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Two months later

NOISE could be heard by the entire floor. Noise coming from the Katherine's penthouse. And there was nothing she could do about it. She was also part of the group of people that were making noise. And there was going to be noise the entire night because tonight was sport night. A night where Katherine's large and spacious lounge was put to use. A night where there would be all of Katherine's friends, would be filled in the lounge, their eyes glued on the screen while they stuffed their faces. Katherine's favourite night. Sport night was a night were all of Katherine's willing friends, would sit around the TV and watch sports the entire night, argue over the players and eat and drink the night away. It was night that had become a huge tradition amongst all of her friends. Calendars were cleared for sport night. Since Katherine had been in the Williams mansion she hadn't been able to host sport night like she usually did. But since she had moved out, she had hosted it every month.
"Let sport night commence!" Shouted Katherine as she walked from the kitchen into the lounge carrying two 12 packs that she lifted in the air.
The entire lounge was filled with her friends, including Nick,who had been recently introduced to sport night. Katherine had invited Sam but she looked at her like she was crazy and refused, claiming that she wasn't going spend the entire night with sport crazed humans. Katherine scoffed and reminded her that she was one of those sport crazed humans.
Everyone in the lounge roared in reply and lifted their beers. Katherine found a seat in the crowded lounge, opened a beer and picked up the remote. She switched the TV on and opened the first match they were going to watch. And immediately the place went crazy with everyone, including Katherine, started shouting at the TV, telling the players in the match what to do and insulting them if they made a mistake. Katherine stayed silent for a moment and smiled as she took in the image of her crazy friends. She hadn't experienced this when she was with Christian. Freedom. Katherine could do whatever she wanted without him breathing down her neck. He had been at her penthouse for the last two months but Katherine never allowed him to talk to her. Sadly, part of her missed him.

"WAKE up you pigs!" Shouted Sam she looked at the mangled bodies that had passed out in the lounge. Some were on the  couches and some were on the floor. Katherine was the first one to wake up, surprised that she didn't have a hangover but she did have a headache. Katherine untangled herself from Scott's grip and stood up. She carefully woke everyone up. There weren't a lot of them from last night since some went home but others remained.
"Wake up everyone. You can take showers three at a time." Katherine said when everyone woke up.
"Those who aren't showering will clean this mess." Instructed Sam in a loud voice with her arms crossed across her chest.
"Okay woman. No need to shout." Mumbled Kyle as he rubbed his head.
"I will make breakfast." Katherine said
"I will help." Offered Jess.
"No. You are not escaping cleaning this mess." Injected Sam in a stern voice.
She walked into the kitchen while mumbling 'I don't get why the place gets so messy every time. They were just watching sports.'
"It's not 'just watching sports' it's more than that." Defended  Bane
"Whatever." Replied Sam from the kitchen.
"Get to it." Katherine said and walked to the kitchen.
She found Sam already starting breakfast. Katherine walked to a cabinet and took out an Aspirin. After drinking it, she helped Sam make breakfast for an army.
Katherine placed an Aspirin and a glass of water next to all the plates on the dining table while Nick, who had offered to help after his shower, placed plates of food in the middle of the table. Breakfast was served, hungover guys took an Aspirin and chatter filled the room as they ate.

SAM and Kat bid the Kyle goodbye as he walked out of the door after thanking Katherine for the wonderful night and offering to host the next sport night at his mansion, which Katherine agreed to. Katherine informed Sam about her need to shower and Sam replied in a nod and plopped herself on the now clean couch. After a quick shower, Katherine got dressed in shorts and a tank top. She tied her head into a messy bun as she walked passed Denise's now empty room. Denise moved out of the penthouse and in with her boyfriend a few days after Katherine moved back in. Luckily Katherine was able to pay the rent herself.
"So when do you think your hubby is going to come today?" Sam asked as Katherine sat next to her and put her feet on the coffee table
"I don't know. He usually comes around noon. I wish he would just stop."
'No you don't' Her subconscious remarked
The day after Katherine left she got a knock at the door and when she opened it she found Christian at the door. After realising that it was Nick who gave him her address and making a mental note to shout at him Katherine told Christian that she didn't want to talk to him and slammed the door in his face just as he was about to speak. He had continued to show up every single day. Katherine was always annoyed and told him to go away. Christian always refused and only left when Katherine ignored him. They had been repeating the same process for the last two months. Although his presence annoyed her, she did like fact that he would go through the trouble everyday and never gave up. That he missed her.
"He is your husband and you should work things out with him." Suggested Sam.
Katherine laughed "Work things out? He called me a bitch. His own wife"
"Don't pretend like the term 'bitch' offends you because you have been called that many times."
"But by not a guy I was dating."
"Christian must be very special." Sam changed the subject
"He must be one special motherfucker."
"He is the first guy you have dated in about three years. That means he must be special. Or does he have a huge dick?"
"Oh my God no!" Exclaimed Katherine
"So he has a small dick? Then how does he satisfy three woman?"
"I'm not discussing my husband's dick with you"
"You keep referring to him as your husband. Do you still like him?"
"Maybe I do." Mumbled Katherine while she twisted her wedding ring on her finger.
"Then why are you ignoring him,other than the fact that you two fought and he called you a bitch?"
Sam's question had Katherine staring absentmindedly out of the glass wall which had a view that overlooked London.
"It's his lifestyle Sam. It scares the shit out of me" Admitted Katherine
"Have you tried to experience it?" Sam asked even though she already knew the answer, she just wanted to get her point across
"For two days."
"And out of those two days,I discovered that it scares the shit out of me." Insisted Katherine
"I don't know you as a woman who gives up Kat. Especially on the first man you have dated in three years." Commented Sam
"Would you share Dave?" Katherine twisted in her seat to face Sam who shrugged at the the question.
"No answer. His lifestyle just makes me feel like I'm not woman enough for him and that he has to go to his other wives just to feel complete."
"Adjusting to the lifestyle of the one you love is something you have to do. Remember what we did for you during senior year?" Sam asked.
The source of Sam's question made Katherine grimace. She had done a lot of fucked shit in life
"It's not the same."
"Of course it's the same thing. Remember how hard it was for Jace to adjust?" Sam questioned once again
"But Sam..."
"No Kat. Jace couldn't look you in the eye for the entire year. He was disgusted at your lifestyle. Like you said, it 'scared the shit out' of him, out of all of us. What you were doing went practically against what he stood for. Jace wanted to be a police officer and what you were doing went against that. The men he looked up to, aspired to be were running around the whole of London looking for you while Jace knew exactly where you were. He kept his mouth shut because he loved you and he had to live with the fact that his best friend was living the type of lifestyle that could have killed her, we all had to accept it. We all had to live with the sickening fear that one of us would have had to identity your body at the morgue or you being kidnapped. The latter happened. But Jace adjusted because he knew you wanted to live that type of life, we all had too. So don't say that they aren't the same things because they are. The lifestyles might not be the same but they are the same. You like him don't you? So you will have to adjust to the lifestyle he lives. Live with the fact that he wants other women his life. Because of you care about him as much as I believe you do, you will adjust. I'm not forcing you Kat. I'm just saying that it's one of the things we have to do for those we care for."
Katherine stayed silent after Sam's rant. She didn't know what to say. She knew what Sam had talked about was a soft spot for her and all those who knew Katherine during senior year in high school. Katherine created that soft spot, because of her decisions, and it haunted her to this day.
"I understand Sam. Accepting his lifestyle would mean I would have to go back to the house and I would have to see him kissing his wives with the same lips he kissed me with. I don't think I can do that."
"How about you compromise" Sam suggested
"Well since seeing him with the other chicks bothers you, how about you stay here at the penthouse and you continue your relationship? It will be like you are dating but you are not living with him."
"Well that sounds like a good plan. That is if I take him back."
"You will. Would you have stayed with him if he didn't have the other wives?"
"That's your answer then. You care about him and I know you as a person who will not easily give up on a man. And after three years you finally have someone who you like and you will let him slip away just because of his life choices?"
"I just don't know how to deal with all of it."
"Maybe everything will be clear once you talk to him. And you can't do that if you keep telling him to leave you alone every time he wants to talk to you."
Katherine remained silent,thoughts racing in her head. Being with him would mean sharing him and that was something she wasn't sure she was willing to do. But not being with him would mean that she had to compress all the feelings she had for him and forget him, something she wasn't sure she could do.
A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts and she turned to look at Sam who had a knowing look.
"That's him." Sam announced as she got up from her seat "Think about what I said. I want what is best for you. If you think that he is best for you, then give him a chance. You will never know if you don't try."
Katherine followed Sam to the door and gave her a hug.
"Don't mess it up." Sam threatened Christian as she walked past him.
Once Sam was out of sight, Katherine focused her attention on Christian. He was dressed in black jeans, a white T-shirt that showed his muscles off and grey sneakers.
"Hi." He said as he ran his hand through his hair
"Hi." Replied Katherine, her grip tightening on the door handle
"You finally decided to open the door."
"You should thank Sam for that.
"Nick told me to be gentle and all but fuck it" Mumbled Christian as he quickly entered the penthouse, removed Katherine's hand from the door handle and closed the door.
Katherine's words were silenced by Christian, who bracketed her face with his hands and tilted her head so he could look her in the eyes. He dipped his head and kissed her, hungrily. Katherine couldn't help but respond by wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss.
"I've missed you so damn much" He confessed as he laid his forehead on hers.
"Christian..." Katherine tried to speak but Christian interrupted her by tightening his hold on her face
"No Kat can I just finish. I'm so sorry for everything. How I treated you the night before the charity event and how I treated you on the night of the charity event. I'm sorry for calling you a bitch and for all the things I said. I'm sorry for not keeping my promise. I'm sorry for making you feel like I felt sorry for you. I'm sorry for calling you a coward. I'm sorry for screwing you over. I'm sorry for making you feel like you didn't matter. I'm sorry for involving you in my lifestyle. I'm sorry for not understanding that you were being thrown into a lifestyle you didn't understand. But I'm not sorry for falling for you. Maybe if we met in a different life where I didn't have Sophia and Ellie things would have been different. I would have loved getting to know you because you are a beautiful, strong woman. I finally get why my mother loved you. I wish things were different. I will understand if you don't want me anymore, I'm pretty fucked up."
Christian gave Katherine another kiss and removed his hands from her face.
"I will see myself out." Christian said quietly and walked to the door.
Katherine watched as the man whom she had feelings for walk out away from her and out of her life and she realised that she couldn't allow that to happen. She had to allow herself to be happy and believe in love again. And even though this man was fucked up in every way possible, she knew that he was the man who would make he believe in love again. The consequence of having him was sharing him, something she had to learn how to do. Risks were going to be taken and morals were going to be pushed aside but at the moment it felt like it was worth it at the moment. Katherine wasn't going to let him go.
She walked to him as he gripped the door handle.
"Christian wait." She said and he turned around.
Katherine wrapped her arms around his neck and said,
"I know our relationship is going to be hard but at the moment I couldn't give a fuck."

I know Katherine is being stupid. I get it. And I don't want to hear it in the comments section. I swear on all that is good in this world I will delete a comment that will say the same thing faster then you can say polygamy. I'm not being mean or anything BUT this is how the story is panning out and I swear it will get better. Please trust me and bear with me

Next chapter will have a time skip and the source of Sam's rant will be revealed. Badass Kat will appear and a not so pretty side of her will be revealed.

Anyone one Team Christian?

I was thinking of changing the title of the book but my mind is blank. If you have any ideas, leave them in the comments section. A chapter will be dedicated to you if I pick your idea. Please help.

THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes. It made me really happy.

Excuse grammatical errors.

And have a fuckin awesome day

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