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Walking into the restaurant, my eyes roam around it looking for my redheaded best friend. My search ends when I spot her lounging in a booth flirting shamelessly with the waiter.

'That's my Sammy. Flirting even though she has a boyfriend'

I walk over to her and clear my throat. Sam glances at me and gives me a sheepish grin while the waiter clearly looks annoyed at me for interrupting. I slide into the booth and place my bag on the table
"Hello Samantha. Care to introduce me to your friend"I say calmly. I'm so used to her antics its sickening
"Oh Kat, this is Finn. Finn, this is my best friend Kat" she introduces us
"We would like to order now" I say firmly to this Finn. He glares at me but quickly gains composure
"Yeah,what would you like?"
We order and he leaves but not before winking at Sam who in turn ridiculously giggles.
"Really Sam, what if Dave walked in here and caught you giggling like a look little school girl?"
"What?There's no crime against looking" She says innocently
"You weren't looking, you were touching. Don't think I didn't see you touching his barely there biceps"
"Barely there biceps!" She shouts causing a few people around us to look at us. I give them an apologetic smile and idiot sitting next to me
"Shut it. But does he have bigger muscles than Dave?" I question her already knowing the answer
"No, nobody has bigger muscles than my Davey,well nobody except that sexy husband of yours. Since he has so much love to give, think he could also marry me?" She asks causing me to laugh as Finn brings us our food..
"You are trouble enough being my best friend, imagine you being my sister wife. Plus I'm already causing mayhem at the Williams household, we don't want to give Christian a heart attack because he has you as his wife" I laugh as Finn glares at me while walking away, annoyed because Sam didn't even notice him as she was listening to me
"Hy! I'm not that bad" she exclaims
"Really Sammy, remember when you almost got us killed?'
"That's wasn't my fault,they wanted you not me. But when they see my fine ass they just couldn't resist, anyone would want to kidnap me" she says boastfully
"Sam, repeat that entire sentence again in your head" I command calmly. She looks confused but follows my orders
"Oh my God,that sounded so wrong"she says after repeating the sentence
"Precisely" I remark.
After eating lunch, Sam insists that we go shopping, for reasons I have absolutely no clue about. We leave the restaurant and walk to the mall and enter the closest shop and she starts looking around while I sit down on a comfy black couch. I take out my phone and play a game as Sam races around the store. After a good 20 minutes and four levels won Sam comes back. I pause my game and stand up
"You done?" I ask taking my bag
"Yeah, I couldn't find anything"
"So we are going home? "I ask hopefully
"No we are going to every single store in this god damn mall if we have to. I'm not leaving here until I get you are dress" She says with so much passion that a lady passing us turns to look at us.
"Okay, Samantha. Calm down"
"Let's go "Sam grabs me and literally drag's me out of the store earning a few looks from people. We enters the next shop and I sit down while Sam starts shopping again.
5 shops later
"Come on Sam are you done? "I whine as Sam tries on her hundredth dress
"No. I have found the perfect dress for you" She says handing me a white dress and shoves me into the dressing room
"Samantha, you should sleep with one eye open tonight. " I shout angrily as I start undressing not even caring about the stupid dress
"Whatever" She shouts back. I angrily put on the dress and walk out of the dressing room "Oh my God Katy. You look amazing "my idiotic best friend raves. I, myself don't even know how the dress looks, I didn't bother to look at myself in the mirror in the dressing room. I walk to the nearest mirror and I have to say I look good. I'm wearing a beautiful white V-neck strapless body-con dress with a small slit (Picture above)
"Yeah, Im not so sure about it" I say trying to play with same
"What do you mean you not so fucking sure? Now listen to me young lady, I don't care if you are not fucking sure about the dress. You looking fucking beautiful in it, so build a bridge and get over it because you will wear this dress gracefully like the swan that you are, whether you like it or not" Sam says angrily. It's official, I have a lunatic for a best friend. She is really forcing me to wear this dress. I don't know how Dave is still dating her. Well he is doing our country a favour by keeping her slightly tamed.
" A swan, really? I was just joking woman. I love it" I say laughing as I walk onto the dressing room and change into my original clothes. After changing I pay for the dress and we leave the store. I really hope we are that we are done but my hopes are crushed when I see Sam's excited face as she sees a store opposite us. Oh no.

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