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RUSHING down the stairs,I quickly put a piece of loose hair behind my ear and balance my phone and car keys on one hand as I fix my top. I'm going to see Mari today and I'm already late. I stayed up most of the night thinking about Christian and the almost kiss. And due to my staying up all night, I woke up Kate this morning. Even though things are a bit awkward between us, I want to ask Christian to go to the hospital with me. I bump into Nick as I look for Christian.
"Whoa, where are you rushing off to?"
"I'm going to get my coffee from the kitchen and I'm also looking for Christian."
"Both things you want are in the kitchen. But I wouldn't go in there..."
"Thanks Nick." I cut him off and rush into the kitchen.
I stop dead in my tracks when I see Ellie and Christian in a hot embrace in the kitchen counter.
"Ahm." I clear my throat.
Their attention turns to me and they both looked annoyed at my interruption. And to think that Christian wanted to kiss me last night. If I did kiss him,he would have gotten what he wanted and then went back to his other wives. This is what I meant when I said I don't share.
"What is it Katherine? You are interrupting something very important." Says Christian and I'm surprised at the annoyance in his voice.
"I'm going to see Mari now. I was wandering if you wanted to go with me?"
"I will go see her later. I am very busy right now." He replies. I'm disgusted at how he is putting his mother second.
"Are you sure? I mean the next visiting hours are at night"
"Didn't you hear him say he would go later? You are interrupting something important here" Injects Ellie
"Ellie was I talking to you?" I ask and she stays silent. "No, huh? Then shut the fuck up."
"Katherine." Warns Christian
"Can I at least take the girls with me?" I ask
"Sure." Replies Ellie.
I grab my takeaway coffee that I asked Laura to make me and leave the kitchen. In the corner of my eye I see Ellie wrap her legs around Christian's waist and giggle. I feel a bit of jealousy that I quickly suppress. Stupidity would be me being jealous of Christian and his wives.
"Should have not sent you into the kitchen." Says Nick as I spot him in the lounge playing with the girls who look ready to go which is good for me because I am already too late to make them change into presentable clothes.
"Don't worry Nick. I don't care about anything that concerns him. Girls wanna go see grandma?" Their eyes light up
"Okay,put all your toys away so we can go see her."
They quickly put all their toys away and we leave the house with Nick behind us carrying car seats for the girls. We could go without the car seats but I prefer being safe than sorry. We strap the girls in, bid Nick goodbye then peel out of the drive way and hit the road.

THE hospital is quite packed as we arrive and go to Mari's room. As we reach the room I see Mari's doctor leave her room.
"Girls,go greet grandma while I talk to the doctor." I instruct the girls and they rush into the room while I chase after the doctor.
"Doctor White!" I shout and grab his attention.
He walks back to me and gives me a dashing smile. The doctor is hot. He is young with sandy blonde hair that is combed back and brown eyes.
"Mrs Williams, came to see Mari?"
"Call me Katherine. Yes, I came to see her. How is she doing?"
"I would love to say she is doing fine but she isn't. In cases like this, I would tell the family to say their goodbyes but Mari is a fighter she will get through this hurdle."
My stomach turns as I process his words
"Katherine you have gone pale. You need to sit down and I will get you a glass of water."
"No Doctor. I'm fine. Just surprised."
I hear Mari's door open and I see Kayla rushing towards me
"What is it dear?" I ask when I see her troubled face.
"Kitty Kat, grandma is sick." She says and a lone tear escapes her eye.
"I know dear that's why she is here. The doctors are going to help her get better okay." I reassure her and in the process try to reassure myself too.
Kayla turns to Doctor White and tugs his coat
"Are you going to help grandma get better?" She asks and Doctor White crouches down to look her in the eye.
"I promise to help her okay?"
"Okay. Kitty Kat. Grandma is looking for you." Says Kayla. I bid the Doctor goodbye and enter Mari's room. I rush over to her side and gently grab her hand.
"Kat. How are you?" She asks weakly
"I should be asking you"
"I'm fine dear, just very weak. Nothing I can't get through." She says reassuringly
"Why can't you let me worry about you?"
"Because there is nothing to worry about. How are things between you and Christian?" She asks and I release a sigh.
I tell her everything, from my party till yesterday. I leave out the Sunday morning part because if I tell her about how I figured out Annabelle's death, then I would have to tell her about Christian's involvement in the mafia and I'm pretty sure she doesn't know about her son's underworld empire.
"Logan said it was something more but I don't think it is. There are no sparks and no butterflies. I just want him." I conclude
"No sparks whatsoever. Your heart doesn't flutter at the mention of his name or his presence?"
"Nothing of the sort. I just want him in my bed."
"That's how it was with John and I, but after a while it turned emotional even after having him in my bed. I started falling for him."
"I just don't know Mari."
"You will fall for him dear. It's just a matter of time.
" What if I fall for him? I don't fall for him only, I fall for the entire package. Christian doesn't come as a standalone,someone I can call mine,he comes with two children and two wives. When I'm involved with a man I want to be selfish,have him all to myself not share him with others. I'm fine with the girls but the wives Mari. That's one thing I can't handle."
"I had a feeling that would be a problem." She says with a sigh.
"But it's alright. Let's not talk about me. Any nurses giving you problems?"

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