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Dedicated to @imanimaya for the beautiful covers she had made me. (Two of them are above and my favourite is the current cover for the book)

"YOU are such an idiot." Katherine scolded as she finished bandaging Nick's wounded wrist.
"I'm the idiot? You are the one who slit my wrist" Nick argued in response.
"You are acting like I did it on purpose, you are the one who got in the way." Katherine tried to defend herself
"Because you were trying to stab Ellie!" He exclaimed trying to get his point across which he was horribly failing since Katherine wasn't having any of it.
"You make it sound like it's a bad thing."
"Are you serious? You tried to kill her. You are a lawyer. Someone who is supposed to defend people not harm them."
"Well, I'm not perfect." Katherine sassed.
"You must be the craziest woman I have ever fallen for."
"The first and the last." Katherine said as she packed the first aid kit.
"Of course,the first and the last." Said Nick "I should go check on the kids." He said when he saw Christian enter the lounge.
Nick gave Katherine a quick peck before leaving her with Christian.
"Aren't you two a cute couple." Christian said as he sat down on the sofa across Katherine.
"I hope at least one of them suffered as much as I have." Katherine said referring to the wives who had to go to the hospital due to the injuries caused by her.
Christian himself had a stab wound on his arm, which he got when he was trying to protect Ellie from Katherine, who had gotten her hands on a knife. Her actions, fueled by anger, caused the wives to have to go to the hospital and Christian to a stab wound on his leg. He had just come back from the hospital to have it fixed and left the wives at Sophia's parents' house.
"They are in excruciating pain as we speak and it's all your fault."
"It was their fault I was in pain when I gave birth, so don't you dare give me that 'It's your fault' bullshit. I didn't give a bloody damn about them five years ago and I sure still don't do now. Just sign the bloody papers so I can leave." Katherine said, getting fed up with him.
"I'm not just going to give my children to you that easily." Christian stated, stood up and quickly walked to his study and heard Katherine rushing towards him.
"What do you mean?" Katherine asked after she had stopped him in the hallway to his study.
"I will not give up my children."
"Your children?! The children you didn't even know existed!" Shouted Katherine, her frustrations getting the better of her.
"I didn't know they existed because you kept them a secret from me!" Roared Christian
"I had to Christian! Now just sign the fucking papers so I can go home with my family." Katherine said
"Your family including Nick."
"Don't you dare." Warned Katherine.
"How can I not? You are in a relationship with my best friend."
"Ex best friend." Injected Katherine
"The point still remains, you are with him while you are my wife. Mine!"
"You have no right to say that Christian. I stopped being yours the day you kicked me out. I might still be your wife legally but we are over. Get it, we are over!"
"So us being through means that you can be with him?"
"What's wrong with that? Plus,I don't even need your blessing or opinion. Just sign the fucking papers."
"I'm not going to let this go so easily Katherine."
"You have absolutely no right to think that you can let it go easily or not. My relationship with Nick has nothing, and I mean motherfucking nothing, to do with you. Just sign the goddamn papers Christian."
"I'm not going to let another man father my children,especially not him." Argued Christian
"I don't even know why we are arguing about this Christian. They call him dad, to them he is their father not you"
"Oh, just because they call him dad, he is suddenly the world's greatest father. I would have been a better father to my children if you had just given me a chance"
"He was there for me when I had contractions the entire night, fearing that I would lose my children the day your wives drugged me and when you punched me. He was there when I cried over you late at night. Nick was there for me when I had cravings at two in the morning. He would go to the other side of town just to get the food I wanted. He was the one who rubbed my swollen feet. Nick's hand was the one I crushed while I was giving birth. He was there the entire six months when the kids where stuck in hospital. He held me every night because I was afraid they would die. He was there with me when they took their first steps and spoke. He was there for me and the kids, not you. Nick is more of a man than you will ever be."
Katherine watched Christian as he stayed silent, wondering what was going on in his head, what he was thinking about.
"But do you really love him?" Christian asked as he took a step forward, making Katherine's back hit the wall.
"Yes, I do love him." Katherine answered with Christian's face inches away from her.
"So you fell out of love with me that quickly? Did you forget all that passionate sex we had, the kisses and the love? Did you forget that easily? Does he make you feel the same way I used to?" Christian whispered lowly in her ear.
"What you are doing is not going to work Christian." Began Katherine as she pushed him away from her. "I don't love you anymore, I love him. I slowly fell out of love with you when you punched me in the stomach. You hit me Christian, your own wife. I fell out of love with you when I was in the hospital, battling to keep my pregnancy. I fell out of love with you when I had to leave London because I didn't want yo bump into you. I fell out of love with you when you weren't the one who was their helping me during the pregnancy. When you weren't their for the birth of our children, that's when I fell out of love with you. But do you want to know when I really fell out of love with you, when my heart didn't skip a beat when I heard your name or I didn't become breathless at the thought of you hands all over me? It was when Nick first kissed me, when we first had sex, when his skilled hands and mouth pleasured  me in places you could never reach, when I realised that he fit perfectly into me, when his kisses left me breathless and dizzy among other things, when the mention of his name made my heart skip a thousand beats. That's when I fell out of love with you, when I realised that he was the man for me not you."
Christian looked at her with realisation that hit him hard, he had lost her. There was no getting her back. He had forced himself to forget her over the years because he was told the lie that she had betrayed him. Now that he knew the truth, he still couldn't be with her because she had fallen for another, his best friend. It hit him hard, but he currently wasn't fighting for her love, he was fighting for his children. The children he could possibly lose. The odds weren't in his favours, he wasn't dealing with someone stupid, Christian was dealing with the smartest, manipulative and the most dangerous woman he knew. He wasn't going to give up easily, but he knew she wouldn't give up easily too.
"I will fight for my children Katherine. I have friends in very high places."
Katherine laughed at his words, she was kinda waiting for it, she still knew his character.
"Well I have friends in even higher places Christian. People who would grant me full custody without you being there or signing anything. Do you really think you want to battle a lawyer who comes highly recommended and hasn't lost a case since her career took off? Plus, I could also argue that if your wives hated me that much and wanted me out of your life that much that they drugged me, what would stop them for making my children's lives a living hell even killing them if you were to be granted full custody. I will drag your name through the mud Christian, don't test me." Threatened Katherine.
Christian weighed his options and realised his defeat.
"Fine I will sign them." He said with a sigh.
Christian walked to his study and signed the papers that he had placed on his desk. He paused when it came to signing where he would be giving Nick and Katherine full custody of his children. After releasing another sigh, he signed and put the papers back into the envelope. He had just lost the most important people in his life. He got up from his seat and handed Katherine the envelope. Christian didn't want to say goodbye just yet because he would have to see her again in order for everything to be fully finalised. Katherine got closer to him and tightly hugged him.
"Thank you Christian. I will forever keep the memory of us close to my heart. I honestly did love you. It's a pity some people couldn't handle us together. Goodbye."

Due to some miscalculation, I said in the previous chapter that there were three to four chapters left, but in reality, the next chapter is the epilogue. It saddens me that STMB is almost done. But I can't write 120 chapters,now can I?

Anyway, I have seen a few comments where people said Katherine should go back to Christian because the story is called Sharing The Mafia Boss, but hasn't she already shared him? Think about it. This isn't the normal,cliché story where the main characters end up together. Where is the fun in following the norm?  This story wasn't the usual Wattpad story to begin with, so why must it end in the way a lot of books end like?

I have to say, I have missed the arguments between Katherine and Christian.

And have a fucking awesome day

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