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The day after they had gotten married,Katherine had to hear from Nick, who she had immediately become good friends with, that Christian had left early in the morning to go to an important meeting and he would be back in a few weeks.

“He didn’t even bother to tell me.” Katherine stated angrily. She wasn’t angry at the fact that he left the day after their wedding,she couldn’t care less,what she was angry about was the fact that he didn’t have the common decency to tell her.

But five days after Christian’s departure, Katherine realised that his absence was a blessing. She had acknowledged the fact that she and Christian weren’t going to work and that they marriage would remain unconventional.


Katherine’s face lit up as she walked into the kitchen and found Laura looking through the fridge. Like Nick, Katherine had become close friends with Laura.

“Morning dear.” Laura greeted Katherine as she sat down on the counter.

“Hi Laura. How’s your morning going?”

“Rather busy. I have to get the girls ready for school.” Laura replied and Katherine frowned at the thought of the little girls that didn’t take a liking to her no matter how hard she tried.

“Well then,let me not keep you. I just want some breakfast.”

“Help yourself dear. The rest of the family has already had breakfast but I have kept some for you.” Laura informed her before rushing out with a caring smile that Katherine normally saw on Mari’s face.

Katherine got up from her seat and went to get her breakfast.

She was already back in her seat and munching away on her food when Sophia and Ellie walked into the kitchen while talking rather loudly and stopped when they saw Katherine. They gave her the same look of disgust that they had given her since she walked into the house. Katherine honestly tried to be nice to them but she just couldn’t be kind to people that couldn’t  be kind in return.

“Why if it isn’t the gold digger?” Sophia asked,crossing her arms across her chest

“Excuse me?”

“She a slut and is also deaf. What a bonus.” Ellie spoke up.

“I’m the slut? “

“If the shoe fits.” The women continued to bully Katherine

“What the hell is your problem?” Katherine asked,getting fed up with their attitudes.

“Your presence is our problem. We know that you are some slut that wants to steal Christian from us. Well you better realise that Christian doesn’t want you,he didn’t even want to marry you to begin with.” Said Sophia with a smirk.

“Do you…” Katherine got cut off by Ellie who  began telling her about how Christian only loved them and why he would never want her. Katherine tried to get a few words in but Ellie just ranted on until Katherine got bored with what she was saying and went back to eating her salad in the hopes of Ellie shutting up. But Ellis’s voice quickly got irritating and Katherine had already had enough of the disprespect from the women.

“Are you getting there?” Katherine asked,silencing Ellie who looked confused at the question.

“Getting where?”

“The part where I’m supposed to give a fuck about what you are saying.”

“You fucking bitch.” Sophia said angrily.

“I’m going to say this once and once only because I hate repeating myself. So scrape whatever few brain cells you have left and work with me okay?” Katherine said as she placed her fork down. “I do not want Christian, in fact,I would rather stay far away from the jerk but I’m here only because of Mari. I really did try to be nice to you but you made it so darn hard,hence the reason why I’m not going to bother anymore. Keep your husband far away from me and that way we can live in harmony. And if you can’t do that,I promise you, heads will roll.” Katherine gave the wives a small smile before she got up and left the kitchen knowing very well that they had heard her message loud and clear.


Later that day,Katherine was seated on a bench in the large backyard,bored out of her mind.

She hadn’t seen the wives since morning but she did get a heads up from Nick about how mad Christian would be once he got word of their conversation. Katherine brushed off the warning because she wasn’t concerned about what Christian would say.

Questions popped in Katherine's head as she stared at the men that roamed around the property. Nick had told her that they were guards but it just didn’t make sense.

“Why are there so many of them? Why does Christian need people to guard his house if he is just a businessman? And why are they so good looking?” She asked herself.

She cocked her head slightly to the side when one of the men walked by her and  his suit caught her attention. Katherine had always been observational since she was a child and that was the reason why she noticed that he was wearing an Amani suit.

‘A guard wearing an Amani suit?’ Katherine thought.

“Hi,what time is it?” Katherine asked as she wanted the guard to come closer so she could get a closer look at his suit.

“Half past twelve.” He replied and that was when Katherine was able to confirm that he was wearing an Amani suit. She could spot them anywhere since her boss wears them everyday.

“So,what work do you do around here?” Katherine asked even though she knew the answer.

“I'm a guard.”

“That's a rather expensive suit for a guard.” Katherine questioned, trying not to sound rude.

“Mr Williams makes sure we look good at all times.”

“For who? And why are there so many of you if he is a businessman?” Her tone suddenly became professional as if she was speaking to a client.

“Mr Williams has a lot of enemies.”

“So many that he needs tons of guards around?”

“Yes.” The guard answered

“But he is just a businessman, how can Christian possibility make so many enemies, unless he takes part of dodgy dealings?” With that question the guard’s face changed.

“I have to get going. It was a pleasure talking to you Mrs Williams.”

“Call me Katherine.”

Katherine watched as the guard walked away and a sense of nervousness set in. She didn't want to admit it but with the little things that she had noticed around the Williams house since she had arrived, Katherine had a feeling that Christian was involved in something shady. And she couldn't imagine being married to polygamous criminal, she already had a hard time dealing with him as a polygamous jerk.

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