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I am woken up by someone softly shaking me. I turn to find Scott looking at me with a small smile. I look around and find that we are at my house, at the gate.
"We are here, sleepy head" Scott says
"How do you know where I live? "
"I was going to wake you up and ask you but I remembered that you dont like being unnecessarily woken up. So I called Sam and asked her for directions. Nice crib "
"Thanks. And thank you for picking me up. I owe you "
"Sure anytime. Are you okay? " He asks with concern
"I have had better days. I just need my bed right now"
"Sure. See you later "
"Thanks " I give him a hug and get out of the car. I put my hand on the touchpad and it scans my hand and the gate opens. I give the guard by the gate a nod and I walk to the front door and find it locked. Fuck. My idiotic husband still hasn't given me the key and it's freezing cold out here. There are a few men doing they rounds around the house but there's not many and they are quite far away so I can't ask them to open up for me so I decide to call Nick
"Hy Nick " I say as he answers
"Hy Kat, what's wrong?"
"Can you please open the door for me"
"Why? Christen has got the key and why are you back so early?"
"I left early. Now can you ask me questions once I'm inside "
"Okay" he ends the call and a few minutes later he opens the door
"Thanks " I say as I walk into the house
"Why did you leave?" Nick asks
"I'll explain once I have changed into something comfortable and I have gotten something to eat" I walk upstairs to my room and get changed into black shorts and a white T-shirt. I undo my hair and tie it into a messy bun. Memories of tonight come back and so did the tears. It's been a while since I broke down
I have built up a wall after Dominic left and seeing him tonight, it slowly crumbled. And after knowing the ugly truth, I'm left vulnerable without my walls to protect me. After a few minutes I get my emotions in control and the door opens as I wipe my tears away. Nick comes in carrying a plate of food.
"Why are you crying? " he says as he puts down the plate and hugs me
"Whats wrong Kat? " he asks while still hugging me. I move away from him and sit on my bed. I pat the spot next to me and he sits down.
"Well story time... " I say with a laugh
"Three years ago, I was naive little Kat who used to go to this coffee shop to get my usual coffee and chocolate muffin. Now there was always this handsome guy with piercing blue eyes and thick black hair that I wanted to run my hands through He was always on the phone and ordered five minutes after I ordered every time.. I was attracted to him but I never talked to him because I saw him as a ladies man. Then one day as I was leaving the coffee shop he grabbed my wrist and introduced himself as Dominic. He asked for my name and number and gave a dashing smile. I told him my name and didn't give him my number. So he gave me his and I left. I wanted to call him but I couldn't. I really felt like he was a womaniser, I had never seen him with another woman, but he had the looks for it. I didn't go to the coffee shop for a week because I was busy but I has enough time to call him but I didn't. When I finally went there he was already waiting for me. Dominic asked why I didn't call him and I lied and said I was busy. For a week I did my best to avoid him but on a certain day he came to the coffee shop before me and waited until I got there after I ordered he came up to me and dragged me to a table where I started arguing with him due to his rudeness but we started talking and I found out that he was single and not a womaniser like I thought he was. A year later I moved in with him. I was in love Nick. A few months later he proposed and I said yes. I wanted a big wedding but he said we should have a small one so we wouldn't attract the media as he was a famous businessman. I agreed and I invited Sam only because Mari couldn't make it. We planned a small garden wedding. On the day of the morning I woke up and found him gone so I thought he was making breakfast or in the shower, but I didn't hear any water running. I went to the kitchen and found it empty. I started panicking because he wouldn't leave without telling me. I went to our closet and found all his clothes gone.." I pause as I wipe away the tears
"You don't have to continue " Nick says while hugging me
"No no. I will finish what I started. " I take a deep breath and continue
"I didn't know what to make of it Nick I went back to bed and found a letter on his pillow that I didn't notice before. It was a pesky note pad letter Nick. Note pad paper! It was from him. It said that what we had was just a pathetic fantasy. And that he had to go back to reality and I wasn't apart of that reality. He's main objective was to get me in bed and he didn't mean for things to get that far. I should forget about him because he has forgotten about me. He didn't love me and he never will. It also said I should pack my things and get out before the security does. He had given them strict instructions that if I wasn't out of the apartment by the end of the day they should drag me out. His final words were 'It was good while it lasted'. Do you know how hard it was to pack my things, to know that the man I loved was just playing me? I felt so stupid Nick. I cried for over 2 months Nick. I loved that man. I loved him. And a year later I see him again just to find out that he was already married when he met me. I was his mistress Nick. A bloody mistress! For two whole years, I , a mistress. I hate him Nick. I absolutely hate Dominic!" I shout while tears rush down my face. I'm sure I look like a mess right now.
"Kat. I'm so sorry " he tries to calm me down. After a few minutes later I calm down.
"Im fine"
"Are you sure? "
" Yeah. But I guess I should have seen the signs life gave me. They were right there I just had to see them. Like when he dragged me to a table at the coffee shop, we went to a secluded table. On our first date, we had dinner at his penthouse. He always kept me a secret. It makes sense now. So Simone wouldn't find out about us and the media wouldn't take pictures of us together. We complimented each other, he was a private man and I didn't like people knowing about my private life. He was busy running his multi-millionaire company and I was busy trying to make a name for myself in the attorney industry. And when we found the time to be together, we spent it like it was our last, guess he knew that one day it would be. I really thought we were meant for each other Nick. I never questioned him, because I don't like my actions being questioned, so why would I question him? The day he left is the day I finally did a google search on him. He was the most secretive man the media had ever seen. In the search results there was only things about his business life. Till this day I question if he really loved me. I know on the stupid note he said he didn't but why would he ask me to marry him if he didn't? "
"I don't know Kat. Maybe he really did fall in love with you" Nick says
"Dominic was a mystery of me. I thought I had him all figured out. But I really don't care nor want to talk about him anymore." The man wasn't even here and he was still draining the life out of me
"Are you sure you are okay? "
"Yeah. Thanks Nick. "
"Nah. Don't sweat it. That's what I'm here for"
"Seriously. You are like the brother I never had"
"And you are like a sister I would have loved to grow up protecting. I'm sure I would have aced it"
"Yeah sure " I say with a small smile
"No seriously. Look at this face. Who wouldn't be scared of it" he says while trying to look scary
"Oh I'm so scared " I say sarcastically
"You should be" he replies with a huge grin
"Yeah yeah "
"Okay. Eat up. " he commands while standing up and handing me the plate with food
"Thanks "
"Should I stay or... " He points to the door
"Im sure you are tired. You can go. I'll be just fine "
"Okay" He says and gives me a kiss on my forehead
"Night Kat "
"Night 'big brother '" I say smiling. He laughs and leaves the room. I put the food on the bed and fetch my earphones and phone. I connect it and start playing Between the Bars by The Civil Wars on repeat. It's the only song that can calm me down.
After finishing my food which was really good I remove my earphones and make my way downstairs to put my plate in the sink. It's only when I reach the stairs that I realise that I'm barefoot because the floor was so cold. I walk into the dark kitchen which really doesn't bother me so I do not turn on the light and put my plate in the sink when the light comes on and I jump. I turn around to see Christian standing by the doorway looking very sexy..
What! Since when is Christian sexy? My subconscious interrupts my train of thought
Since now! Like really, look at the man!
As I was saying, looking very sexy with his tie and jacket gone, cuffs undone and three of the top buttons undone, his hair raffled and might I add, looking rather livid.
"What was that Katherine? " he shouts angrily as he walks closer to me and I start walking past him. He grabs my wrist
"Dont you dare walk away from me"
"Or what? " I challenge
"Katherine way do you always have to get the attention.?" he asks angrily again. So just to fit in this angry fest, I also get angry
"What do you mean? "
"What was the meaning of what you did tonight? " I stay silent
"Answer me! "
"Dominic is not a topic I want to repeat again okay! "
"What do you mean by ' repeat again '?"
"I mean that I already vented to someone already. So I don't want to do it again, never mind with you" There is a quick flash of hurt which quickly disappears as it came.
"Who did you talk to? "
"Nick "
"Oh right. It's always Nick. You two are as thick as thieves. And how do you know Dominic? "
"Like I said, he is a topic I don't want to discuss "
"Oh but you could discuss it with Nick? " He says angrily again. Oh here we go again.
"Where is he anyway? " I ask really not wanting to answer Christian's question
"He left to go fetch Sophia and Elle. I left them at the restaurant when I was done talking to Dominic and I came back to deal with you. Nick left about 20 minutes ago. And stop trying to avoid the question. Answer me. Do you prefer discussing it with Nick? "
"Yes" I say with a sigh
"And why couldn't you talk to me? "
"Because you... and Nick is...." I try to give him a logical reason but I can't. Why is it bothering him so much that I prefer Nick?
'You idiot. Can't you see he is clearly jealous?'
"Wait are you jealous? " I ask with a huge grin. He looks taken aback. His grip on my wrist hardens. I try to remove it but he's too strong. His grip suddenly lessens and I get out of it.
"Im not jealous "
"Yes you are. " I start laughing
"I. " he takes a step towards me which in return I take one back
"Am" he steps forward, I step back
"Not " Forward, Backwards
"Jealous " he says and takes a huge step forward and I take a huge one back then I hit the wall. He traps me and holds both of my hands above me. And stupid me, doesn't fight him
"Why would I be jealous when I have you right here? " He asks with his now husky voice. This has just gone from a zero to a hundred quickly and I kinda like it
"Huh? Why would I be jealous when I can take you right now? " his free hand start roaming at the side of my body and my breath hitches when his hand goes under my shirt and comes in contact with my skin
"Why? When I have you all to myself " His hand reaches my stomach and slowly starts going higher. Then suddenly stops just below my breasts, his gaze never leaving mine. He looks at me and slowly starts to lower his head. Our lips are a few centimeters when I hear a car hoot. He doesnt even flinch, he just keeps looking at my mouth and he dips his head and starts kissing my neck slowly
"Christian" I say breathlessly. The thought of Nick and the wives finding us in this postion really scares me. It looks bad. Christian is still kissing my neck slowly, my soft moans, one of my hands around his neck which he released a few seconds ago my fingers running through his hair and slowly tugging it which earns me a couple of grunts from him, his hand still just below my breast while one holds my other hand still and my legs around his waist. Wait! When did that happen? When I hear the wives talking loudly just outside the door I hesitatly push Christian away. Our eyes look again and if I stay longer I might do something I'm going to regret. I untangle my legs from his waist, still not looking away from his intense gaze. When my feet touch the floor I step away from Christain and fix my clothes. He turns around and looks at me again, no words are said as I give him one Iast look and leave the kitchen. I pass the wives and Nick but what happened in the kitchen is still replying in my mind, from his touch to his kisses
'What the fuck just happened?'
'I don't know'
I rush to my room with one main thought
'I might need a cold shower '

Soooo Uh that last scene was never suppose to happen but it's 23:50 pm soo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We are at 231 reads (last time I checked). Yay. Thank you thank you thank you!
Have a fuckin awesome day

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