19) Three Fucking Weeks!?

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Chapter 19

- Three Fucking Weeks!?

-Niall's POV.-

"I'm bored," sounded it from Louis.

"Me too" Harry said, and we all nodded in agreement.

"So let us find something to do" June said, and looked around at us.

"And what would you do, we are in a forest" Zayn said.

"Zayn, don't be so negative, there are certainly many funny things you can do in a forest" Perrie said.

"We could go for a walk," Liam suggested.

"Hahahah" Louis broke out in laughter.

"Liam, you sound like an old grandfather!" Louis said, while he laughed.

"You might have a better idea?" Liam asked, and lifted eyebrow.

"Um, yes I have" Louis said.

"Like what" Liam asked. There was silent for a few minutes.

"Okay, okay no, I don't have any better idea" Louis admitted. And then we decided to go for a walk. I walked beside June, with her hand in mine. I was really tried of, that every time that I had try to kiss June, some of the others had interrupted us. So I had decided that today, was the day where I, Niall Horan, was going to kiss June Naomi Jackson, and ask her to be my girlfriend.

"Hey, guys see there is a lake" Louis yelled, and pointed straight out, and there in the middle of the forest, there was a lake. Maybe it was the same lake June and I went to, yesterday. And nearly kissed.

"And there are some canoe's too" Eleanor said, and pointed at some canoe's. we walked over to the canoe's.

"I don't think this is a good idea" Zayn said, and looked down on his feet.

"Why not, I think it will be fun, to sail in this canoe's" June said, and looked at Zayn.

"Because we could die" Zayn said, June looked confused at Zayn, because she didn't know that Zayn can't swim, so Zayn explained it to her, so she understood it. He flushed when he told her everything.

Zayn, Perrie and Liam decide to go back, to the tents, and the rest of us decided to sail in the canoes. There was tree canoe's so there was one to Harry and Cecilie, and one to Louis and Eleanor and one to June and I.

We had sailed round for a while, and we was actually really good at it.

"Shall we do a sail race?" Louis asked. Oh no not again, but it could be fun.

"Yay, that could be fun" June said, and we all agreed. We all sailed to one of the ends, of the lake.

"Okay, so the team, that first comes to the other end, is winning, okay?" I asked, as they all nodded.

"Okay, on tree" I said.




And we begin to sail to the other end, of the lake.

"C'ome Niall, we are long back the others," June said. June and I was just came half way, so I would just try to raise me.

"NO, no Niall, don't do that, the canoe will just overturn" June yelled. And of course just at she said it, the canoe overturned. We was now in the water.

"OMG, Niall" June yelled at me, and splashed some water on me, and then we started a water fight.

"Niall, stop I capitulate" June said, and I stoped splashing water at her, and swam instead over to her and took her hands in mine.

"June" I said, and looked her in the eyes. June said nothing, she just looked at me. I noticed how our faces gently approached each other. Her eyes came closer to mine, and for every second I forgot everything else around us, the only thing that was important right now was June, standing (well swimming I guess) right here with her hands in mine. I could fell the butterflies in my stomach, which immediately always is there when she is nearby me. It feels like that every cells in my body, can register when she is nearby. And that feeling am I also noticed right now, just stronger. Our lips met, and moved together perfectly. I make the kiss deeper and since June was on it, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. Something I last had marked the first time I had kissed Hanna. But this time the feeling was stronger, and I knew that June was the girl for me. After a while we pulled apart, staring into each others eyes.

"June, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her, and looked deep into her eyes.

"I will love to" she said, and we kissed again.

"Aww" It sounded behind us, and we pulled us from each other, and looked at Louis, Eleanor, Cecilie and Harry.

"You two are just so sweet together" Cecilie said, and looked at us with a big smile.

**Back at the tents**

We just came back to the tents, where Zayn and Liam had make a fire. They had looked weird at June and I, since we both come back with splash wet clothes and had hold each other in the hands. But after we had changed to some other clothes, we told Zayn, Liam and Perrie what had happened, and they just laugh at us, and had said that they was happy on our ways. I was too, it could get any better.

After some hours together. Liam got a phone call. We all looked at him while he was talking. When he was done, he turned his face us.

"I'm sorry bro. I know you two had just became a couple but simon called. The plans are changed, we are going to Australia again, tonight." Liam said. OMG tonight! This can't be true. I squeezed June's hand.

"How long are you gone?" June asked. I looked at her.

"Three weeks." I said. Her eyes where filled up with tears. I pulled her into a hug. The other was just staring at us.

"At least, I have you guys here with me" she said as she sniffled. Should I tell her that they where going to be with us too?

"Um, June, they're going to follow us to Australia." She pulled away from my hand as I told her they're going too. She looked at all of us.

"Why?" She asked. I was feeling stupid not to ask her about she was going to join us at the tour, but I couldn't. Simon had told us to tell him long time ago, who was going to following us at the Australia concerts, and I didn't know I would be Junes boyfriend. Am I stupid?

"We are going to leave know" Liam said. June's eyes were filled with tears. She walked to our tent and I could tell she was mad.

I went to our tent too, to pack my stuff.

"June in sorry, but-" I said but she cut me off.

"It's okay Niall I'm just staying home, with my friends. I also have to do my school." She said. I pulled her into a hug, and kissed her. For maybe the last time in three weeks.

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