XIV:Part I

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Two weeks later

"Kitty Kat, Kitty Kat! "
Two voices shout as they enter my room. Even if I'm half awake I know those precious voices from anywhere. They quickly get on my bed and start jumping on it while they shout
"Kitty Kat! Kitty Kat! Wake up, it's your birthday! "
Their shouting forces me to wake up. I groan as I lower the covers and lift myself into an upright position. Running my hand through my messy hair,I rest my head on the Italian headboard and face the cute little rascals that woke me up.
"Ana, Kayla why am I being woken up so early in the morning? "
"It's not that early in the morning Kitty Kat" Ana says with a cheeky smile. They are constantly using the nickname they gave to me a few days when I took them to the park and Kayla struggled to pronounce my full name and a cute white kitten was just happening to pass by and that's how I got the nickname.
"Don't get smart with me young lady" I playfully scold her as they both sit closer to me and they look like they have just woken up themselves, with messy braided hair and adorable pink PJs.
"Kitty Kat, Ana and I got you a present that we made ourselves " Kayla says proudly handing me a macaroni necklace painted in different colours from blue to pink.
"Thank you girls. It's gorgeous, I will keep it for ever and ever " I gush as the girls giggle. They give me hugs as Nick enters my room with a tray piled up with food.
"Morning birthday girl"
"Hy Nicky" I greet him with the nickname the girls gave him which he detests and he glares at me and turns to the girls
"Girls I thought I heard your mommies calling the both of you downstairs " He says and the girls immediately spring up from my bed and rush out of the door.
"So how old are you today? He questions as he places the tray on my bedside table and he plumps onto the bed.
"A lady never tells" I say with smirk
"27" He states returning the smirk confidently
"Fuck off" I flip him off with a chuckle
"Onto other matters, what happened between you and Christian?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows
"What do you mean Nick?"
"Don't act dumb with me"
"I don't know what you are talking about Nick"
"God, you are stupid"he says rubbing his forehead
"Hy! That's mean" I exclaim
"What happened between you and Christian the time I left to go pick up the wives from the restaurant" He states. I can't even begin to think of the possibly of Nick knowing about what happened in the kitchen between Christian and I
"Nothing happened." I reply flatly
"Don't fuck with me Kat. I know that you necked on with him"
"I did not!" I lie but by the way Nick is looking at me,I know he knows the entire truth
"Yes you were. Christian told me that you were swapping fluids on the kitchen wall. Really Kat ? That's where I make my food. Why couldn't you take it to his bedroom"
"If we went to his bedroom things would have gone too far and we didn't swap fluids, he just kissed my neck"I poorly explain
"What happened to 'I will never let Christian touch me' remember when you said that?"
"Nick I already had this conversation with Mari, with what's going on with Christian and I, I really don't want to even talk about him'
"Is he still mad at you?" He asks with solicitude
"Yes" Right when I thought Christian and I were in a good place, we bounced right back to him being angry at me. It started right after I won the case involving Megan and Molly. Turns out my theory was spot on. So a few days after the court case Me and Sam and a bunch of our friends went to a club to celebrate my victory, like we always do. At about 3am they dropped me off and I found Christian pacing around the living room. And that's all I call to mind about that night. The only reason I can't remember is because I was drunk. Seven days later and I don't know what I said to him that made him so angry at me nor can I recall how I ended up in my bed wearing only Christian's shirt.
"I can fathom why he is so angry at you. You did say some pretty vile things. You crossed a line that none of the wives have even dared to crossed. Hell not even his family could say the things you said to him"
"Wait, you know what I said to him?"
"Yes, he couldn't hide it from me. I have known you for about 5 months now, I know you wouldn't have said that to him if you weren't drunk."
"Nick what did I say? Please tell me." I plead with him
"I can't Kitty Kat. It's not my place"He refuses with a firm look
"Well I have to go" He says and stands up
"Don't beat yourself up. Christian did say some pretty fucked up things himself"And with that he leaves my sorry 27 year old ass feeling confused and very guilty.

That's a chapter out of the way. Part two will be published as soon as it is completed.
Sorry part 1 is short but I have a tremendous amount of work to do.
Yeah so what do you think Kat said to Christian? Funny thing is, I'm the writer and I don't even know what she said to him (*^▽^*)

And have a fuckin awesome day

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