chapter 28

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“To help another is like helping oneself; be kind and expect that one day you too will be needing help.” –unknown.

Sam’s point of view:

I groaned as the alarm rang breaking me away from my peaceful sleep I reached and tossed the alarm to the other end of the room. Harry’s laughter filled the room making me smile in my sleep. “Baby get up you’re going to get late for work.” He whispered in my ear and nibbled on my earlobe.

“I don’t care.” I groaned

“Rise and shine sweetheart.” He nuzzled in the crook of my neck making me laugh “harry stop that it tickles.” I chuckled, he chuckled “how about this.” He started leaving a trail of delicate kisses from ear to my neck; I held my breath with each kiss he laid on my soft skin. “Harry” I moaned his name, he just smiled and continued with his slow torture.

He nibbled on my soft spot igniting my body with each passing second, when he was satisfied with the mark he let go of the skin and laid a gentle a kiss on the heated area. I turned around immediately attaching my lips with his.

He pulled me closer and deepened the kiss “I love you” he spoke between our kiss “I love you.” I whispered and pulled him closer and kissed him again. I tugged his hair making groan.

He rolled over me pinning me down to the bed with his body “god I love waking up to you.” His voice is raspier in the morning making me want him more “and I just love you.” I spoke and pulled him closer, within minutes we got lost in each other.


“Thanks for dropping me again.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek “anytime babe. Listen I have interviews and photo shoots all day so I will busy all day.” Harry spoke.

“So I won't see you at all today?” a frown formed on my face “no I get off by ten in the night I will come by the apartment after that.” He grinned that adorable smile of his.

“Cool we can have dinner together then.” I smiled “no it will be late, you just have dinner without me.” he smiled “shut up harry we are having dinner together.bye see you at night.” I leaned and gave him a quick kiss.

“bye.” He smiled. I got off the car and headed for the store.

“You look like you have hardly slept” Emily laughed “cause I didn't I was in the emergency room till three in the morning.” I groaned “oh my god is everything alright?” she asked “yeah my mom wasn’t feeling all that great but she is fine now.” I lied; I didn't really feel like going on about the details about my complicated life. Emily just nodded and changed the topic about how she spent last night with her boyfriend or something.

Work was going on normally, it was finally lunch and I was starving with the morning I had with harry I didn't get to eat; well I didn't get to eat my breakfast at least. I joined Emily and Hannah for lunch, they were quite surprised when they saw how much I ate, and this made me tell them about the time when niall lost to me in an eating competition making them laugh. I checked my cell phone for the fifth time to see if there was any message from harry but there was none, he did say he was going to be gone the whole day.

We finished our lunch and headed back to the store. “Samantha?” I stopped dead on my tracks when I saw jack standing in front of him; what the hell does he want now “how did you find me?” I asked him.

“Not important but I need to talk to you.” Hannah and Emily excused themselves and left. “What do you want?” I asked you could sense my irritation from my voice “I need your help Samantha.” He pleaded “and why should I help you?” I snapped at him.

Something About You (Harry Styles fanic) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now