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Before you start I would like to announce the title change(Even though everyone already knows). It's not really a big difference from the old one but it's a change. The new title came to me at 3am. Yes people 3am, I had fucking insomnia. Although I have to say, insomnia as the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.
Any who, read on.

A loud siren woke Katherine up. She heard loud footsteps, which resembled those of a person running,outside her room which made her jerk up from her bed. Katherine got out of bed and cautiously walked to the door. She slowly opened it and saw Christian's men running down the hallway. Katherine was about to close her door and try to call Christian when she saw Nick.
"Nick what's going on?" She asked when she was able to stop him from running down the stairs where Katherine had just heard gunshots.
"We are under attack. I don't know how those bloody Americans were able to pass security. You have to get to safety. Christian would kill me if something happened to you. Go to Christian's room,there is a safe room behind the bookshelf. You can get into it by lifting the black glass on the small table next to the bookshelf. Sophia,Ellie and the girls are already there. Get going." Explained Nick
Katherine rushed back into her room and grabbed a pair of black sweatpants on the chair.
"Are you seriously getting dressed right now?" Nick asked.
"Yes, turn around." Said Katherine and pulled her pajama shorts down and quickly got dressed in the sweatpants.
"What are you doing now?" Nick asked as he turned around when he heard Katherine open a drawer.
"Do you seriously think I would go unarmed at a moment like this?" Katherine asked as she threw her two guns on the bed and slipped on a pair of shoes.
"Don't you dare say you want to help." Warned Nick as he watched Katherine shove her phone in her pocket and grab the guns.
"I was going to say that, but I really don't want to fight with either you or Christian."
"But I am shooting any American in my way."
"Knock yourself out but be safe."
"You too."
Katherine watched Nick grab a gun from his waistband and walk out of her room.

KATHERINE got Christian's room and found Sophia crunched down talking to a hysterical Ana who had tears streaming down her face.
"Ana, honey what's wrong?" Questioned Katherine as she crunched down next to Sophia, who was cautiously looking at her guns.
"There are bad men out there that are going to hurt daddy and uncle Nick." Responded Ana in between hiccups.
"But Ana, daddy and Nick are going to kick those bad men out of here. They will be safe. They are very strong." Katherine assured her.
"But..." Ana began but Katherine instructed her and the whole room to be quiet.
Katherine quietly crept to the door and felt like slapping herself when she realised that she hadn't closed the door. Katherine peaked out of the gap of the ajar door and saw five men looking at Christian's room. She quickly moved her head before they could see her but heard a male voice say,
"I'm positive Boss there is someone in that room."
Katherine peaked out of the gap again and saw the men walking towards Christian's room.
"You will search that room until we find whoever is in there." One of the males instructed.
Katherine walked back to the wives.
"Get in the safe room now!" She instructed while the wives looked at her quizzically
"I said get in the fucking room right now!" Katherine demanded as she pointed her guns at the wives.
"Kitty Kat, what's going on?" Asked Kayla.
Katherine lowered her gun and saw Ellie open the safe room.
"There are bad men coming here and I need you to get into the safe room with your mommies and your sister. Please do that for me." Katherine answered with urgency, she could hear the males footsteps getting closer.
"What about you Kitty Kat?" Questioned Ana.
"Don't worry about me. Now hurry. I love the both of you okay? I won't let those men hurt you." Katherine assured her and gave both the girls kisses on their foreheads.
Katherine watched as the wives entered the safe room with the girls and the door close. Katherine knew that she could have easily went into the safe room too but those men getting to Christian's room knew very well that someone was in the room and they weren't going to atop until they found that person. Katherine knew the safe room wasn't that safe when people knew that someone was in Christian's room. Katherine could hear them getting closer to the room. She knew what she was doing was stupid but if it meant sacrificing herself for the girls' and possibly the wives' safety she would do it. Katherine aimed her guns at the door when she saw it being opened.
"What do we have here?" Asked an fairly old man whom Katherine assumed was the boss by the way he was dressed.
"Who are you?" Katherine asked as she aimed her gun at his head and the four men around him responded  by aiming their guns at her.
"I should be asking you the same question." The man replied with a smile
"I said, who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?" Katherine repeated
"Now, I'm not a man who is spoken to in that manner. " The man warned and Katherine was able to finally pin point his accent, he was American
"You are the American Christian was talking about." Katherine said in realisation
"And how do you know Christian?"
"None of your fucking business."
"Ryan " The mam called and a man walked into the room, a man Katherine immediately recognised. "Who is this lady?"
"She's Christian's newest wife Theo." The supposed 'Ryan' answered.
"Wait, you are not Ryan. You are Ethan." Katherine stated, confused at what was unfolding.
"Not really babe. The name's Ryan, Ethan was just a cover name." Ryan answered.
His answer made Katherine realise what was going on. Ethan 'well Ryan' had been recruited by Christian a few months ago. Katherine had seen him around the house when she came to see the girls. And he turned out to be a spy, sent by the Americans. If there was one thing Katherine hated more than anything it was spies. A spy was the reason why she was kidnapped before.
"You are a spy. You spied on Christian."
"That's correct. You are smart. It was easy though, you husband is quite trusting. Stupid bastard." Ryan boasted which made Katherine angrier than she already was.
He was boasting about how he was a spy and he also insulted her husband. Katherine wasn't having any of that, so she did the only logical thing in her psychopathic mind, she shot Ryan right in the forehead.
"You bitch!" Shouted one of the men and dropped to the floor to see if he could help Ryan. But Katherine knew very well that he died as soon as the bullet hit him. Even though she would have preferred to torture the fuck out of him she would accept this.
"Wrong move, I was considering taking you with me because I hate your husband but now after the stunt you have just pulled you are going with me. Get her boys." Commanded Theo and three of his men advanced towards Katherine.
She was able to fight the two of them off, including shooting one of the men, but she wasn't able to stop the third guy from hitting her head with the butt of his gun. And as she slipped into unconsciousness, she realised it was happening again. She was getting kidnapped. People say third times' the charm but she felt that the third time would be her demise.

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