8) The Phone Call.

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Chapter 8

The phone call.

-June's POV-

Niall and I, texted yesterday, and made a deal, that we should meet at Nando's, at 12 o'clock. I began to get in my clothes. I wear my skinny black jeans, with a white tank top, and a cardigan. It isn't a date, so why should I wear formal clothes? I laid some mascara over my brown eyes and began to do my long brown curled hair. I just sat it up in a ponytail. When I were finish I walked down stairs and began my way to the front door. Of course my mom was there.

"Hey honey, you are going out? What about your breakfast, or should I say lunch, it's almost 12?" Mom said, while she was cleaning.

"Can't talk mom, Sarah is waiting on me, I need to hurry, see ya" I lied and walked quickly through the door. I hate when I need to lie for my family. I walked towards my bike, when I realized that a shinny black car was parked in front of me. I'm not a car expert, so of course I didn't know which one.

I just stood there when a blonde guy stepped out of the car. It was Niall.

"What are you doing here? Is that your car?" I asked as my eyes widened. He just laughed.

"I'm here for give you a ride, you can't go on your bike, and Jonah said you haven't got your car license yet." He said. Wait had he talked to Jonah?

"When have you talked to Jonah? And I was on the final exam of the car license, but I failed. Wait why am I telling you this?" I said. He was now smirking at me.

"I talked to him at the guitar lessons, and did you just said, that you failed? I knew it, since you were little, you always bombed into me when we drove on our bikes." He said and laughed.

"We'll I'm sorry!" I said a little bit annoyed.

"We'll let's go, I'm hungry" he said and opened the door for me.

"I can do it by myself, Niall." I said, pulling me inside of his car. He walked to the driver seat and then we drove to Nando's.

It was silent until I said:

"Um, you didn't answer my question, is it your car?" I just said it because it was a little bit awkward in the silence.

"Yeah, we own a lots of money, when we go on our concerts and stuffs like that." He said. I just nodded. When we came to Nando's he just drove further. What was he doing? He said that we should talk here.

"Um Niall, you just drive further your favourite place, what are you doing?" I asked and looked worried. He smiled.

"Don't worry, our plan is changed" he smiled again, and of course, it scared me a bit.

We drove in like 20 minutes, and when we came to a little lake, he stopped the car. He jumped out of the car, he was about to opened my door, but I was faster than him. We began to walk towards a picnic place, I think he had made by himself. We walked closer.

"Do you like it?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Niall, all we need to do, was talk to each other, in a public place. Then why are we here, on a picnic?" I asked seriously.

"But I though that it will be better if we just could talk in private, and its like a da-" he said but I cut him of.

"Niall it isn't a date" I almost yelled. He looked hurt.

"So you don't like it?" He said.

"Of course, it's beautiful. And the food looks SO good, but all we needed was a talk, a little talk." I said, he smiled a bit.

"Okay then lets talk" he said and sat down, and I joined him.

***1 hour later***

-Niall's POV-

Both of us, had tears in our eyes. I had just told her my side of the story.

"So we are good now?" I asked her. She looked at me in the eyes. It's weird. Every time I'm near her, my stomach hurts, in a good way of course. It's like 100 butterflies is flying inside of me.

"Yeah Niall, we are good now." She said, then we hugged. God I'm so happy.

"I've missed you" I said and poked her in her stomach, as I always did when we were younger.

"I've missed you too" she said, and began to laugh when I poked her even more in her stomach.

**a week later**

-June's POV-

Well it's have been a week since Niall and I have been friends again. It's good to have him back. We have been hanging out everyday, and have told everything to each other. Maybe I think that I'm In love with him. Everything we make together, give me butterflies in my stomach, every time he touches me I'm almost fainting. I was cut out of my thoughts when I got a message. I looked at the display.

-Message from Niall

-Hey Little Baby, wanna hang out in the mall?-

I smiled. He calls me baby, because I'm two years younger than him. I began to type back.

-Message to Niall

-Hey Big Blondie, of course I'm there in a second.-

I was on my way downstairs when Jennifer called.

"Hey Jen" Almost yelled.

"I have just been invited by Josh, to the school prom" she screamed through the phone, I scream too. Jennifer had got a crush on Josh, since 7th grade.

"So who are you going with?" She asked. Wow I've had forgot everything about the prom. How could I?

"Um, no one yet" I said. Maybe I should invite Niall?

"OMG J! It's on Saturday, in two weeks. What about Niall?" She asked. Yeah I know there's long time for the prom, but hey, we need to find a partner.

"OMG I HAVE FORGOT ABOUT NIALL, he is waiting on me, see ya" I said and hung up before she could answer.

I walked towards my bike and drove to the mall. It isn't that far away.

When I came Niall, was standing at the door of the mall, with a hat and sunglasses. I laughed.

"Hey Little Baby, it isn't my fault that I am so amazing and became famous." He said, we both laughed. Then we walked inside.

We sat down on Starbucks and was just talking.

"I need to go on the toilet" Niall said, then he walked through the restroom.

**ring ring**

It was Niall phone. Should I take it? I looked at the display, I was Harry. I clicked on answer.

"Niall, have you told June that you can't see her anymore. If you have, so please came to Liam's flat." A man through the phone said. What? Is Niall gonna rejecting me again?

"Niall, I can hear you're breathing. Answer me" Harry said. I hung up. Then Niall came back.

"Hey Little Ba-" he said but I cut him of.

"Don't call me that, so Harry called. You're rejecting me again, fine. Don't you ever contact me again Jerk" I said as I run out of Starbuck.

"June wait!" He yelled as he ran after me. Gosh I'm so slow. He came up to me but I just turned around, and Niall ran into the wall.

"June wait!" He yelled again, but I continued my running towards my bike. He gave up. Then I began to cry on my way home.

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