32) Leaving Australia.

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Chapter 32

- Leaving Australia.

Niall's POV.

I woke up, because there was one who kissed me on the lips. I guessed it was June, so there slid a smile across my lips.

"Good morning Nialler" June said and I could sense that she was smiling.

"Good morning sunshine" I replied with a husky voice and opened my eyes so I could look at her. She was lying beside me, my arms was around her stomach and I hold her tight into me. We had obviously been lying like that for the whole night, because when we went to sleep we laid us like this.

"Do you have hangover?" I asked tired, and could feel a big headache that I guess was my hangover. As responding, she just shook her head.

"Do you have?"

"Yeah I have a little bit; I think I need a pain killers. But how can't you not have?" I asked her a little bit confused about because how could she not have a hangover at all, she was drinking a lot more than me and was very drunk last night. How was that possible?

"Some people are just born really lucky," she said with a smile.

"Then you must be one of those lucky people" I said and looked her in the eyes. Smiling.

"Believe m,e I am," she said, as she finished her sentence I leaned my head towards hers, and our lips met in a gently kiss.

"Good morning lovely people, the breakfast is serve so it's time to get your butts out from this room and out to the table" Louis sang, as he came crashing in to the room. June and I pull us apart and looked over at Louis.

"Oops I did just interrupt right? But you need to come now so c'mon c'mon, we have a long day ahead us" Louis said and looked smiling at us. How could he be, so fit as a fiddle? Louis turned around and just as he was about to go out the door into the room, I threw a pillow right in the back of his head. June and I break out in laugh and continue ld with kissing.

"No, no that was not the meaning that you to just should continue with kissing" Louis said and threw the pillow back at me.

"You two better be at the dinner table in 10 minutes," He said and we got a finger wagging from him, then he leaved the room. And we was alone again.

"Come Niall we need to get up" June said and sat up in the bed, but I pulled her back, and hold her into me.

"I don't think we need to, I think we just should stay here in the bed and cuddle all day" I told her and kissed her on the neck.

"I would love too, but you heard Louis" She said and raised her up from the bed, and walked into the bathroom.

As June was in the bathroom, I raised me, and walked over to one of my trunks and started to look for some clothes to wear. I ended up with wearing some black pants and a red T-shirt with some text on. Then I sat down on the bed and looked at my phone while I waited on June to come out from the bathroom.

** 10 Minutes later**

"There you two lovebirds is, take a sit" Louis said and looked at us with smiling. All the others was already sitting at the table, so there was only two seats back to June and I, so we did sit us down beside each other.

"What time are we going to the airport?" June asked and looked around at us all.

"The plane is going to flight 2 pm so we are going to be at the airport 12:30 pm"

Liam told her with a smile.

"And what is the clock right now?" Perrie asked and looked at her phone.

"Omg its already 11 am, and I haven't finish packing!" she said and looked at us with widened eyes.

"Me either" Eleanor, Cecilie and June said on the same time. Then they all raised them from the chairs and ran into their rooms to pack the rest if their stuff. So the boys and me ended us sitting and eat breakfast without the girls.

** At the airport**

June's POV.

We had just arrived at the airport, and now we was going to check in. it was a little bit sad that we was going home without the guys, but we were going to see them again in just a few days. We did check in and now we was going to say goodbye to all the boys, I was defiantly going to miss them and I was going to miss my little Niall really much. He is my everything.

I walked over to Liam and started to hug him goodbye.

"I'm really going to miss you Liam" I said and looked up at him.

"I'm also going to miss you, but then it's good that it's only a few days," He said, and we pulled apart from each other. Then I walked over to Harry and he pulled me into a hug. After Harry, it was Zayn's turn to say goodbye to me, and after him, it was Louis. When I had said goodbye to Louis I only need to say goodbye to Niall. I walked over to him and he opened his arms and pulled me into a big hug. We just stood and hugged for a while and didn't say anything to each other.

Then I looked up at him and kissed him on the lips, and tears started to came into my eyes, I was really going to miss him. Niall stopped the kiss and looked down at me. Yeah he was taller than me.

"June, please don't start crying, because you're making me crying," He said and looked me deep into the eyes.

"I'm just going to miss you so much," I said. Leaning me head onto his


"I know, and I'm also going to miss you really much. But June remember that it's only a few days and then we are going to be together again" He calmed and hugged me tighter.

"June you need to go now, your plane is going to fly soon," He said, and we pulled apart from each other, I looked around and saw that the other girls had said goodbye to the guys and just stood and waited for me.

"Goodbye then" I said, and walked over to the other girls, and we waved to the boys and they waved back to us. Then we embarked on the plane.

**Home at June's house**

The girls and I had said goodbye to each other at the airport, and then Eleanor had drove me home. I had said goodbye to Eleanor. I was now standing at my front door and was going to opened the door.

As I walked through it, it didn't look like there was anybody home, because all the light was off, and I couldn't hear anybody.

"Mom, dad I'm home," I yelled. No answer, okay that's was weird where was they?

"Jonah, are you home" I yelled and again no answer. I walked the into the kitchen but they wasn't there. I walked toward the living room and just as I walked in, the light turned on, and all my friends from school, my dad, mom and Jonah came out from diverse hiding places.

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