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Chapter is sorta short
I wake up in the morning and I'm really not in the mood to go to work but I have to. I do my morning routine and as I'm getting dressed I realise that I have to read a document before going to work. I finish getting dressed and take out the file. I grab my bag and laptop bag and I go downstairs for breakfast. I find everyone there already eating without me. They turn to look at me as I put my bags on the countertop and take the file with me to the table. I sit next to Nick and start eating while I'm reading the file.
"Morning Kat " Nick says
"Hy" I'm so engrossed in my work that I don't hear the rest of the conversation. I did catch that Christian was saying something important but I don't even know what it was.
"KATHERINE! Did you hear me?"He shouts
"Yeah I did" I say just to shut him up. I didn't even hear a word. I quickly finish breakfast then I go to work
Work was exhausting. I think as I enter the house. I'm stunned to find people working and all the furniture in the living room is replaced with tables and a stage
"do we really want to know?" my subconscious asks
"Nah" I answer back. A thought comes to me 'the way I talk to my subconscious it's like I'm a werewolf and I'm talking to my wolf ' haha I'm funny. I walk upstairs to my room and get changed into grey shorts, a black sports bra and white Nike shoes. I put my hair into a tight ponytail and grab my MP3 and earphones on my way out. To avoid being seen I take the backdoor and start my run.
As my run ends I end up at the gate at home (Christian's house ).I look around and find a lot of luxurious cars parked at the entrance and around the house
'Whats going on?
I see people dressed in elegant gowns and suits entering the house I sneak through the back door and go to my room. As I'm about to get into bed and sleep because I'm so tired from my run, Christian enters my room
"Would it kill you to knock ?!" I ask tiredly
"Why aren't you dressed? "
"Dressed for what? "
"The party I told you about this morning "
"You weren't listening were you? "
"No" he leaves my room and comes back carrying a white bag
"Here take this" he says giving it to me
"Whats this? "
"A dress Sophia and Ellie got you. It's really beautiful " he says with a small smile
"Oh thank you "
"Get ready in five minutes. I'll be waiting outside the door"
"But I stink I still have to shower then do my hair and makeup "
"Just wear the dress. You don't need makeup and your hair looks fine " I glare at him then take out the dress from the bag
"What the fuck is this? " I ask him as I look at the dress. It looks like a dress from the olden days. The kind slaves wore. It's a brown dress with long baggy selves, starts from my neck and ends right at my toes. All in all it's horrible, revolting a horror
"Why it's a dress" he says with a smirk
"Im not wearing this thing"
"Yes you are"
"No. I have other dresses"
"You are not leaving this room dressed in anything else " he growls
"Then I'm not going "
"Yes you are. All my business partners are here"
"So the whole mafia crew is here?"
"Its not a crew. But yes the most powerful people are here"
"So you want to embarrass me in front of the most powerful people?"
"No just get dressed " he says then leaves the room. I have to go to that party. I undress and get dressed into that horrible thing. As I'm about to brush my hair Christen comes into the room and tells me time is up. I only have time to wear my flat sandals. I see myself in the halfway mirror and let me tell you I look horrible
"You will go behind me. And don't tell anyone you're my wife " Christian says as we reach the staircase leading to the party. I'm so pissed that I nod and he walks away. I wait a few minutes then I go downstairs. As I enter there a rude mumbles
What is she wearing
Who is that awful girl
Just look at her
Couldn't she at least take a shower
Why does her hair look that terrible
I turn and see Christen and the wives laughing at me.
For a mafia boss he is so childish.
I also see Nick dressed in a black suit giving me a sympathetic look. I walk forward and try to mingle with people but the just ignore me and one man thought I was a waitress
"What the flying fuck are you wearing? " Nicole asks as she walks up to me dresses in a red sexy number
"Ask your brother and his bitches " I respond
"No no no. We need to change this"
"I know" I think for a few minutes then come up with a wonderful idea
"Nicole give me your phone" she gives me a confused look then gives it to me. I call Sam
"Hy Sammy" I say as she answers
"Hy Kat whose phone are you calling me with?"
"Nicole's. Anyway I need you to come to Christian's house with the dress I bought for a special occasion "
"Sure. What's going on? "
"Christen's having a party and he had me wear a revolting dress. Come quick. "
"Oh. I don't know where his house is"
"I'll give you the directions. Oh and wear something sexy "
"Okay. Bye"
"Bye" I end the call and text her the directions.
"What dress does she have? " Nicole asks
"I bought a dress a few months ago and I never got the chance to wear it"
"Oh. Come lets get you cleaned up. You stink"
"I know" we go to my room and I go into the bathroom and get cleaned up. After I'm done I get dressed in black lace underwear and wear a black robe. When exit the bathroom I find Nicole and Sam in my room.
"Lets get you ready " Sam says. The girl can get ready fast. She is wearing a green dress that hugs her body well
"But we will miss the whole party. "I complain
"Don't worry. My brother is still waiting for his guest of honor and I think the guest is running a bit late. So the party won't start without him. We have enough time" Nicole explains .
Thirty minutes later they are done.
"Wow. Thanks guys " They have have done the usual smokey eye and red lipstick. My hair is in curls. I stand up and get dressed. The dress is black and has a long train and a slit. The top half of the dress is lace, has long selves and a plunging neck line and I pair it up with black heels (picture above ).
"Damn you look good" Nicole says
"Thanks "
"Okay now go make my brother pay for that embarrassment "
"Oh I will " I say with an evil look. Sam sees this and starts shaking her head
"Oh no. No no no" she says
"What?" Nicole says
"Look at her" she points at me
"Whats wrong with her? Well except the evil glint in her eyes "
"Thats exactly it"
"What?! " Nicole asks
"Last time I saw that look. A cheerleader went bald and a jock had broken ribs"
"What! Really "
"Yeah. She is a really good fighter"
"Wow. We'll discuss this later. Now Sam and I will go first then you follow " Nicole instructs
"Okay" they leave my room and I follow them. They reach downstairs will I'm still hidden. I turn to look in the mirror and I look good. I hear clapping and I see Christian and the wives going onto the stage to make a speech. Perfect opportunity. The clapping ends and the room goes silent then he starts his speech
"Good evening everyone. It such a pleasure to have all of you hear and our special guest, Mr Woods. I would like to thank you for coming and I would like to thank my beautiful two wives.... " I cut him off by walking down the stairs. It's so quiet that you can hear my heels clicking on the steps. This seems like Deja Vu. Everyone turns and looks at me. I hear a few gasps
"Honey, don't forget about you newest addition " I say sweetly to Christian as i walk down the stairs.
" I wouldn't forget you honey " he says sweetly back. Oh we should be actors. I reach the bottom and look at Nick who gives me a wonderful smile. I walk onto the stage and hug Christian
"Dont you ever embarrass me like that again " I whisper into his ear during our hug
"We'll talk about this later" he whispers back. I pull away from him and smirk. I walk up to Nick and stand next to who also happens to be on the stage too.
"Oh aren't you a little ball of trouble " Nick whispers
"Why thank you "
Christian continues his boring speech then after a man comes on stage and we all walk off. I go to one of the waiters and grab a glass. I see all the men gawking at me and it does fell good. The man on the stage finishes talking then a band starts playing and people start socialising. Im about to go find Sam and Nicole when a handsome man around 30 comes towards me. He has blonde hair and green eyes, he's a tad bit hotter than Christian
"Nice entrance " he says
"Uhm thanks Mr... "
"Oh you are the special guest "
"That's me. And you are? "
"Katherine "
"Lovely name for a lovely woman"
Mr Woods and I start talking and having a good laugh. Then a lot of people enter our conversation then it's a huge circle. I see the wives making their way into the circle and soon they are standing with Mr Woods and I with Christian not far behind
"So what do you do? Any job? " Mr Woods asks Sophia
"Im a housewife " she says nervously. Mr Woods doesn't look impressed
"And you? " he asks Ellie
"Im a housewife too" she answers
"I just hate the idea of a housewife. They have no use. All they do is just lounge around " he says
"And let me guess. You are a housewife wife too? " he asks me
"No I'm a lawyer " I say
"A lawyer. Beauty and brains. A dangerously beautiful combination " he says "Thanks "
"Christian where did you get this lady? Every man needs one like her" he says to Christian
"You never reveal where you get you gems Thomas " Christen says putting his arm around my waist
"Well you found a real gem Christian" Thomas says
"And I never intend to let her go"
Okay so surprise update it was even a surprise to me because I didn't think I was gonna write until the eighth.

Have a fuckin awesome day

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