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Dedicated to Nyangwa for all those votes. Thanks a million

"Do you two know each other? " Christian asks snapping me out of my staring contest with Dominic
"No we don't " I say
"Yes we do " Dominic says at the same time
"Dominic I don't need you to answer for me" I say to him
"You will not speak to him like that! " The woman next to Dominic says
"And who are you? " I ask her
"I'm his wife, Simone " she says . He's married. What?
"Well hello Simone pleasure meeting you " I give her a fake smile and sit down
"Well if you are planning on standing up the whole night can you do it somewhere else " I say and everyone sits down. I have no other choice but to smile and act happy. Dominic decides to sit opposite me and I'm stuck staring at him for the whole night. Great. The waiter comes and takes our orders. The wives and Simone orders salads while , I being a sane person order some real food. They give me odd looks but I shrug it off. I'm honestly happy with my body and if I gain I can go to the gym which I usually do. I lean towards Christian who is next to me
"Mafia or legal? " I ask him
"Mafia " he answers. Great. I knew the man for two years and I didn't even know he was part of the mafia. The conversation starts flowing between everyone and I couldn't even give a flying fuck about what they are talking about. But as they continue talking, one of their topic interests me.
"So is this you first time in London ?" Sophia asks Simone
"Yes but not Dominic's . He lived here for two years. Had to set up his business here. "
"Didn't you miss him?" Sophia asks again
"Every single day"
"Weren't you worried about him cheating? "
"Oh Sophia, my husband would never cheat on me" she says proudly
"I have been married to her for seven years I love Simone to death" he says then looks directly at me" No woman and I mean no woman, no matter how beautiful or seductive can make me cheat or her. And if I would, they would just be pathetic flings. Whores that throw themselves at me. No one can take the place of my wife. I can never love anyone more than I love her. " my heart breaks into a million pieces. How could he say that? I have had enough. These days everyone is out there to test my patience. I take out my phone and call one of my many guy friends.
"No phones at the table Katherine " Christian says
"Who are you? My dad" I say and turn my attention back to my phone as my friend answers
"Hy Scott. Can you please pick me up" everyone at the table turns silent and looks at me
"Sure where are you?" asks Scott
"A restaurant called Mystic Blue"
"Im on my way home I pass that' restaurant on my way. I'll be there in 10 to 15 minutes tops"
"Thanks Scott"
"Sure anytime. See you soon " he ends the call and I stand up
"Really Katherine. You just had to get the attention. Didn't you? " Says Elle
"Listen here Elle. I couldn't give a fuck about your opinion right now. You don't like me and I sure as hell couldn't give a fuck about you. So piss off" I hear gasps around the restaurant.
"Show's over. You can get back to your dinner " I say as I walk out of the restaurant. I know it was uncalled for but I'm really angry and hurt. Those two combinations dont gel well when it comes to me. I get to the entrance and wait for Scott. I hear the restaurant door open and out walks Dominic
"What do you want Dominic?" I ask looking at him
"You are married to him? " he asks with slight anger
"Yes I am. What is it to you? You are married yourself "
"Kat...." he starts but I interrupt him
"No Dominic. So I was your mistress? "
"No..." I interrupt him again
"For two whole years. Your mistress. And here I thought I would never be a mistress. Married men were off limits. "
"For two whole years you made me your mistress."
"Would you let me fucking explain! " he shouts angrily making people leaving the restaurant look at us
"Don't you dare shout at me Dominic. I am nothing to you" I shout back
"Don't you Katy me. "
".Why Dominic? "
"Why what? "
"Why did you stop me at the cafe? Why did you ask me out on a date? Why did you bother me until I agreed? Huh. Why did you tell me that you love me? Why did you ask me to marry you? Why did you leave me with that pathetic note? Why did you have to break my heart? " I say with sudden tears running down my face.
"Im sorry Kat. I really am!" he says desperately
"Sorry doesn't even start to cover what you did to me! " I exclaim as Scott's car stops next to me. I turn around to leave but Dominic holds my wrist and turns me back to him. I can honestly say I don't love this man in front of me but looking at those eyes, having him so close to me and his touch I really am not sure anymore. It's all a blur, his betrayal and all the love I might have for him I honestly don't know.
"Dominic let me go" I whisper. All my strength loss.
"If I knew that you were willing to being my second wife I would have stayed "
"I didn't want to marry Christian but I has my reasons. Logical reasons " I respond
"So we are in the same situation "
"We are totally different. You weren't forced to marry Simone. Weren't you? I was forced to marry him. You cheated on Simone with me, I got married to him a year after you left. "
"Kat... " he tries
"Dominic there's nothing more to discuss. Nothing. You chose to leave end of story. Please let me go" I say. Talking to Dominic is pointless. He just won't listen.
"I won't let you go" he whispers, his warm breath fanning my ear.
"Let me go like you did a year ago" I say breathless. The things this man can still do to me
"Katy please forgive me" he tries again
"I think you want this back" I say as I remove the necklace I'm wearing and give it to him. He just looks at me. I drop it
"And just like our love, you let it fall" I say. He still looks shocked
"You still have it" he says
"I never lost it. Unlike you, my love for you was real" I say looking down at the necklace. It was my engagement ring, I didn't want to have it on my finger so I just made it into a necklace. I have had it since the day he left
"Dominic for the time we spent together, if it even meant anything to you, please let me go" My previous tears have dried up and new ones are threatening to flow. He is about to answer when Simone shows up. He quickly lets go of me
"Good bye Dominic " I say softly before I give him one last look and get into the car. I don't even hear what Simone says
"Hy Scott. Thanks for coming " I say as I enter the car
"Problems? "he asks
"You don't even want to know. Please drive" he nods and starts driving. I stare out the window and start dozing off. Before I know it I'm out
Hy guys
Sorry for the late update. I was just finishing up with my exams. 18 exam papers later and I'm done. So what is the story between Dominc and Kat. Read on.
Vote. Please pretty please
Have a fuckin awesome day✌

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