23) An inspiring speech.

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Chapter 23

-An inspiring speech.

June's POV.

Message from Niall:

-So you only kissed with him? I need to tell you that, after I'd kissed the girl, came I like to tell her that I have a girlfriend, and say your name to her, which really was a mistake. I'm so sorry June.-

It was him. He did so my privacy is gone. But it's a thing you need to live with, if you want to be a celebrity's girlfriend. I don't know why. But I'm not mad at Niall. Not even because of he kiss another girl, not anymore. I could say that he was thinking the same. It weird. I'm missing him so fucking much right now. I decided to call him. And we talked in what seems like hours.

***Next morning***

"June you're late!" I heard my mom yelling at me. It was Monday. The worst day of the week. I hate school.

"I'm coming" I yelled back. I checked the clock at my phone. It says 7.16. OMG only 14 minutes to the bus is coming. I quickly stood up and walked to the bathroom. Did some girls stuff out there and then to my closet. I picked up some black denim shorts and a dark green tank top. I also wear some bracelets, and necklaces. Then I ran for the bus stop. I didn't had time for breakfast, I just run for my bus. Lucky I came in the same second as the bus.

I stepped out and walked through the big doors in my school. One thing had changed. Peoples were staring. Like staring staring. What's wrong with the- oh, now I know. It's because of the little Niall and June thing on twitter.

I quickly Walker Towers my locker. Jennifer and Sarah, came over to me.

"OH MY GOSH, you and Niall!?" She said, I looked at her confused. Didn't she knew it before it came out on twitter? Of course not. I smiled to her.

"How could he do this! Are you still together!?" She asked. What? I gave her a confused look.

"You know the kiss in Australia?" She said. Oh i think we forgot to tell the whole world that we have forgiven each other. Or that I had forgiving him, because the world didn't know what I did.

"Um, I forgave him. It was just a mistake. I'm going to tweet it on twitter later" I said as we walked to our first period. Math. Gosh I hate it. Hopefully it will be over soon.

The bell rang for lunch and we all went to the huge hallway where all our lockers were. A group if girls came over to me.

"Jackson! Your filthy whore. Where is your little celebrity star? Oh sorry I forgot that he's kissing with other girls while you're here, doing your school." A bitchy voice sounded the crowd around laughed. It was Chrissy, and her clique, Jenny, Samantha and Lola. The four girls all the boys would do everything for. The four girls every girl in the school are scared of. If you are messing up with them, it will hit you even harder. I pretended that I haven't heard her, and began my way to the canteen.

"Look who is scared and running away" she said. She was beginning to piss me of. I turned around. The crowd was staring at me.

"Look over here Jackson! It Niall kissing with Joanna."

"No he's is kissing with Justine over here." Peoples where shouting at me. Now I'm pissed.

"Why is he even together with her. She is just a filthy whore" Lola said. That's enough.

"LISTEN! If you absolutely need to break me down. Then do it. Do it. But next time, know the truth before you are splitting discussing words out of your mouths. Yeah Niall did kissed another girl. But hey, I forgave him. You know why? Because it was a mistake. And I love him. Yeah I love him. He loves me and I don't care if you're hating on me. Because I have my friends, family. They're better than everything. And nothing can break me down. Not even your little words, which you're only saying because of you're jealous. You wish you were me. And every single girl who says she isn't, is lying." I said and walked trough the canteen door. I couldn't hear the crowd. I think my words did something. Fun because I didn't think about my words, they just came running out.

I picked up some food on my tray and went to the table where all my friends were sitting. Jennifer, Sarah, Anne, Malene, Juliet, Rikki, Rasmus, Camilla Sally. The were laughing.

"Nice job J." Rasmus Said. I looked at the screen they where all staring at. It was me on the screen yelling at all the crowd in the hallway. It was out on YouTube. How?

"A girl was filming the whole scene. And then she uploaded it on YouTube" Sarah said.

"There is already 100 of people who is watching it" Jennifer said. Wow already.




My twitter notifications where going insane. I got new followers all the time. I quickly turned off my notifications and then began to eat my lunch. I only got five minutes before girls were around me. The ringing bell saved me, and all the girls disappeared. I did too. Yeah, I left the school. I couldn't handle it. It's just too much. I walked towards the park.

I sat on a bench when my phone began to ring. I looked at the display. It was Niall.

"Hey man" I said.

"Juniiiie. I just watched the video on YouTube. What's going on? You're okay?" He asked worried.

"Yeah I am. But I was thinking of if you could tell your fans that I forgave you and we are all good? It will help me a lot?" I asked.

"Yeah of course baby.-" I smiled.

"-Hey why aren't you in school?" He continued. My smiled disappeared.

"I left because I couldn't handle all the girls. I know it's pathetic.-" I said but he cut me off.

"No baby! You're not pathetic. It's normal. Just don't let them break you. Okay?" He said. I swear I could smell him.

"Okay" It was all I could say before my eyes were filled with tears. He noticed.

"June baby? Are you crying?" He asked worried. I sniffled.

"I'm just missing you so freaking much." I tried to say through my tears.

"Not as much as I'm missing you." He said. Silence came on.

"June?-" he said.

"- I have though of something. But I'm not sure if you want but, will you come to Australia in the last two weeks?" He asked. Now my eyes were filled with tears of joy. I was so so so so happy. Then I realized:

"I'm sorry Niall. I would love to, but I don't have the money.-" I said but he cut me off.

"No June I'm paying for your ticket." He said. No I can't let him pay as much for me.

"I can't Niall, it's too much-" I said but of course he cut me off again.

"Just pretend it as a gift, please June." He begged.

"Well..." I started.

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