34) Surprise June.

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Chapter 34

- Surprise June.

Niall's POV.

** Still in the plane, on their way home**

I need to give June the best birthday ever. Therefore, I got all the boys attention, and of course the over from the team in the private plane.

"Hey boys listen. It's because I would really like to hold a surprise party for June, the day just before her birthday, which will say tomorrow," I told them.

"I sounds like a really good idea, but I don't understand why you want to do it the day before and not on her birthday" Liam said and looked at me a little bit confused.

"Oh Liam my friend, it's actually because that I do have a very special idea to what I'm going to do with June that day" I told them and they all started to laugh. Why did I say something wrong?

"So my little Nialler are going to do something special with June?" Harry teased while he was laughing. Oh my god they thought that I was going to have sex with June. Haha. It was not what I meant when I said that I had a special idea.

"No that's was not what I meant, you dirty minded boys!" I said and looked at them they just looked at me.

"Okay, okay but had you have had sex with her yet? I want to know" Harry asked and kept laughing.

"No, we haven't had" I told them.

"But you want to?" Harry kept asking. I just rolled my eyes because of course I wanted to have sex with June, she was my girlfriend, but I wanted our first time to be special. And I wanted her to be ready first.

"But I need your guys to help me planning the party, so will you?" I asked, and changed the subject from June and I's sex life. They all nodded and offered their help. Liam said that he would seek for that June would come to the party, on the right time. Louis and Harry would arrange for decoration and Zayn promised me that he would seek for the food and drinks. And I had to seek for the guest list so everyone in June's family and her friends would come.

** Next day**

It was today that the surprise party for June was, so I had been calling to all of June's family members. Now you might think, where do I have all the numbers of June's family from, but I got it from her mother. I had also been called all her friends and luckily, they all could come. One of June's aunt couldn't come. Right now I was waiting on Louis and Harry because, they will come over in just a little, so they could begin with decorate my house, because me and the boys had decide to hold the party at my house. Because it will had been a little bit difficult to do it at June's house, when she was supposed to not know anything.

As I was waiting on Harry and Louis to come over I decide to call June, just to hear how she was going. So I pulled out my phone from the table in front of me, and found June's number in my contacts, then I called her up. There was silent for a few seconds then she answered.

"Hello my boy" She said as she took the phone.

"Hi sweetheart how are you?" I said and smiled.

"I'm pretty good, but I am missing you so much. How was the flight home?" She said.

"I am missing you so much too, it was fine just a little tired now" I told her as there was someone who was knocking on my door, I guess it was Louis and Harry.

"Sorry love, but there is someone who is knocking on my door, so I need to go" I said. and walked toward my front door.

"Oh that's okay. Talk to you later then?" She asked.

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