33) Story Of My Life.

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Chapter 33.

- Story Of My Life.

June's POV.

"JUNE!" Jennifer yelled as ran towards me with a speed like a vampire. She hugged me tight, I hugged her back. My other friends hugged me too.

"June, how was Australia? We have been watching everything you and Niall were doing on twitter. And fans had posted a lots of pics too, it looked so nice." Sarah said and smiled.

"Yeah it was so nice and beautiful, but there was a lots of fans wherever we was, it's kind of annoying." I said.

"June, I've missed you," my little brother Jonah said. I hugged him.

"I've missed you more, Jo" I said. My mom and dad hugged me too.

"I took a airplane home yesterday, so I could plan this for you." My mother said. She left the party really early. Niall had paid for her tickets the over to Australia and home again. He was so generous.

***At the end of the day***

Everyone had left and we all sat and ate our dinner.

"So dad and I have something to tell you." Mom said. Jonah and I looked at them.

"We have decided that,-" she said. Please just tell me it's not about her problems with dad. Jonah had told me that they have fought almost every time they where together. I'm sorry about Jonah is hearing that.

"-we are moving from each other" she said. Kill. Me. Now. Jonah held his head into to me. Why do they have to do this to Jonah. He's just 8 years old.

"And I'm moving back to Ireland. Dad is moving to Birmingham, he also have a new woman in his life," mom said annoyed. So dad has being cheating on mom. How could he.

"Hey! You didn't need to tell them the last part," dad yelled at mom.

"But you didn't said it, so I needed." Mom yelled back. How could they yell at each other in fronts of Jonah?

Dad yelled even more at mom. Then I lifted up Jonah and brought him to my room. I didn't want him to hear that.

"I'm so sorry Jonah, but didn't listen to them, they're just stupid," I tried to calm my crying brother.

I got some night clothes for Jonah, so he could sleep with me. When I came back, he was nearly sleeping from crying.

"Jo, please get in your pajamas, you'll sleep better," I told him. He was to tired to answer, so I might be the one to get him in the clothes.

When I were finally done I got his duvet and covered him. He looked so peaceful.

I looked at my watch, it said 21.45. That means it's 08.45 in Auckland where Niall is. I decided to call him.

"Hello sweetheart" Niall said sleepy through the phone.

"Sorry love, did I woke you?" I asked. I was talking low because of Jonah was sleeping.

"No baby, I'm almost on my way to the studio, Zayn is here too." He said. God I'm already missing him.

"Then say hi from me." I said. I could hear someone in the background.

"Hiii Junie!" Zayn yelled. I chuckled.

"Hiii zaynie."

"So no more for you Zayn she's mine," Niall said. Sweet.

"Niall my parent are moving from each other, Jonah has been hearing them yell at each other, and I don't know what to do," my voice cracked a bit.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry. All you can do is just be there for Jonah, he needs back up. Greg has always being a good brother when I needed him. Jonah will need it. And I will be there for you, you know," he said. Those words make my eyes fill up with tears.

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