15) The date.

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Chapter 15

-The date

-Niall's POV-

I came out of the shower, and was looking for some clothes, that I could wear on June's and my date. I was going to pick her up at 6 pm, and then we should drive to a restaurant in London, it's one of my favourite restaurants, because the food is really good, and it's really nice decorated.

I took a pair of black pants out of my closet, and a white t-shirt. Then I went to the bathroom to fix my hair, I put some hair products in my hair, and then I took my toothbrush. Then I brushed my teeth well and thoroughly, when I was finished brushing my teeth I spat out in the sink. Then I went back to my room, and looked one last time into the mirror, to see if I looked okay. I took my shoes on, and took my car keys, and then I grab my jacket just right before I slipped out of the door. I locked the house and walked over to my car, and drove to June's house.

I arrived at June's house and now I stood outside the door, to June's house and was going to knock on the door.


The door opened and in the doorway stood June. She looked beautiful, she had a nice black dress on, there went to her knees. She also had some black high-heeled on and some jewelry's.

"You look great" I said, and looked at her.

"Thank you and you too" she said, and smiled at me. She took a jacket, and locked the front door, I took her hand and we walked over to my car. I opened the door for June, and she sat in the car.

"Thank you" she said, just as I closed the door, and went over to the other side of the car.

As we drove to the restaurant, there was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. When we arrived at the restaurant I opened the door for June, and took her hand, we walked into the restaurant. Where a waiter quickly popped up.

"Niall Horan, I've had ordered a table for 6 pm" I told the waiter, whit a smile. Before she got the chance to say anything, she nodded briefly, and made a motion with her arm, who told us that we should follow her. We were placed at a little two-man table in the corner. It was a round table and had a white tablecloth on. And there was a nice view to London out of the window.

As the gentleman I'm, I pulled the chair out for June, who sat down on it. I pushed her easy as nothing into the table, and then I went over to my own chair, which I quickly placed myself on. The waiter handed us the menu card.

"What do you want?" I asked June.

"I think I would take the lasagna, and you?" She asked.

"Hmm, I don't know, it all sounds really delicious, so I can't just pick one" I told her. With a grin.

"It's just so typically you, Niall, to not being able to choose what you want" June said, while she grinned at me.

"Okay, okay then I just would take the same as you" I said, and looked at June with a smile. The waiter came back to take our orders, I ordered both for June and me.

-June's POV-

Until now, Niall's and my date had been perfect, it was really nice. We talked about everything that dropped into our minds. Straight from what had happened in our lifes, over the last three years, to what our favorite colors was. I felt really comfortable in Niall's company. The waiter came with our food, and Niall was quickly to eat, but that comes probably not as a surprise, because Niall loves food more than anyone else.

"Wow, it tastes really good" I said.

"Mm, I think it's the best lasagna I ever had tasted" Niall said, I nodded my agreement.

"Can I ask you about something Niall?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Is it you that come with the idea about, to teach children how to play guitar?" I asked.

"No, it was not, in fact it was our manager who got it, but I liked the idea" He said, and smiled at me.

When we were done with our food, I was really satiated, because Niall had insisted that we also should ordered some dessert.

"I need to go to the toilet," I informed Niall about, he nodded in response to that it was okay.

After that, I had asked a waiter, about where the toilet was, I found it. I pied, and found my way back to the table, where Niall sad and looked at his phone, it was first when I sat down, he looked up from it.

"I have just called some bodyguards, because there is apparently some fans and paparazzi's that have found out about, that I'm here on the restaurant" He said, and looked at me. I looked worried.

"They'll be here just in a few minutes, and help us out." He said I just nodded.

A waiter come over to us, and told us that the bodyguards was here. So we took our jackets on, and Niall grabbed my hand and squeezed i.

Then we walked towards the exit, just before we opened the door, Niall looked at me and said:

"It's going to be okay, just don't answer the questions, and follow me"

I just nodded. Niall opened the door, and my ears was filled, with screams from the fans, and a lots of questions from the paparazzi's. I needed to look down, because all the flash blinded me, I just hold Niall's hand tight and followed him thought people.

When we got into Niall's car, it was like a liberation. Niall started the car, and we drove to my house.

"Is't always like that" I asked Niall, he nodded.

"Sometimes it's worse," He said.

When we arrived at my house, Niall opened the door for me, he took my hand and walked me up to the front door.

"It has been an amazing night," I said.

"Yay, it has been really nice, we should do that again. But I'm sorry for all the paparazzi's and fans" he said, and smiled at me.

"We should defiantly do it again, and that part with the paparazzi's and fans, is not your fault Niall" I said. We stood for a while, and just looked at each other with a smile on our faces.

"Goodnight Niall." I said.

"Goodnight June" he said, and kissed me on the cheek. Then he walked back to his car and drove away.

I was lying in my bed, and was thinking of Niall's and my date, it had been perfect. I looked at my phone. I got a new message.

Message from Jennifer-

-Hey June, I hope that you and Niall's date will be a good date, you need to tell me everything about it when you come home. Xx Jen-

Massage to Jennifer-

-It was a really perfect date. Xx June.-

Just before I lay me down to sleep, I looked at Twitter, where I found out that there was pictures all over of Niall and me, and people was asking about who I was. I quickly send a message to Niall.

Message to Niall.-

-Have you seen that we are everywhere on Twitter? June.-

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