chapter 6

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“Those who don't have challenges, don't have responsibilities.”- Ritu Ghatourev

Harry's point of view:

The next day I woke up to a massive hangover, you see after Sam left I was pissed so I drank maybe it was a little too much but at that time it seemed like a good idea. I walked into the kitchen to see Louis eating breakfast "how's the hangover.” Lou smirked "painful please tell me I didn't do anything stupid last night.” I asked while making myself a cup of coffee "well you didn’t do anything stupid in particular just some karaoke but last night all throughout the ride back you kept talking about Sam." Louis smirked "what did I tell?" "Nothing but the fact that you love her and how you want to marry her."  My eyes grew wide "what?" I screamed nearly choking; I have never been in love and falling in love with Sam please like that’s ever going to happen.

Louis burst out into fits of laughter "omg you should have seen your reaction when I told that" he continued to laugh "Lou that wasn't funny." I huffed "but I did see you speaking to Sam looked like you were actually enjoying each other’s company but then she stormed out, what happened?" "her mood swings Lou, she has more mood swings than a pregnant woman, one minute we were leaning in for a kiss the next thing I know I am being yelled at" memories of my argument with Sam flashed by "that doesn't sound like Sam, you know her not kissing a random guy." Lou smirked. "and the funny part is I actually knew the girl I met her last night we were suppose to have had an one night stand but you know I am not that kind of guy and I took care of her and the next day she was nowhere to be found. " "You took care of her.” Louis laughed "Sam walking out without a word sounds like her she is doesn't fall in love." he spoke while taking a sip of his tea.

"but it’s me Lou who doesn't fall in love with me. " I laughed "harry styles you cocky bastard" Louis teased "but seriously Sam is one of those girls; she doesn't fall for anyone even you curly especially after the way she stormed out during the party she will definitely not fall for you. " Lou laughed "please wanna bet I can make her fall in love with me." I smirked "okay then let’s." "Let’s what??” I asked Louis in confusion "bet that you can make Sam fall in love with you.” I thought for a while I knew betting on a girl was wrong but this was a challenge and if I had denied it Louis would never let it go. "Challenge accepted. " I smirked.

Sam's point of view: 

No matter how fast my legs took me I still needed up being ten minutes late.  

"First day and your already late Samantha" the manager Lucy according to her name tag glared at me "I am sorry it won't happen again.” I smiled hoping she would return it back but nope she just continued to glare "it better not Samantha" she hissed. "It won't and you can call me Sam." "I will call you whatever I want too now you just head inside and Clair your other co worker will tell you what exactly your work is. This is no rocket science so you better get the hang of It." with another glare from Lucy I walked to the back of the store. I was hoping she was at least nice I don’t want my first job to feel like a living hell, I finally saw Clair she was a brunette with green eyes that reminded me of those green emerald eyes of Harry omg! What is wrong with me? Did I actually willingly think about harry this whole job thing is already getting to my head no wonder I thought about him. 

"Hey you must be Sam." Claire smiled okay she seems to be nice. "Hey you must be Claire." I faked a smile "so Claire Lucy said you will like explain exactly what to do." "Well have you ever worked in a coffee shop before." she looked like one of those people who would never stopped smiling who never look unhappy. "No actually this is like my first job." she gasped, what was wrong with not working a lot of people don't work at my age I am just 19. "Well since your new just work the tables today and I will show you how to work the machines after work. "She smiled "okay grab an apron and follow me." I did what she said and followed her "here is your notebook and just take the orders and I will make the drinks and you serve them.” "Okay sounds simple enough.” "Oh and Sam don't forget to smile." I faked a smile and headed to the table. 

Taking orders how hard could that right, NO! It wasn't it was my first day and I had screwed up at least ten orders till now. But the people were sweet enough they actually understood and actually even tipped me quite well. And to my luck Lucy had noticed only three of my mistakes I get the vibe that she doesn't like me.

I went to the next table too busy in my own thoughts not bothered looking at the customer "hi my name is Sam and I will be taking your order so have you decided on anything yet.” I faked a smile like I was instructed to "hello Sam." that familiar British voice making my eyes grow wide.



This like a filler chapter so I did not really have any sam and harry moments so be patient and sorry of there are any mistakes.I am like out of fanfics to read if you know anything nice or written a fanfic please do tell I would love to read it.

Anyway vote and comment I would love to know your opinion.

Love you guys. Xx

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