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Five years later

"Mama." Called a small voice causing Katherine to start waking up.
Two small hands were placed on her legs and starting shaking her. Katherine groaned and opened her eyes, turning around to face the person.
"Morning my baby." Katherine said in a hoarse voice  with her eyes still closed.
"Mommy." The little girl called again while sniffling her nose.
Katherine opened her eyes and saw that she had been crying.
"What's wrong Dakota?" Katherine asked as she sat  up in bed and picked up her little girl and placed her on the bed.
"Zaiden (Pronounced: Zay- den) said he won't be my brother anymore if I don't give him some of my pancakes for breakfast." Croaked Dakota.
"He won't do that honey and no matter how much he tries, he will always be your brother until you are bother old and grey." Coaxed Katherine.
While she was hugging Dakota, she saw a head pop into the room and when he saw her looking at him, he removed his head.
"Ah,ah ah. Come back here mister." Katherine called out when she could hear him run away.
"But mommy." He whined.
"Come back here Zaiden." Instructed Katherine.
She smoothed Dakota's black hair, which she inherited from her father' and placed Dakota in front of her. Zaiden into the room with his head hung low, the troublemaker of the bunch.
"What did you say to you sister?" Katherine asked after she placed his next to Dakota.
"Nothing." He mumbled
"Zaiden." Katherine warned.
"Fine mommy. I said I won't be her brother anymore if she doesn't give me her pancakes during breakfast." He confessed.
"You are the most manipulative four year old I have ever met." Katherine said with a laugh.
"Mommy what's that word?" Asked Dakota.
"A word you will learn when you are older,my baby. Now, Zaiden why did you say that to your sister?"
"She always gets more pancakes than all of us. Daddy loves her more than us."
"Daddy doesn't love her more than any of you. He loves all of you equally. How about I dish out the pancakes today so daddy won't cheat?" Katherine asked.
Although she understood where Zaiden was coming from, Dakota was a daddy's princess.
"I would love that mommy." Zaiden replied
"Now apologise to your sister."
"Sorry Dakota." Zaiden apologised and hugged her afterwords.
"Now let's go get some breakfast." Katherine instructed and grabbed his shirt that was thrown on the bed and got dressed in it.
Dakota and Zaiden waited for her as she got out of bed and opened the curtains and the room was immediately enveloped with light from the sun. Katherine smiled as she saw how sunny it was outside, summer in Italy was always her favorite.
"Mommy,upsie." Dakota said with her arms open.
Katherine placed her on her hip and was about to hold Zaiden's hand when he had other ideas. She felt him latch onto her leg and climb up until he was firmly rooted on her leg.
"Zaiden, what are you doing?" She asked and Zaiden looked up at her
"I'm a koala mommy." He answered with a giggle
"And does mommy look like a tree?" She asked and got a giggle from both of the children.
"Breakfast!" Shouted a voice from downstairs.
"Coming!" She shouted in response "The mommy tree is coming." She said quietly which earned her another giggle.
Walking to the kitchen was the most tough task Katherine had ever had to do. She had to make sure Zaiden didn't fall when she walked down the stairs and also had to take Dakota's safety into consideration. Katherine put the kids down and looked into the lounge where she found Kian (Pronounced:
K ee n playing a game on,what looked like,her tablet.
"Kian, no electronics before breakfast. Aren't you supposed to be helping daddy?" Katherine asked after she gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"I already helped daddy." Kian responded while holding up his Spiderman pajama shirt which had pancake mix on it.
"Come,breakfast is ready." She said and Kian followed her to the kitchen.
"Clayton,please get off your father's shoulders." Instructed Katherine when she entered the kitchen and found him finishing making the pancakes while Clayton seated on his shoulders with his legs hooked loosely around his neck and his hands on his forehead for support.
"But mommy." Whined Clayton.
"If you break daddy's neck, how will you play catch?" Katherine asked as she held her arms out to Clayton and he reluctantly got down.
"Good boy." Praised Katherine, gave him a kiss on the forehead and placed him on his chair in the dining room along with his brothers and sister,who were helping with setting up the table.
Katherine walked back to the kitchen and walked to the fridge to get the kids favorite chocolate milk. She felt his large arms snake around her waist and he started kissing her neck.
"Two years in and I still can't get over how sexy you look in my shirt" He said in between kisses.

(Quick AN:Has anyone guessed who HE is?)

"Well I recommend getting used to it because I absolutely love your shirts and I'm going to be wearing them for a long time Nick"

(*Drops mic and walks off the stage.* *Rushes back onto the stage because she realises that the chapter is too short*)

"And I would love nothing  more than that." Nick answered before giving her another kiss and going back to getting breakfast ready.
"Mommy, daddy I'm hungry!" Shouted Dakota from the dining room
"Me too!" Kain shouted
"Me three!" Added Clayton
"Me four!" Ended Zaiden
"This is what I get for getting pregnant in bulk." Mumbled Katherine which made Nick laugh.
"Let's go eat."

KATHERINE watched as her family ate and thought about how a lot of things had changed since the day she left the Williams mansion. Katherine arrived at the hospital and had contractions all night,but luckily, the doctors were able to stop the miscarriage. A week after staying in her penthouse, Christian sent one of his men to tell Nick that he was officially cut from any of the business they had together and handed them all their remains belongings. That was when they realised that Christian wanted to cut all ties with them. After a long discussion, Nick decided to move to Italy,since nothing was left for him in London. Katherine, impulsively, decided to leave with him. The thought of seeing Christian in the future while she had a rounded belly, frightened her. She wasn't one to run away from her problems but none of those problems ever included a child. Settling in Italy took time with Katherine getting a job at a top law firm as an advisor, thanks to her connections and her previous boss' recommendation, while she studied to convert her law degree and Nick started a small company which rapidly grew in the last three years. They bought a beautiful house since their was going to be a kid around. Their biggest shock was when they went to a sonogram and found out that Katherine wasn't having one child but was having four. So instead of buying only one of everything, they had to buy four of everything. Then when they found out the gender, three blue and one pink. Nick was with Katherine every single step of the way, even through the hardships they had, which included the quadruplets being hospitalised for six months due to complications. As the kids grew, they recognised Nick as their father. Katherine didn't bother correcting them as he did act like their father.  Two years after leaving, Katherine gradually got over Christian. A year after that,she shared a kiss with Nick. From then on their relationship had progressed. That led her to the present, where life was prefect,she had four wonderful kids, a loving partner and a good job. But she had to go back to London because she was still Mrs Williams and she wasn't going continue with her life while she was still his wife.

Update! You commented, I delivered.

Before you call Katherine bad names for being with Christian's best friend, don't! Just don't.

Anyway, NICK everybody! Katherine finally moved on and had quadruplets.

Short chapter, but you guys were asking for an update so this is all I could write in the short time.

And have a fucking awesome day

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