shout one more thing that caused me to blush, “Please get married!”

Married? to Phil? 


I got back, and entered quietly trying to make it seem like I never left. I closed the door without a sound, but froze around the corner when I heard Phil’s voice from the other room. 

“No Jessica! That’s not what I’m saying! I’m not blaming you! I messed this all up. I’m just saying I don’t need you to help anymore.” He said pausing. He must be on the phone. What the hell is going on? Jessica as in life ruiner Jessica? 

“I’m not mad at you! I don’t know what to do though. He won't even talk to me anymore.” He paused again. “I know. I’m sorry some people are mad at you. I’m so sorry, I’ve messed up everything. I shouldn’t have had you send out the pictures.”


Did he mean to say HE was the one who sent out those pictures? Or did he make Jessica do it? What the hell is happening?

I came around the corner, and stormed up to Phil, absolutely livid. He spun around to see me and his eyes went wide. “I’ll call you back.” He said hanging up immediately.

What?” I said demanding an explanation.

“W-What do you mean?” Phil stuttered trying to see what I knew.

“What do you mean “you shouldn’t have made Jessica send out those pictures?” Does that mean what I think it does?” I asked. 

“I-I Dan this isn’t I-I didn’t mean…”

“Then what did you mean? Phil I think I heard enough to be able to piece together what’s happening here.” I said still waiting to hear it from his mouth. 

“What is happening here?” He asked obviously desperate for a way out. 

“Don’t tell me you didn’t have Jessica send out those pictures!” I said growing louder with every word. I was filled with anger at the moment. I couldn’t believe this was happening. 

Phil broke eye contact and looked down at his shoes. I saw a tear fall into his cheek. I felt something feel like it crashed inside me when I saw that tear, but he hastily wiped it away as fast as it got there. He looked back up at me.

His blue eyes were glazed with tears. “I didn’t mean to hurt you Dan.”

For a second I almost gave in. Hurt me? How? Then I remembered how mad I was about this situation and went back to yelling. “You planned the whole thing!? Didn't you!? The emails! Phil I broke my arm because of this!” I exclaimed. 

Phil’s expression went void for a moment and then it hardened. “Well, maybe if you weren't so clingy and you'd have let me have my space, you wouldn’t have tripped running after me.” He said. 

“WHAT?” I said. “Me? You ran off because I didn't tell you about some bloody email that apparently you were involved with! So what? Did you set up this whole thing just so you could have an excuse to move out!? And how am I clingy? YOU’RE THE ONE WHO CAN’T MAKE UP HIS DAMN MIND UNLESS I’M AROUND!” I exclaimed referring back to when the original prank video was posted and Phil did absolutely nothing to fix it.

“YOU WOULD’VE DONE THE SAME! if you were in that position...” He said yelling back.

“Phil, you act like you’re all innocent, but really ALL of this? How much could you possibly hate me to go through all the trouble you did to get away from me? How are you so messed up!? All I have to say. WHAT. THE. HELL.” I said feeling tired from all this yelling.

“I had a good reason!” Phil said trying to defend himself.

“Oh yeah? What would that be?” I asked. He was silent. The silence engulfed us for at least 10 seconds before I continued. “Exactly. Bye Phil.” I said turning back the way I came, and walking out the door.

*im so sorry* 
*plz dont hurt me* 

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