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"You never reveal where you get you gems Thomas " Christian says putting his arm around my waist
"Well you found a real gem Christian" Thomas says
"And I never intend to let her go"

It feels weird to have Christian touching me. It's nice but weird.
"Wait, I knew I recognised you from someone. Weren't you the lawyer in the Daniels trial?" A man called Mr Jackson asked
"Oh yes that was me"
"Can you tell me a bit more I found that trial very interesting " he asks. I see this as a chance to escape Christian's grip
"It would be a pleasure. Come let's grab a seat and I will tell you about it" I move from Christian and walk with Mr Jackson. Mafia people like being called by their titles, calling them by their names when you just met is a sign of disrespect. I know ego much?
The rest of the night goes smoothly, the wives were giving me glares the whole night. Awesome right?. I got Thomas's number and I realised that he thought I didn't know he was part of the mafia so I just whispered in his ear as he was about to get into his car that I know his true occupation. He looked shocked but just simply laughed as said that we should meet up for lunch. I later found out that he was a very important mafia boss. After the tiring night I went to bed.

I wake up in the morning and drag myself to the bathroom. The only thought that goes through my mind while freshening up is 'Damn Christian for having a party' I finish in the bathroom and get dressed in under garments and put on my robe. I decide to be a bit fun today so I pick a red dress that stops just below my knees and my trustee black heels. I put on minimal makeup and tie my hair into a loose ponytail. I grab a cardigan for when I feel cold, get my things and go downstairs. I get downstairs and everyone is eating already. Why am I always the last one here? I sit down and start eating.
"We are going out tonight. I have a very important client and he wants to have dinner with my wives. So all of my wives are coming. All of you" Christen says looking directly at me.
"Who are you to tell me what I'm doing tonight? For all you now I could have plans tonight and you are telling me I have to be somewhere. Would it kill you to ask" I say. Honestly I don't like being pushed around and he's doing exactly that. He sighs
"Katherine. Please okay today is not the time for one of you stunts."
"Its not 'one of my stunts ' I'm just pissed that you didn't even have the decency to ask me. Unlike your pathetic wives I have a life that I have to keep in order. Married or not"
"Dont bring them into this" he threatenes
"Or what?!" I ask standing up. Good thing the kids are already gone.
"Katherine don't you fuckin test me" he threatens
"Like I asked before. What are you going to do? "
"Katherine I don't want to fight over a stupid thing early in the morning " he says softly
"What is your actual problem. You just had to say yes to going to the dinner and not acting like a spoilt brat. You are just an attention seeker " Ellie says entering the conversation
"Bitch was I even talking to you? And me a spoilt brat I was never spoilt even for one day. I had to struggle to find food while you were at your tea parties. So don't you dare say I was spoilt" I shout angrily
"Kat calm down" Nick says softly holding my hand. He knows my story I told him one night when I had a nightmare and he was just so happening to pass by my room and heard my screams. Nick rubs my hand in a small circular motion. If you saw us now you would think we are dating but I have warmed up to Nick and because of that he calms me. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Katherine can you please come to dinner with us tonight" Christen says with a sigh.
"I'll come " I say as I walk to the door and grab my things and I'm out the door.





The day was slow yet entertaining. I had to defend a woman whose husband accused her of pushing him down the stairs. Today was a very good day because I had a source who was a good friend of the husband tell me that, it was the husband and his mistress that planned for him to get hurt so they could accuse his wife and send her to jail. I know twisted right? I know we are going to win. I also got a text from Christian telling me to be home by 4:30 so I can get ready for dinner. So here I'm am just putting the finishing touches to my look. I have minimal makeup on, my hair has an upside down braid and put neat bun. I have a leather dress with nude heels and a nude purse. (Picture above)
"Katherine let's go! " I hear Christian shout downstairs. I stand up and I'm about to leave when I see something glistening on my bedside table. I walk over to it and find a necklace. Oh the necklace. I subconsciously grab it and put it on. I run downstairs as best as I can and be get into the car with Christian is driving and Sophia next to him and Ellie and I at the back. I take out my phone and start reading a book. The ride is short and we stop at a fancy restaurant called Mystic Blue. We get out of the car and they walk before me. I take slow steps I have the feeling something bad is going to happen. I walk into the restaurant and find Christian and the wives standing and blocking my view of the man and from what I heard his wife.
"And this is my third wife Katherine " Christan introduces me. I was standing behind him so I step aside and I'm shocked as I see the man
"Kat" he says with his Italian accent
"Dominic" I say softly
Have a fuckin awesome day✌

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