9) Funky Buddha.

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Chapter 9

-Funky Buddha

-Niall's POV-

June had totally misunderstood eveything, it was not because that I couldn't see her anymore, it was because I was going to tell her, that the boys and I are going to Australia on tour, and then June and I couldn't

see each other for the next few weeks.

** Ring, ring **

I took my phone out of my pocket, and looked at the display it was Harry.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey Niall, why didn't you say anything, before when I asked you, about if you had told June, about the tour in Australia, and that you can't see her for the next few weeks?" He asked.

"Because it wasn't me, who took the phone. It was June who took it, and she misunderstood it completely. And now she think that I don't want to see her again." I said, and sighed it was really a big mess. I had just got a chance to be friends with her again, and then it all just went wrong.

"I'm sorry about that, Niall. But I thought it was you, I was talking with" Harry said.

"It's not your fault Harry, I just have to make it good again, between June and I" I said while I was going over to my car.

"Are you then coming over to Liam now?" He asked.

"Ya, I will be there in about 10 minutes, see you." I said, and hung up, before he could say anything. Then I started my car, and arrived to Liam's flat.

** At Liam's flat**

I had arrived at Liam's flat, where we all were gathered around Liam's dining table. And with all, it will said, the boys and me, and our managers. Simon was telling us about the tour, but I didn't really listened. I was just thinking of her, June. She was just in my thoughts all the time.

"Niall?" Someone said.

"Niall are you there?" Zayn asked, and teased me on the shoulder, a few times.

"Mmh yes, what is there?" I asked. And looked at the boys, who all just stood in front of me, and looked at me.

"What are you thinking of?" Louis asked. I looked around in Liam's dining room, and realized that the meeting was over. Because it was only the boys and me, who was in the room.

"I'm just thinking about June, and how I can make it good again, between us." I said.

Liam, Zayn and Louis looked confused at me, because they didn't know, what had happened between June and I. So I started to explain it to them.

"Have you tried to call her?" Louis asked.

"No I haven't, and she will probably not answer, if I tried to call her." I said, And looked at Louis.

"I think you should try to call her, what do you have to lose?" Liam said, and Looked at me with a encouraging smile.

"Okay so I'll try to call her." I said, and stood up from the chair, I had sat on. I went into Liam's bedroom and closed the door, I took my phone up from my pants, and found June's number under my contacts.

After having dialed in some minutes, the answerphone said:

"Hi you have called June Noami Jackson; unfortunately I can't pick up the phone right now, but leave a message. And I will call back to you"

I waited a little bit, and then I tried calling her again. But she didn't take it, so I decide to text her.

-Message to June

- Hello June, I know that you're mad at me, but you have completely misunderstood what Harry said. Please reply me, June so I can explain it to you. Niall-

I walked out of Liam's room and back to the boys.

"Did you call her?" Liam asked.

"Ya, I did, but she didn't Picked up. So I texted her instead, and now I'm just waiting for her to reply" I said.

"Okay, I hope for you that she will reply. Do you want to join me and Zayn we are going to Funky Buddha?" Harry asked, and looked at me

"No I just think that I will be here, at Liam's flat, and eat all his food, if it's okay with him" I said, and looked at Liam, who nodded that it was okay with him.

"Alright, then it will just be us two, Zayn" Harry said, and looked at Zayn. Zayn nodded, and they said goodbye to us. I went to Liam's kitchen and found something to eat, and tried not to think of June.

-June's POV-

** At Sarah's House**

Jennifer, Sarah and I was getting ready at Sarah's house to go to a party, we had agreed to take a girls night out, so we was going to Funky Buddha. Just what I needed a girls night out, after everything that had happened between Niall and me.

When we arrived at Funky Buddha, the guard let us in. We went with the same to the bar.

"What do you want, to drink?" Sarah asked me.

"I'd had a Pink Lady," I said, and she turned to Jennifer and asked her the same question, and then she ordered our drinks. Then we found a place among some boys, and sat us down with them. I felled fast in talk with a guy, named Jake.

"So how old are you?" Jake asked.

"I'm 17, and you?" I asked, and looked at Jake, none of us was wildly drunk. Contrary to Sarah who was talking, with a blond guy, where both of them was really drunk.

"I'm 19 years." Jake said, and looked at me.

"Hey June your phone is calling" Jake said, with a smile on his face. He was actually really hot. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes, and he was really handsome. I hadn't noticed that my phone was ranging. I picked it up from my bag, but when I finally got it up, it wasn't ranging anymore. So I placed it on the drill, and chatted further with Jake.

Then my Phone called again, I looked at the display. It was Niall; I press on the decline, and laid the phone back on the drill.

"Shall you not take it?" Jake asked.

"No, it's not so important anyway." I said, and looked at my phone, and saw that there came a message. I picked my phone up again and started reading the message.

- Message from Niall.

- Hello June, I know that you're mad at me, but you have completely misunderstood what Harry said. Please reply me, June so I can explain it to you. Niall-

I pressed answers and wrote.

- Message to Niall.

- Niall I don't want to talk to you, so just get out of my life please. June-

"Are you sure about, that it's not so important?" Jake asked. I nodded

"Will you dance, with me?" I asked, and switched the topic. Instead of answer, Jake took my hand, and pulled me with him, out on the dance floor. We started to dance; suddenly there was a person who went into me. And we both ended up on the floor, the person who had landing on me, was quick to get up. And handed me a hand, I took the hand and came up and stand.

"That must you therefore excuse" the person said. I looked up and met the person's face, it could not be true. It was a curl top, as in Harry Styles from One Direction, as in one of Niall's best friends.

"Oh, it's okay" I said, as I was going to turn around, when Harry asked:

"What's your name?"

" It's June" I said.

"June, as in Niall's June" Harry asked. Maybe I shouldn't have told him my name.

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