Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 

Imagine you’re sitting in a room, when all of a sudden your OTP come stumbling through the door clearly drunk. What would you do? Also, let me add you’re a huge fangirl for the both of them? Normal people might go up to them and ask for a photograph or maybe even a signature.

I never said I was normal.

Why can’t I be normal?

Instead of doing anything like that, I grab a video camera and hide in the corner. My brother was going to film something in here with me, but he forgot about the party and told me to just go in here and stay out of the way.

I fumbled around with the buttons trying to get it to video, and once I finally did, I only caught part of their conversation… then the kiss.

I swear I never thought that was going to happen. At first I thought “If I video this, I might be able to put it on tumblr and become tumblr famous.” But then they went and kissed.

At first I was shocked and confused. I questioned if this was even real. Did this mean they were a thing? What should I do? Should I make my presence known?

This is when the fangirl bit kicked back up. My OTP were kissing in front of me! Forget Destiel! Who cares about Larry!? Phan was kissing in front of my eyes.

And I caught it on camera…


I can watch it over and over again!

Or put it online. But if I do that, they might hate me… That would put a huge obstacle in my plan to meet them someday then become friends and “accidentally” fall in love with Dan Howell.

Now at the time, I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world - until I started actually thinking about it.  What am I supposed to do with the footage?

I thought maybe contacting Phil would be the best idea. I sent him an email, but he didn’t reply, so for the next day or so, I stalked his twitter to try and find him. However, I got lucky and found him walking into a coffee shop.

I had come up with a plan that could Dan and Phil together using the pictures. Being a writer of many Phanfictions has had it's advantages.

I explained to him how everything was an accident and how I just ended up with this. I told him I felt bad and asked him if he wanted to do my plan. He agreed.

It made me excited that I could be involved like this, and I didn’t think of any of the possible consequences.

Everything was happening so quickly at the time. Phil had given me his number and told me that if I see anything about him and Dan seen together that I should release the pictures then or if he told me to.

Of course someone had seen them at the airport and took some pictures and put them on tumblr. Phil hadn’t told me anything, but I was just doing what he told me. I hesitated posting the pictures because I was afraid Phil would be mad at me.

I went ahead and did it then logged out of everything. I didn’t want to watch everyone blow up with this news. I got a text from Phil:

Why did you post them?!

I told him that people saw the two of them together and I was just doing what he told me to. He apologized and that was the last I heard from him, until later.

The next day, I decided to check and see how the pictures were spreading, and I say it was spreading pretty quickly. I mean considering on tumblr alone I had 59 asks and the photo set was the first 5 posts on my dashboard with 67,934 notes. I checked twitter and Facebook and saw I had similar results there as well.

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