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Please read AN at the end

"YOU look absolutely ravishing. I suddenly don't want to go that party anymore." Christian complimented as he snaked his arms around Katherine's waist and laid his chin on her bare shoulder, looking at her in the mirror.
"What do we do then,if we are not going?" Asked Katherine amused
"I have a few ideas." He replied and kissed her neck.
"Stop Christian, we are going to be late." Katherine said.
"Spoil sport. I will be waiting downstairs. We leave in five minutes." Said Christian with a laugh.
He kissed her shoulder again and left. Katherine looked at her reflection in the full body length mirror and smiled. She was dressed in a red dress that pooled at her feet.

 She was dressed in a red dress that pooled at her feet

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Her hair was curled and put on one side. Katherine checked her makeup. Once satisfied, she took her clutch and went downstairs.
"You look beautiful Katherine." Said Nick when he saw her downstairs.
"No Kitty Kat?" She asked
"You look too beautiful for that." He replied
"Charmer." Katherine said with a laugh.
"If even Nick is hitting on you, I wonder how I can keep all those men away from you tonight." Christian said from behind them.
"Whatever. Hope you guys have a good time. Make sure you have deep pockets Chris and an even deeper clutch Kat, those kids need the money. I would have gone, but Chris doesn't want me there." Nick said with a pout at the end.
"Nick, shut up. Katherine, let's go."
Christian placed his large hand at the small of her back and led her to the car. Katherine slid into the car and Christian followed. He laced his hand with hers as they drove out of the premisses and placed their intertwined hands on his lap.

CHRISTIAN hardened his grip on Katherine's waist as they walked into the beautiful hall. There were hushed whispers around them as people wondered who she was.
"Don't worry about them." Christian whispered
"I am not worried." She replied
The found their table and got seated. The function started, generous donations were made and food was served. At the middle of the function, the guests were allowed to mingle. Christian introduced Katherine to some of his friends as his wife and was questioned about his other wives. He explained that she was his third and the couple received sceptical looks.
"You continue talking to your friends, I will grab a drink. I'll meet you at our table when the function continues." Katherine whispered to Christian and gave him a quick peck before heading to the bar.
She ordered a drink and decided to drink on the balcony. She stepped onto the balcony that overlooked London, the lights glistening on the water. She leaned on the balcony and had her drink
"I hope I'm not interrupting." A voice came behind her and she recognised it immediately.
"Not at all Dominic." She replied without looking at him
"Katherine." He whispered.
"Yes,it's me. You also feeling generous tonight?" She asked
"Had no choice. Simone organised the event." He replied as he stood next to her, his eyes on the water.
"Ah, Simone."
"About what happened Katherine, I'm very sorry." Apologised Dominic
"I really don't want to talk about it Dominic. Not here,not now."
"There were many things left unsaid Katherine."
"They wouldn't have been left unsaid if you didn't leave."
"I had to leave Kat, I wasn't comfortable with stringing you along."
"You realised that on our wedding day Dominic. Realisation sure hits you at the worst times."
"I know."
"And the note. You really didn't have to be so harsh."
"I'm sorry Kat. I'm know you hate me." Dominic stated.
Katherine stayed silent. She realised that Dominic's apology and answers was all she wanted. She let out a sigh and turned to face him.
"I don't hate you Dominic. Sure I did hate you when you left, I hated you when I cried myself to sleep, I hated you when you said those things at the restaurant and I hated you when I realised all the lies you told me, but I don't hate you now. I accept your apology. In some way, I forgive you. And thank you."
"For what?"
"For all the times we spent together. It was lovely."
"Again,I'm sorry Katy."
"No need to apologise anymore Domi. I'm good." She said with a laugh
"I sure did miss that nickname. Thanks for forgiving me."
"A hug for old times sake?" Asked Dominic with his arms opened. Katherine placed her drink on the small table next her and hugged him. Dominic pulled away and kissed her on her forehead.
"I have to go. Thanks for giving me closure Dominic. I did need to close this chapter." Katherine said with a small smile.
She picked up her glass and walked away. She looked over her shoulder and gave him a last smile and he smiled back. Katherine had just walked out of the balcony when she saw Simone.
"Evening Simone." Greeted Katherine and her eyes wandered to her rounded belly.
"Katherine." She replied dryly.
Simone's tone made Katherine realise that she had seen her hugging Dominic.
"The event is going very well." Katherine said, trying to converse.
"Sophia and Ellie told me about you. Stay away from my husband. We are going to have a child together and I don't need you disturbing our lives like you did with Sophia and Ellie." Warned Simone which made Katherine laugh.
"Don't worry Simone. I don't want your husband. Don't believe everything Sophia and Ellie say." Katherine assured her. "Congratulations." She said, referring to her pregnancy,with a smile and left Simone who walked onto to the balcony to talk to her husband.
Katherine walked to her table and sat down next to Christian who was talking to the man seated next to him. Christian saw her and ended his conversation with the male.
"You were gone for long." He said as he gave her a quick kiss
"I had to attend to something." She answered.
"Sophia, Ellie. I though you weren't going to make it!" Exclaimed Simone behind Katherine.
Katherine quickly turned in her seat and saw Sophia and Ellie walking up to them. They both have Christian a kiss and Katherine a sly smile. Katherine looked at Christian, who didn't seem fazed, and couldn't help the betrayal she felt. She pushed her chair and grabbed her clutch.
"Katherine don't do this here." Warned Christian as he put his hand on her wrist
"Don't you fucking touch me." Spat Katherine and she walked away but not without seeing the wives' victorious smiles.
She couldn't believe Christian could do this to her. He promised that it would only be them tonight. Katherine was beyond livid. She saw red and she wanted to take out her frustration out on something. Katherine out of the hall and onto the street. She could hear someone following her and she knew it was Christian.
"Katherine get back here!" He shouted.
"Don't tell me what to do Christian." She answered when he got to her.
"Don't fucking Katherine me. What are they doing here?" She asked unable to contain her anger
"Kat..." Christian tried to speak but she cut him off.
"I didn't ask you to say my name. I asked you to explain what they are doing here. You better do that Christian!"
"Katherine calm down. You want to embarrass me?" He asked
"I want to do that and so much more. All I'm asking for is a bloody explanation or am I unworthy of that?"
"Fuck Okay! Simone invited me to this function and she asked me to bring Sophia and Ellie but after last night I decided to take you since you wanted time with me. But I also asked Sophia and Ellie to come since they were invited." Christian explained.
"You are a fucking unbelievable piece of motherfucking shit, you know that right?"
"Katherine I won't allow you to call me that." Warned Christian
"I don't take your fucking orders. Why did you do it?"
"Well I realised how much you wanted to spend time with me, so I decided to take you along."
Christian's words made Katherine think back to the previous night and she realised how pathetic she was.
"Wow! The Christian motherfucking Williams felt sorry for me." Katherine said as she clapped
"Katherine listen to me..."
"No! You fucking listen to me. I realise that last night I gave you the wrong impression of me. Made you think that you can walk over me,say whatever you want me to say, that I will bow down to you and that I will do whatever you want me to do. Well, let me correct that. I'm am a strong independent woman who will not bow down to anyone, be walked over or follow anyone's orders. I am unlike your wives in there. And dont you dare tell not to talk about them like that. The sooner you realise that I am not a woman who will take your shit,the sooner we will get along."
"Katherine, I don't understand why you are so angry." Christian stated calmly
"You don't understand. Would you understand if I were to come home one day and tell you that I have fallen in love with another man but I still love you,so I'm going marry him too? How would you feel if you had to share me?" She asked and she got no response.
"Exactly Christian, no answer. You don't understand how hard it is. This polygamy lifestyle is shit and you know it."
"Katherine, would you shut up, calm down and go back to the function!" Shouted Christian in anger.
"Don't you dare." Warned Katherine
"No, you shut the fuck up. I'm tired of your little outbursts. We will discuss this at home." Christian said as he tried to grab he wrist
"Don't fuckin touch me!"
"Sir. I advise you to leave the lady alone." Interrupted one of the security guards that heard the commotion.
"Don't tell me what to do. I will deal with this bitch the way I see fit." Christian said as he looked Katherine in the eye.
Katherine could deal with being called a lot of things but being call by her own husband a bitch. The guy who she maybe liked called her a bitch. It sent her over the edge. She curled her fist and punched him as hard as she could. She heard the crack of his nose and Christian held his nose, surprised at what she did. He felt blood tickling out his nose. Katherine watched as Christian removed his hand and look at the blood on it. She couldn't help the satisfactory grin that spread across her face as she saw his blood and his shocked face. Katherine stepped closer to him and used her thumb to wipe his blood away. She looked at it then whipped her thumb clean on his white shirt while Christian stood dumbfounded at his wife's actions.
"Don't you ever dare call me a bitch. I'm not a woman to be messed with Christian. I really hope you realise that." Katherine warned as she looked at him dead in the eyes.
She cocked her head a gave him a smile before turning around and walking away. She took out her phone and called for a taxi. After walking for ten minutes, the taxi arrived and Katherine got in. She told him her address and slumped at her seat. Her anger hadn't subsided like she wished,but Christian's actions were infuriating her.

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