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KATHERINE'S chest tightened as her body hurt in places she never knew could hurt. Using all her will power she dug her feet into the pavement and pushed herself harder. When her strides became longer and Katherine ran faster, she silently thanked her father for being an Army Sergeant and her curiosity whenever he was training if he was back from work. Katherine blinked away the water in her eyes from the rain and ran faster as the voices behind her, of angry men, commanding her to stop. Katherine ran faster, well because, her life or freedom depended on it. Even as the voices began fading, Katherine still ran until she couldn't run anymore. She leaned against the wall of the alleyway she had ran into. Her wet clothes were stuck onto her. Katherine looked inside her duffel bag for clothes to wear and discovered that all of them were soaked.

"Great, I almost get kidnapped then my clothes get soaked. It's such an awesome day." Katherine mumbled sarcastically as she closed her bag and took in her surroundings.

She had strayed far away from the road because the odds wouldn't be in her favour if the men chasing her were in cars and saw her running on the street. Katherine pushed a wet piece of hair away from her face and decided that she had to find a place to rest her head before continuing on her journey. Even though she had absolutely no idea where she was going, her main objective was to get herself far from the orphanage. After realising that there was nothing she could use to make a little shelter with, Katherine ventured out the seemingly safe alleyway and carefully back onto the street. Katherine's hopes were shattered when she discovered that not even one shop was open. She could have tried to get help and call the police. The alleyway across the street caught her eye because it had a shelter-like structure. Katherine checked the empty street for any signs of the men after her and when it was clear, she raced across the street. But her dash to the other side of the street when was halted when a car stopped right in front of her just as it was about to hit her. Her breath hitched as she had the sick realisation that it was one of the people that were chasing her. Katherine regained her composure and was about to start running when a middle aged women stepped out of the car with a black umbrella shielding her away from the horrid weather. She felt herself relax as the woman gave her a warm smile that she hasn't seen since her parents died.

What are you doing out here in this horrible weather dear? The woman asked in a sweet voice.

Katherine stayed silent,not sure if she should trust the woman.

Are you lost?

Katherine shook her head

Do you need a ride home then? Asked the woman as she stepped closer to her,causing Katherine to rake a step back

Katherine was about to shake her head again when she heard shouting and feared that it was the men who wanted her.

I don't need a ride home. Can you please just drop me off at the next bus stop? She asked in a hurry as the voices got closer.

Sure get it.

Katherine was about to enter the car,when she realised that she was soaking wet.

Don't worry about that,dear. Just get in. Urged the woman as she  noticed Katherine's hesitation.

Sighing due to the warmth inside the car,Katherine laid her head on the head rest as the car drove off.

I'm Mariana Williams and you are?

Katherine Palmer.

What are you doing out this late and in such a bad neighborhood like this? Mariana asked

I really don't want to bother you with my troubles. All I need is for you to get me to the bus stop.

I can't leave a minor like yourself at a bus stop with no supervision whatsoever. That would be careless of me. Mariana said as she took her phone out of her pocket I have to inform the police.

No! Katherine shouted,grabbing Mariana's phone. If you call the police,they will take me back to the orphanage and I can't go back there.

So you are an orphan?

Yes,my parents were murdered during a home invasion a few months ago. Katherine mumbled,looking down at her wet jeans

I'm so sorry for you loss,dear.

Katherine was about to respond when the car stopped and the driver announced that they had arrived at the bus stop. She quickly took her duffel and was about to open the door when Mariana grabbed her wrsit.

Where are you going? She asked softly

Thank you for the ride,but I have to go.

Do you have money for the bus and is their a specific relative that you are going to stay with? Asked Mariana

I have a bit of money on me and I don't have any close relatives.

So where are you going to go?

I guess I'm going to get off the bus at it's last stop. And then I'll just see from there. I just need to get away from this place.

How about you come with me to my hotel and we'll come up with a plan from there. Suggested Mariana

Look Mam,my parents warned me about strangers and I have already went against their orders by getting into your car. I really need to leave.

Its either you come with me or I call the police you fear so much. Threatened Mari.

Fine. But I saw to all that is good in this would if you try to hurt me Mam,remember, I'm younger than you so I will not hesitant to fight back. Katherine threatened back as the car drove off,filled with Mari's chuckle.

They arrived at Mari's luxurious hotel and she led Katherine to her suite. Mari instructed her to take a shower and informed her that she would get her something to eat. After warming up,Katherine changed into clothes that Mari had laid out for her on the bed of the guest room she was shown to. She tied up her damp hair into a ponytail and sat down in the lounge where Mari was seated with Katherines phone.

I didn't know what you wanted,so I just got a sandwich and a cup of tea. Mari told her and Katherine nodded with a smile.

Once Katherine was done eating,Mari questioned her about why she found her on the street. Seeing no way of avoiding the persistent woman, Katherine sighed and surmised what happened.

After my parents death,I was taken to a opharnage. I have been at the orphanage for a month. So tonight after everyone went to bed,I needed to go to the bathroom. On my way there,I overheard the lady who was in charge of opharnage talking to a man about how much a girl would cost. Then I heard her tell him how much he would need to pay her for me. I ran back to my room and packed my clothes. My door opened and a man walked into my room. He started talking off his clothes,claiming that he needed to taste the supply before his clients did. I grabbed a knife that was my dad's and I slit his face. I pushed him off me and ran away. You found me because his men where chasing me.

Mari whipped away her tears and hugged Katherine.

We need to call the police. Mari siad as she pulled away from Katherine.

Do you really think they will believe me?

I'm sure. You are so brave. You remind me of my daughter,she was as brave as you.


She died a year ago in a shooting.I just wish I had more time with her. Mari said with saddnes in her voice.

Judging by your looks,she must have been rather young.

She was. I never got a lot of time with her and not because she died at a young age it's because I was so busy with my business, I never gave her a lot of attention. Confessed Mari.

I'm sorry for you loss Mari.

It's okay dear.

Mari offered to dry Katherine's hair and braid it to which she gladly agreed to.

Now,let's go call the police. Mari announced after she was done with Katherines hair.

Little did Katherine know,Mari would change her entire life.

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